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Once upon a Villainess

Once upon a Villainess



(BEFORE YOU JUMP IN) This is a dark fantasy, reverse harem, romance is secondary. The focus will be mainly on world-building and character growth. Sexual content is included. Once it is your cup of tea, please help yourself to the read. - - - - Ever met some fool who was reborn? Or transmigrated? Ever met some fool who wanted to make you suffer but you had to counterattack like a boss? Like make them think it was merely a dream and they were crazy...their world that they believed would be perfect had crumbled and fallen before them? Ah~ Wonderful. I a villainess should laugh on a side like the dutiful side character watching a movie. Right? No! Wrong! I want to immerse myself in this play until all those within bow down in terror. Even though I am the Villainess, my wish is to claim my males so they can worship me as the goddess that I am, and that one who covets should continue to but also be tortured.

Chapter 1 Never been favored

"You have seen what occurred, she has–" a roar echoed. "I have never been your favored child. Never been worthy in your eyes. I have died and killed, punished, and imprisoned. Mother, I am still confused here and wish to be enlightened; that second-hand creation dubbed my sister. How is she worthy of me? I killed her that time because she dared to have thoughts on this small one. Was I not, right? As a Kazmetik-kin, am I not, correct?! Those who are unworthy of us should bow down or die.

They should never show arrogance to their betters." Villaina from the darkness, felled her gaze on her mother. Lady Kosmah, her creator, mother... Many are unable to see her form and even when they do, they fear her. As for Villaina, she had long stopped fearing this female. She is not worthy of her fear. Dying and living, living, and dying. The cycle seems to be endless until that side got her happy ending and with her two offspring.

How is a thief worthy?!

What mother would not be enraged?

She was enraged, she wanted to Rampage and kill, yet she stopped her, this female that claimed to love her.

She had been so close but she was imprisoned!

"Mother, am I really your offspring?" Villiana questioned softly, voice breaking. "You cannot kill her." Lady Kosmah replied in a whisper, barely heard, eyes a bottomless black, face blurred unable to tell her true visage.

Villiana suppressed the rage to speak clearly, heartbroken for her precious daughter and poor son.

Yet, she just could not swallow such a breath.

"Why? She is the soul that caused the death of my mates, and unborn young!" A low snarl burgeoned the lengthened of her throat escaping through her maw, which exposed a mouth filled with ivory canines tinted in blood red. "I want my mates back. They did only what any mate will do for their own female." Villaina demanded she could already scent them from where she dwelled and knew dear mother Kosmah had made up her mind. Honestly, living or dying now, once again, she did not care anymore. "You should rest. You have done enough. She had paid enough." Lady Kosmah slanted her eyes looking at her cub. She knew her pain, understood her, but she has her own plans for this cub, who had suffered so. A growl broke the silence, disturbingly loud.

"Paid? Mother, you chained me and forced me to suffer for so long. My mate had his soul fractured further...What else can I do but to wipe her seven souls from existence?"

"You cannot. She has suffered enough." Lady Kosmah said in reply immediately after.


She is a thief, she stole half her life, her mates and offspring!

She should be wiped from existence and all memory!

The beast's gaze shifted, becoming icy and filled with seething malice, deep disgust, and intense hatred as it lunged forward with terrifying speed and force.

Lady Kosmah caught the beast slamming her down. The vast void trembled with an unsettling intensity, its powerful force reverberating through the fabric of several interconnected worlds and ultimately leading to their gradual collapse beneath the strain of its influence.

Lady Kosmah, this is the original from that one she had seemingly favored. She had wanted to kill it as well, but she had to be a mother to stabilize that area. It hurt her so much to help the one who caused her offspring such pain, but it had to be done. Brainwashed herself until everything was in place. Young always have to learn through hardship.

The beast rose quickly, shaking herself and baring her fangs. Even though Lady Kosmah loves her offspring, she is selfish and ruthless enough to kill them if they are a threat to her. This one especially she had forced to accept everything done to her but she will never allow her to get away from daring to attack her. "It is hard to believe, but what we are, I am not worthy. I never was. From birth, I suffered, and they saved me. But mother, you, what did you do? During the first battle, I killed her and was punished, she was given another chance and me? Mother... you trapped me in that place to relive the lives of the unworthy!" She roared, ears flat on top her head the tails behind her lashed like furred clouds behind her because of her despairing fury. Lady Kosmah herself watched this daughter, feeling slight pain.

The torn expanse of reality laid bare an enormous male entity, his form towering and imposing, adorned with five wandering, observant eyes. These eyes tirelessly scoured the vastness of trillions of worlds, each unique in its complexity, alongside countless micro dimensions, which all intertwined in intricate patterns of existence. After a lengthy search, his gaze settled firmly on two particular beings: one, a female with whom he was deeply connected and anchored to in a powerful bond, and the other, a trivial offspring that seemed to hold no real significance in the grand scheme of things.

When his eyes landed in a certain direction, he sneered.

An insignificant offspring unworthy of being watched as it was born from its shell.

One of his many hands stretched forward towards the offspring snatched it and tossed it aside. Out of sight, he used his power to strip it of the form it treasured turning into the form he knew well it despised. "She is but a newborn." He heard his anchor mate cry in their tongue. His gazes landed on her, he clawed at his chest wider than a universe and pulled out the still-beating heart, the main, and dropped it before her. She hurt so he will offer his main heart to ease her pain. Tendrils of power drifted from her to it, absorbing it healing the scarred wounds only a mother of her kind can have. "Your pain is our pain. Our offspring are nothing when compared to you." He said gathering her tiny form to him. She allowed him. He had been prepared for her to fight him but she obliged. "I caused her pain,"

"She should be grateful you remember her."

"That side..."

"It is for her own good."

The male said no more but reduced his form enough so she could accommodate his copulation. With a few strokes in key areas, he entered her, closing his eyes to enjoy the many mouths from her core sucking on his length, the warmth and tightness. With three quick stabs and one slow he brought her to her peak and beyond, joining with her for a long time before he walked through universes reaching their home. There he laid her beneath him where he could continue stroking into her tightness.

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