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Saved For Revenge

Saved For Revenge

Oluwatosin Rhoda


Rose Dom life became a threat when her father remarried years after her mother's death, she decided to use marriage as an escape to finally leave our abusive stepmother and step sister who hated her because they see her as a threat to their plans, her father never supported her and that made it more worse for her. A year after escaping she caught her husband in bed with our step sister Sandy and her mystery began. She was accused of the deaths of her father shortly after she decided to reconcile with our father. She was imprisoned and faced death threats, which led to the death of her lawyer Beauty who took up her case after she found out she was innocent. She had to take Beauty's face and identity after her death to get revenge for her father's death and Beauty's death. Did her plans with Thomas Beauty's husband work? Did she finally get her revenge using Beauty's identity? Did Thomas and Rose's feelings for each other make them stronger?

Chapter 1 Rose

Julie and Rose walked into the cafe. It was their favorite cafe in the country. They serve the best coffee, bake the best cake, and other snacks.

"An expresso with a strawberry cake." Rose placed her order with a smile, clutching her Prada bag to her right hand as she was left-handed.

"Same order," Julie muffled from behind. Rose turned to her, and they both chuckled. "Do you always have to make the same order?" Rose asked jokingly.

"Yes, you make the best choices, and, as your best friend, I also want to make the best choices, which means I have to do whatever you do." As we walked toward the chair, she cheered.

They sat together, talking and laughing.

Julie and Rose are best friends; Julie's father works in Rose's father's company; they are also friends, so you could say they are living after their father's legacy.

"By the way, how are things at home? Is Sandy still a thorn in your flesh?" Julie asked, worry latched on her face as she gazed at me.

Rose lifted my upper lips for a short smile. "Well, I am pretty much used to it now," I answered, with a hint of sadness written all over my face.

"Seriously, you shouldn't be used to such treatment; you are the true daughter of your father; she is just your stepsister; she doesn't have as much as you do; why can't you just tell your father all the things she does to you?" Julie nagged, a frown plastered on her face.

Rose scoffed, "I can't do that." She mumbled.

"Why not!" she whined.

"After my mom, my father was devastated; he was broken, and your father could attest to it. He was a mess, but Louisa and Sandy gave him the hope and light my sister and I could not give him because we were constantly reminded of our mom. He was happy after he married Louisa, so you want me to go tell him that the woman who makes him happy makes me miserable? I'd rather live with it till I find the perfect man to marry and leave the house," I answered.

My mother was my father's best friend; they loved each other, and She swore that whatever man She eventually married, She wanted to have what they had with my husband. But when her mother died, her father was driven to the edge; he lost almost everything, including his company. Rose's sister Lily and her were disgusted by him; he didn't want to see them or talk to them, and he didn't care about himself either. Louisa, their stepmother, then came into the picture, helping her father rise back on his feet and get a hold of himself.

Louisa was kind and charming to Lily and Rose from the beginning, but after her father married her, she revealed her true color, mostly to Rose, because She was obviously the threat.

Rose was book smart and street smart, making it simple for her to come up with ideas that could save the company, but of course, Louisa took the ideas like they were hers and gave them to Rose's father.

After her mother's death, Rose's father and Rose were not so close, so she could not tell him that she was the one who owned the ideas Louisa gave him.

Rose wanted so much to become a lawyer, but she had to give up on that dream so she could help her father in his company, which he built with her mother. It was the only memory Rose and her sister Lily had of her, and she was going to protect it.

As for Louisa and Sandy, Rose does not give a damn what they think. As long as she finds a man to marry, their bullying will be over, and she believes she will be happy with her sister and family.

"And have you found this lucky man who will sweep you off your feet and take you away from your evil stepmother and stepsister?" Julie teased.

Rose burst into laughter. "You must really love fairy tales, and no, I haven't found him yet, but soon enough, I will find my prince charming," she muffled.

"Your coffee is ready," the waitress at the desk said.

She got up to pick out the order and said, "Thank you." Rose muffled, paid the waitress, and turned to leave.


A man bumped into Rose, spilling her coffee and staining her expensive shirt.

"Ouch!" She cried out as a drop fell on my hands.

"Oh my goodness, I am so sorry. Please forgive me. I sincerely apologize. I didn't watch where I was going. I'm sorry." As he paraded, the man apologized sincerely, trying to get a wipe to clean the coffee that spilled on her hand.

"It's okay," she muttered, knowing it wasn't intentional.

He stood up, looking pitiful and worried. His worried face made him look so cute, his brown eyes slightly filled with tears; it seemed he could tell my shirt was expensive, and judging by his simple outfit and his little chaps, he might not be able to get me a new pair, and worry latched on his face.

"It's fine; it's fine," Rose assured him.

"I feel bad, though. Is it okay if I pay for the dry cleaning? There is a shop just down the street; we could get it cleaned up there. I'll pay for it. I have to do this for my peace of mind," he said to me calmly with his hands clasped together.

Her lips parted. She turned to Julie, who nodded for her to go with him.

"Okay," she said, turning to him.

Rose left her bag with Julie, took her phone, and walked down the street to the laundry with him. While She was taking off her shirt, Patrick gave Rose his shirt to change into.

They sat by the bench, waiting for it to get ready.

"I'm Rose," She said, smiling. "You?"

"Oh, Patrick," he answered.

"Can I call you Rick?" She asked cutely, and a cute smile on his face blushed.

They exchanged numbers after her blouse was ready. Patrick and Rose became phone buddies; they talked every morning, noon, and night. He understood Rose and cared for her.

He invited her on a date after a month of talking, and they went to a local Chinese restaurant that served the best dumplings in the country. Rose enjoyed herself, and he asked her to be his girlfriend, and of course, Rose agreed happily.

Patrick was different from all the rich, young, spoiled brats that her father had tried to hook her up with since she finished college last year. Patrick was hardworking; he knew what he wanted and worked hard to get it.

Patrick and Rose's love keeps growing every day. He helped her with good advice, and She could tell he was her true prince charming, who she had been waiting for so long for. Patrick helped her forget about her worries at home.

Their relationship turned into weeks and months, and finally, it's official that they have been dating for a whole beautiful year.

It was finally their first anniversary, and Rose was so happy. She pretty much didn't care about Louisa and Sandy or the treatment they were giving her at home anymore; Patrick's love was enough to make her forget any awful treatment that she had going on in her life.

"Ricky, baby!" She called him as she arrived at the amusement park, where he wanted them to celebrate their anniversary, because Rose had told him she hadn't visited since her mother died.

"Thank you so much," She muffled, nearly weeping in his arms.

He laughed, wiping away her tears. "I love you, and I want to make you happy, and this is one of the ways I intend to do that," he said with determination, and I nodded.

They went on all the rides, ate ice cream, rode the roller coaster, played with water guns, and did a lot of fun things. It was so much fun for us, especially Rose, it meant a lot to her.

It was finally their last ride. Patrick and Rose entered late, the stars were out, and the park lights enhanced it.

They sat opposite each other, watching as the fireworks came on, a smile plastered on her cheek as it was so beautiful. It was going to be a memorable anniversary. Just as she was about to look away, Rose saw something strange in the sky. She tilted her head for a better look.

"Marry me, Rose" was written boldly in the sky with the fireworks. She turned to Patrick instantly, and there he was on his knees with a ring in a box placed before her eyes.

"Marry me, Rose."

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