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Under The Influence

Under The Influence



"Ah... yes, I can hear it". He said his velvet voice a lustful whisper . "H-hear what?". She asked her voice a whisper plea. "Your body language. It speaks to me". He said as he licked his middle finger.. she realized what he was about to do. "No no no don't, it wasn't part of the deal". She said, Meet Axel, a ruthless mafia boss who rules with an iron fist. He has it all: power, wealth, and women at his beck and call. But there's one thing he lacks: love. That is, until he meets Sophia Grace, the daughter of a gambler who owes him a debt by putting his daughter as collateral.. When her father fails to pay up, Axel comes to collect his prize: Sophia herself. To save her father's life from ending at the hands of Axel, she had to go with him. Sophia is forced to become Axel's "pet," his plaything, and his sex doll. But as she spends more time with him, she begins to influence him in ways he never thought possible. *Will Axel fall for Sophia's charms?* *What dangers will Sophia face in Axel's world?* *Can Sophia overcome her hatred for Axel and develop feelings for him?* Dive into the steamy romance and find out!


Sophia Grace's ordinary pizza run took a dark turn when she realized her dad's strange behavior was more than just paranoia. As she walked home, the evening shadows cast a sinister glow over the quiet neighborhood, and the trees seemed to lean in, as if listening to her every thought. She slowed her pace, her eyes scanning the empty streets as if searching for answers. Why had her dad had to tell her to go buy pizza when he can just order some and have it delivered at home, he even insisted she take her sweet time, and why did he seem so nervous about a simple pizza run?

The pizza box felt heavy in her hands, weighed down by a sense of unease. She approached her house, noticing two black cars with tinted windows parked outside. Her heart began to race as she realized they didn't belong to her dad or any of his friends.

"Daddy, I'm home! I got the pizza..." her voice trailed off as she entered the house, she suddenly drops the pizza as her eyes met with a chilling sight. Her dad knelt on the floor, a gun pressed against his forehead, his eyes wide with fear. The room was silent, except for the sound of her own heartbeat pounding in her ears.

"Well I'll be damned". The guy pointing the gun on her father's forehead said as he smirked surprisingly irritated.

"Daddy!?, You old liar! You told me your daughter died with your wife a year ago. But here she is, alive and well!, huh old man?". He asked pushing the gun further to his head as if ready to pull the trigger.

"N..no sir Adam, it's just my neighbour's daughter, she usually calls me 'daddy' sometimes". He stammered, his voice laced with desperation. Sophia seemed confused as to what was going on.

"Daddy, what are you talking about, who are these men?" She asked, her voice trembling.

"Shut up! Just go back to your house". He yelled, her father's eyes pleaded with her to stay silent. Sophia was so shocked and dumbfounded, but Adam's gaze locked onto her like a predator.

"Oh I see, she's not your daughter right?, so I can shoot her for her sudden interruption then". Sophia's eyes widened in terror and her feet seemed rooted to the spot as Adam's gun swiveled towards her. Her heart froze, her breath caught in her throat.

Her father's face turned ashen.

"No no no, am sorry, I lied. She's my one and only child, please don't shoot her, I beg of you. If I could only just speak with boss Axel.." he pleaded bowing his head to the ground. Adam became furious. How dare he mention the boss's name.

"What did you say!". Adam yelled in anger as he kicked him on his stomach and pointed back the gun at his forehead.

"No..Daddy!" Sophia yelled as her eyes started brimming with tears.

"Do you think the boss have the time to see you, you useless..." Adam's words were cut short as the door burst open, and a tall, imposing figure strode in, it was the boss, Axel Vanderbilt. His every step commanding silence, his aura oozing an authoritative presence, his piercing gaze swept the room, his eyes lingering on Sophia's father before settling on Adam. His deep voice resonated through the space, even Adam, his bodyguard he personally handpicked that has been serving him for many years now seemed taken aback by the boss's sudden arrival.

"What the hell is the hold up, how long does it take to collect a debt from this old geezer or put a bullet in his head if he refuses to pay, huh Adams?" The air seemed to vibrate with tension as he drew on his cigar, the scent of smoke filling the room. He was done waiting in the car, in fact he shouldn't be here at all, he should be spending his precious time in his bar gambling and enjoying his time with the ladies instead of coming to this old fool's place to collect debt.

"He's refusing to pay up, boss," Adam sneered, his eyes gleaming with malice.

"Well then, Let's teach him a lesson he'll never forget. We've got better things to do than waste our time on this deadbeat."

Axel said as he turned to leave, his long black coat billowing behind him like a dark cloud.

Sophia's father bowed as he pleaded, his eyes brimming with tears. "Please, Boss Axel, mercy! Just one more chance, I beg of you!"

Axel's expression turned glacial, his voice dripping with disdain.

"Mercy? You dare ask for mercy? I've had enough of your excuses, old man. Instead of a year, I generously gave you an extra month to scrape together my money, and still, you come up empty-handed. You should be grateful I'm granting you a quick death instead of a slow and agonizing torture. Adam, take care of this pathetic excuse for a man, I ain't got all day."

Adam's gun clicked into place, the sound echoing through the room like a death knell. Sophia's heart raced as Adam's finger tightened around the trigger...

"Please don't". Sophia finally managed to speak, her plea was a gentle whisper, a soft caress on the ears of the ruthless Axel. The words hung in the air like a delicate flower, its petals trembling with vulnerability. Axel's gaze faltered, his stride halted mid-step, as if the melody of her voice had ensnared him.

"Who said that". he demanded, his tone laced with a hint of curiosity. His eyes scanning the room with a hint of confusion, but all he could see was the faces of his men that blurred into the background.

"Behind you boss". Adam's response was a gentle nudge, a whispered secret. He turned around.

His eyes locked onto hers as his heart beat louder than usual, just a single drum that gave him shivers. His eyes opened wildly as his heart, once a cold, calculated machine, now raced with a rhythm he'd never known before.

What is this feeling?, this has never happened to me before, am I sick or something?. No, it's her, he thought. It was as if her golden hair had ensnared him, her statuesque beauty captivating his every thought. His gaze devoured her, lingering on the curves of her body, the gentle sway of her hips, the soft folds of her short jeans. Scenarios played out in his mind of what he could do with her, tantalizing and yet forbidden. Am seeing her!, I mean am looking at her!, I want her and I'll get her, Axel thought as he smirked devilishly.

"You... come here this instant" he said gesticulating with his index finger.

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