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Hating my billionaire husband

Hating my billionaire husband

blaq kim


Ryhs and Vivian has been best friends for more than five years. He has been her anchor, listened to her when she talked and cried. But suddenly her boyfriend broke up with her because of a man and she was kidnapped by that same man, shock is an understatement when she finds out Rhys kidnapped her. Rhys has been with Vivian because of his revenge plan, he forces her into marrying him or she loose one of her siblings. Both former friends embark on a rough journey together and fight their attraction. Vivian finds out there's more to her family behind his downfall and also finds out his families also have a hand in their destruction

Chapter 1 Anger knows


" Can you hear yourself" my father's voice was slightly raised. My brothers where all quiet and I was boiling inside" you have to find a way to fix this issue "

" Obviously seeing how clueless he is please give him some hint" Ryan says and got a look from us all, whether he was insulting our father or genuinely concerned.

" What do you want me to do" I asked barely restraining myself

" A marriage proposal was brought "

" A marriage proposal?" I stood up now i am loosing my mind" my marriage" i can't believe he is planning to make me marry

" Whose marriage?, mine?" My father raised his hands, how lucky he was to be my father . If he was another man I would have thrown a punch, firing was already in the picture. Funny what family does to you

" I am not getting married" I said between gritted teeth and walked to him making all my brothers shift in their chairs. No matter the disrespect we can never try to get physical with family. " I am a billionaire and I will do what I want"

" Well I made you the billionaire!. I made you all the billionaires you are today!" He looked at me, we never saw eye to eye. We always kept our distance and the respect no matter what but I am a grown man

"I don't care if you use to fact of being out father as an excuse to get to us, but this is my life and I am getting married to who I want . You may bring the marriage proposal but I'll decide what to do with it. If I don't want to get married I won't and you have nothing to do about it" I was breathing hard and he was also breathing hard too but I made my point clear. I turned to find my three brothers looking at us and went to my seat. My father looked at me and walked out of the room

" Ooh" jack says and they released a breathe, it has been said I looked like my father and behaved like him. Good, he'll know not to get in my way.

" What are you going to do" Ryan says taking the opposite seat from me

" What do you want me to do, I got the news not up to five hours ago and your father called a meeting without letting me know" I was more than pissed and they could feel it. Normally people were scared of me even though I wasn't the oldest, our eldest brother Finn was a demon. He has never smiled since I knew him, he rarely says a word and when he does no one goes against it. The difference between us is that I don't care about the world and go on with what I want to do. Finn thinks about consequences but in my book I give you what you deserve there's nothing like consequences. I am called the devil.

" You will get married" Finn says and the room becomes quiet. Now I can argue with my father but with Finn, he will plan my death slowly and I know not to oppose him because we are the same but anyways

" No" if a pin drops everyone will hear it. My two other brothers keep quiet taking the moment slowly

" I don't care who but a rich spoilt brat will be ok"

As much as I hate arguing with my brother I hate this idea" I said no"

" Are you gay?" I inhaled sharply as they all looked at me like they wouldn't be surprised

" The fuck?" I grunt and adjusted my tie" of course not"

" Then I see no reasons why you should oppose this idea"

" You can't just come in here and start demanding I get married, maybe you can also get engaged or married that will be enough to cover this mess"

" It's your mess" Ryan speaks up. He was the peacemaker right from when we were younger." I can get married for you then you have to step down in your position for me. I'll do it "

" What do you mean step down" I looked at him and his smile dropped

" It's a good idea" jack speaks up and we all look at him. As much as he is the playboy amongst us, he has never showed fear for us. Even when I glare at him he smiles like it is normal, he obviously took it from our mother " this happened under you and we bring options to solve it. Obviously this is something you've been dealing with for a year now and it got worse, there are a lot of businessmen daughters out there who will make a good contract for you. If you aren't ready for it, you step down and I go in and get married. Double win, I cover the mess, have a reliable partner and a woman for good sex" he winks and Ryan grunts.

" Despite his stupid comments I'll say it's a good plan" he looks at me

" Are you in or not?" I stand up taking a look at my office the view from here is great, you'll see the busy city from here"

Let's go and look for a bride " I looked at them nodding my head. It's going to take a couple of contracts to sign and a few years after all it can't be bad because I can't spend see my self spending time with anyone, ever since Eloise left my life no onenhas been able to fill in those shoes, they didn't come close in the looks, body and sex. But I am going to bear it because I can't loose the company I spent all my time and energy because I decided to take a break. I looked at my brothers and the smiles on their faces was gone, business mode activated

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