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Ozilla Gold


What do you think will happen when a Triad Prince falls in love with a Yakuza Princess during a mission where he's been tasked to kill her. Do you think these two Mafia organizations will put aside their differences and prepare a wedding? Or is this going to be another Romeo and Juliet gunblazing Mafia scene? And what will happen to these two killers turned lovebirds? Who will their loyalty lie to? To their families? Or to each other. When Duty calls, you must go, when you've made a promise, you have to Honor it.. but what if to achieve success, you have to betray everyone you ever cared about... HONOR AND BETRAYAL!

Chapter 1 Preparation

In a manor, heavily guarded by men in japanese samurai style, a crisp sound of heel shoes knocking against the tiles could be heard in the inner hall.

Akira Nakamura, clad in black spandex and armed with two katana swords, strode into the hall with confidence. The seven middle-aged men seated around the round table looked up, their eyes fixed on her with a mix of curiosity and respect.

Akira stopped in front of the eldest man, her father, Kenji Nakamura, and bowed deeply.

"Otō-sama, konbanwa." (Father, good evening.)

Kenji Nakamura, the leader of the Yakuza, nodded slightly, his eyes never leaving hers.

"Akira, konbanwa. What brings you to this meeting?"

Akira straightened, her eyes locked on her father's.

"I've received intel that the Triads are moving goods through our territory. I request permission to intercept them, otō-sama."

The room fell silent, the only sound the soft hum of the tea kettle. Kenji's expression remained impassive, but his eyes narrowed slightly.

"What kind of goods?" he asked, his voice low and even.

"Artifacts, otō-sama. Valuable ones. If we can intercept them, it would be a significant blow to the Triads' operations."

Kenji's gaze lingered on Akira for a moment before he nodded.

"Very well, Akira. You have my permission to intercept the Triads. But leave none of them alive. We cannot show weakness."

Akira's eyes flashed with determination. "Hai, otō-sama. I will not disappoint you."

Kenji's expression softened slightly, a hint of pride in his eyes.

"I know you won't, Akira. You are my daughter, after all."

The tension in the room dissipated, and the men around the table nodded in agreement. Akira bowed once more, her heart racing with excitement and a hint of fear. She knew the risks, but she was ready to prove herself as a worthy member of the Yakuza.

With her father's permission, Akira left the manor, her katana swords at the ready. She knew the Triads would not go down without a fight, but she was prepared to do whatever it took to protect her family's honor and territory.


Akira walked out of the hall, her mind focused on the mission ahead. She headed towards the training ground, where she knew she would find the best men for the job. As she entered the training ground, she saw her brother Taro, who was sparring with several men. She approached him, her eyes scanning the area.

"Akira, what brings you here?" Taro asked, pausing his training.

"I need to select a team for a mission," Akira replied, her eyes scanning the men.

"I want the best, Taro. Who do you recommend?"

Taro nodded, understanding.

"Let me show you."

He led Akira to a group of men who were training in sword fighting. Akira watched, her eyes narrowing as she assessed their skills.

"Who's the best among them?" Akira asked Taro.

"That would be Kaito," Taro replied, pointing to a tall, muscular man with a scar above his left eyebrow.

"He's been with us for five years and has proven himself in battle."

Akira nodded, impressed.

"I'll take him."

Next, Taro led her to a group of men practicing hand-to-hand combat. Akira watched, her eyes fixed on a lean, agile man with a menacing grin.

"And who's that?" Akira asked, her eyes locked on the man.

"That's Shinji," Taro replied.

"He's quick on his feet and can take down opponents with ease."

Akira nodded, adding Shinji to her list.

She continued to select men, each with unique skills that would be essential for the mission. Finally, she had her team of ten men, including Kaito, Shinji, and eight others.

"Let's move to the planning room," Akira said, leading her team to a secluded hall.

Once inside, Akira began to outline the plan.

"We'll ambush the Triads at the old warehouse on the outskirts of town. We know they'll be transporting valuable artifacts, and we need to intercept them."

"We'll need to be stealthy," Kaito said, his eyes narrowing.

"The Triads won't go down without a fight."

"I agree," Shinji added.

"We should split into two teams, one to take out the guards and the other to secure the artifacts."

Akira nodded, impressed with their input.

"Exactly. Kaito, you'll lead the team to take out the guards. Shinji, you'll lead the team to secure the artifacts. The rest of you, you know your roles. Let's get to work."

The men nodded, their faces set with determination. Akira knew she had chosen the right team. Together, they would take down the Triads and bring honor to the Yakuza.

With the plan in place, Akira and her team set out for the old warehouse, ready to put their skills to the test.


In a manor far from the Yakuza territory. The Triads territory. They took more of the western style than the Yakuza who felt it's only right to keep their ancient customs alive.

Jian Li, dressed in black spandex and armed with two Desert Eagle handguns, walked into the warehouse with a sense of purpose. He approached the head of security, a burly man with a scar above his right eyebrow.

"Victor, we need to talk," Jian Li said, his eyes scanning the warehouse.

Victor looked up from his clipboard, his expression serious.

"What is it, Jian?"

"The Yakuza might launch an attack on us," Jian Li said, his voice low and even.

"We can't take any chances."

Victor snorted.

"Those Japanese dogs don't stand a chance against us. We have the best security in the business."

Jian Li's eyes narrowed.

"That's exactly what I'm worried about. Overconfidence. We can't afford to let our guard down, not even for a moment."

Victor's expression turned serious, his eyes locked on Jian Li's.

"Don't worry, Jian. I'll make sure the artifacts are safe. We'll have extra men on guard, and our trucks will be armored."

Jian Li nodded, his eyes still scanning the warehouse.

"Good. But just to make sure everything goes smoothly, I'll be going with you to deliver the goods to our client."

Victor raised an eyebrow. "You think that's necessary?"

Jian Li's smile was cold.

"I don't think it's necessary, I know it is. Our client is paying top dollar for these artifacts, and I want to make sure they get what they paid for."

Victor nodded, his eyes respectful.

"Alright, Jian. You're the boss's son. If you want to go, I won't stop you."

Jian Li's eyes flashed with determination.

"Good. Let's get moving. We have a long drive ahead of us."

With that, Jian Li and Victor began to finalize the preparations for the delivery. Little did they know that Akira and her team were already on their way to intercept them, setting the stage for a deadly confrontation that would change the course of their lives forever.

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