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The Billionaires Maid

The Billionaires Maid



At 22 Clarissa Monroe was betrayed by the man she loved who left her for dead. Reborn with a new identity and thirst for vengeance. She entered into the world of the billionaire Anderson's family as a maid. Her goal was to bring them to their knees. But as she gets entangled in the web of power, wealth, and lust. She discovers secrets that stand to threaten and destroy not just her enemies but also her heart. Will Clarissa choose between revenge and a chance at redemption or risk losing everything she has ever fought for? Read on to know how this story unravels.

Chapter 1 The RETURN

Setting: Anderson's palace, New York City, Clarissa ( as Erica Jones)

The Anderson's palace loomed ahead, a dark silhouette against the fading light. The sprawling estate, with its towering columns and pristine gardens, was a testament to wealth and power. It was the place I had once admired from afar, never imagining that one day I'd be stepping through its doors under a veil of deception. But that was before Damian Anderson ripped my life apart.

I adjusted my uniform, a crepe white blouse styled with a black skirt, the stark epitome look of a professional maid. My hands were steady, though my heart kept pounding together with anticipation and anxiety. This was _ the beginning of my plan. My revenge. My rebirth.

The heavy wooden doors creaked open as I approached closer, and a stern-looking butler greeted me.

" You must be Miss Erica Jones", he said ,his tone smooth and efficient .

" That's right ," I replied, forcing a smile . "I'm here for the job."

He nodded his head and gestured for me to follow .The interior of the palace has even more luxury than I had imagined . Crystal chandeliers hung from the ceiling , casting a warm glow on the marble floors . Expensive artwork adorned the walls , and the air was filled with every scent of wealth -polished wood- fresh flowers and a small hit of expensive perfumes .

As we walked, the butler began to list the rules and regulations of the Anderson household. I pretended to listen but my thoughts were somewhere else. I was no longer the naive girl who had fallen for Damian's charm. I'm here for a purpose.

Finally we reached the grand staircase that faced upwards.The butler turned to me and said "Mrs Anderson will meet you shortly to discuss your duties.

You'll find out that she runs a tight ship , and she expects nothing but perfection."

"Of Course ," I said , my voice steady . But inside, the rage of anger sparked at the mention of Isabella Anderson. The woman who had stood by and watched her son destroy my life . I am here to make sure they all pay.

He led me to a drawing room , luxurious but cold, like the people who lived here." Wait here," he instructed before leaving down the hallway .

Alone at last , I allowed myself a moment to breathe .I had done it .I was inside the Anderson's palace, and they have no idea who I really was.My fingers grazed the necklace hidden beneath my uniform, the one reminder of my past life - a life I had left behind to become Erica Jones.

The sound of heels matching through the marble floors snapped me back to the present . I straightened as Isabella Anderson entered the room , her commanding presence , she was as elegant as ever, with her endowed features and piercing blue eyes that missed nothing .

"Miss Erica ," she greeted , her voice cool but polite .

" I trust you've been informed of your duties?"

"Yes Mrs. Anderson. I'm ready to commence work immediately."

She studied me for a moment , her gaze confirmed she was assessing me.

" I value discretion and loyalty above anything else . with time you'll get to know that working for my family requires a certain finesse.Are you prepared for that ?"

"I am," I answered with hesitation, looking at her .If only she knew how prepared I really was.

"Very well then ", she said feeling satisfied . you'll always report to Mrs Mirabel, the head of the household staff. She'll assign your tasks and do not forget Miss Erica , I do not tolerate mistakes."

"Understood , Mrs Anderson ."

She gave me a curt nod before turning to leave , but not before I caught the doubt and suspicion in her eyes. Although it was brief , it was there .I would have to be careful around her . Isabella Anderson was no fool.

As soon as she left , I allowed myself a small , victory smile . The first step had been taken .I was in their midst , and soon , I would bring them to their knees.

This was more than just a job for me ; it was a mission, a battle that I intended to win.

I made my way through to the servants' quarters , where I found Mrs Mirabel , a plump, motherly woman with a no-nonsense attitude .She looked up from where she was standing as I approached her , her eyes gazing at me.

" You must be Miss Erica ," she said her tone brisk

"Mrs Anderson has high expectations .I hope you are ready to meet them."

"I am," I replied , giving her a polite smile .

She nodded , satisfied with my response .

"Good" she said, "Now follow me , and I'll show you to your quarters.

The servants' quarters were far away at the back of the palace out of sight of the main living areas .The hallway was narrowed here, the walls looking so blunt .it was a dark contrast compared to the rest of the house , but I didn't mind .This was where I belonged for now , in the shadows , unnoticed and unremarkable.

Mrs . Mirabel led me to a small furnished room.it was clean and functional, with a bed ,a wardrobe , and a small desk ."You'll be staying here," she said . "There's a Time table on the desk . Make sure you go through it and understand.

"Thank you," I said , moving inside and setting up my small suitcase on the bed . It wasn't much , but it was enough .I wasn't here for comfort . I was here for revenge.

Mrs Mirabel stood at the door for a moment , her eyes softening , " it's not an easy job working for the Andersons.," She said quietly . " But if you do your job well and keep your head down , you'll do just fine .

I nodded , understanding the unspoken warning in her words . The Andersons were not people to be messed with. But I wasn't here to mess with them .I was here to destroy them.

"I'll be fine," I assured her ."Thank you , Mrs Mirabel ."

She gave me a tight smile before turning to leave.

"Goodnight , Miss Erica . You'll start at "6 am" sharp in the morning .

"Goodnight," I replied , closing the door behind her .

Just as she left , I took a heavy sigh of relief .The first day was over , and I had successfully planted myself in the Andersons family .But this was only the beginning . There's still so much more to do .

I unpacked my luggages , setting up a few personal items on the table .A framed photo of my parents , a small box of keepsakes , and my journal .I had kept this journal for years , filling it up with my plans , my thoughts , my determination to take down the Andersons.it was the only thing that kept me sane during the long, dark years after Damian's betrayal.

I flipped open the journal to the most recent entry, dated just a few days ago .

" I'm ready .I've done everything I can to prepare for this .Now , it's time to put my plans into action .The Andersons won't know what hit them . I'll make sure they all pay for what they did to me , to my family . They'll regret the day they ever crossed paths with Clarissa Monroe."

I smiled widely as I read the words,the familiar urge for determination filled me once again .I had come this far, and I wouldn't stop until I had achieved my goal.

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