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In the dark underbelly of wealth and power, Beverly was a pawn in Reece Blackmore's game of control. His loan had ensnared her, the interest rates strangling her finances. Driven by life's challenges, Beverly was left with no choice but to borrow money from Blackmore Loan Company. A company owned by a cold, ruthless and rich Billionaire who no one messes with. A devilishly handsome billionaire with a reputation for ruthless ambition and a heart of stone. He'd stop at nothing until he gets what he wants, even if it means hurting or kîlling anyone, regardless of the relationship with you. Now, Reece offered a cruel choice to Beverly Bloomfield: pay up, become his wife, or face devastation. As he stood before her, his eyes glinting like frozen steel, his gaze piercing her soul, Beverly felt suffocated and wished she never started this. "You have 10 days, woman" His voice was a cold, calculated whisper, a hint of a smile playing on his lips, a smile that sent shivers down her spine. "Pay the debt in full, or surrender to marriage. Refuse any of these, and I'll destroy everything you hold. Your business, your home, your family... everything will burn to ashes, leaving nothing but smoldering ruins and shattered dreams." His voice was as cold as ice, his blazing eyes piercing right into her soul. Beverly's heart raced as she stared at the man before her, her mind reeling with the impossibility of her situation. How could she possibly pay back the millions she owed in just ten days? Was someone kidding her? The thought of working hard to pay back the money was daunting, but the reality of her situation hit her like a ton of bricks. She was trapped, with no escape. She thought about her struggling business, her family's dependence on her, her son and the shame of losing everything they had worked for. The weight of her predicament crushed her, leaving her breathless and bewildered. She was left with no choice, and so she managed to ask.... "And if I choose to marry you?" She asked, her voice barely above a whisper. "I'll divorce you once I've secured what I want. You'll be free to go. It's just a prison of loveless matrimony, no strings attached" Reece's gaze never wavered, his voice devoid of emotions. ***** Now, would Beverly succumb to the mercy of the merciless billionaire, or find a way to escape the suffocating grip of his power, a power that threatened to consume her very existence? Why exactly does Reece want to marry her? If she agrees to the offer, what fate holds for her? What happens when shocking dark secrets are revealed, enemies from all angles troop in, deceits and many more arise? Let's find out!!

Chapter 1 A Cruel Choice.



A black luxury car glided into the company's parking lot, its tinted windows reflecting the sun's rays like a mirror.

As a figure stepped out, his tall, broad frame exuded an aura of confidence and wealth. His chiseled features, chiseled jawline, and piercing blue eyes seemed chiseled from granite, radiating an air of authority. His tailored black suit, crisp white shirt, and black tie seemed to shimmer in the sunlight, screaming riches.

It was non other than the well known ruthless billionaire, Reece Blackmore. His name alone sends shivers down people's bodies.

As he strode towards the building, journalists immediately swarmed around him, microphones and cameras at the ready.

"Mr. Blackmore! Mr. Blackmore! Can you comment on the rumors about your company's financial struggles?" One journalist asked, her voice shrill with excitement.

"I'm aware of the rumors. And I'm here to address them." Reece's gaze swept over them, his voice cold and detached.

"Is it true that your companies, especially the one here, are facing bankruptcy, Mr. Blackmore?" A male journalist pressed on. "Is this why you've come to the country, to salvage what's left?" He added.

Reece's eyes narrowed, his tone icy.

"We're facing challenges, yes. But we're taking measures to rectify the situation. I suggest you focus on facts rather than speculation." Yet again, he replied in an icy tone, seemingly uninterested in whatever information the journalist wanted to get from him.

He was used to this, anyway. Whenever he's back to the country, and once everyone hears that he's back, especially the journalists, that was what always happened.

"But what about the reports of financial mismanagement and debt accumulation?" Another journalist asked, her eyes skeptical.

"We're dealing with it. Next question." Reece's gaze turned glacial, walking away.

The journalists tried to keep up with the pace as they continued to pepper him with questions, but Reece's responses remained curt and frosty, his demeanor unwavering.

As the impromptu press conference drew to a close, he turned to enter the building, his entourage following closely behind, his presence seeming to leave a trail of frost in its wake.

As the journalists dispersed, Reece's guard, Max, turned to him.

"Sir, we need to get you to the meeting. The board is waiting." Reece's guard, Max, turned to him and said as the journalists dispersed.

"Let's get this over with." Reece nodded, his expression unyielding.

They walked through the building, with Reece's presence commanding attention from the employees they passed.

Many of them couldn't believe he was back to the country already. This must be a serious case, many of them thought.

Looking up, his office was a testament to his success, the view from the top floor overlooking the city. It was a beauty to behold.

The boardroom was tense, as Reece walked in, the directors' faces somber. Reece took his seat, his eyes scanning the room.

"Let's get to it," He said, his voice firm and serious.

The CEO, James, cleared his throat before he began.

"Mr. President, we need to discuss the financial situation. The debts are mounting, and....."

"I know the situation, James. What's the plan?" Reece raised a hand, cutting James off with his eyes cold.

James swallowed hard and hesitated before speaking again.

"We need to restructure, sell off some assets, and...."

"I don't pay you to tell me what I already know. I pay you to fix it!" Reece cut him off again, his gaze turning glacial.

The room fell silent, the directors exchanging nervous glances. Reece's reputation for ruthlessness was well-known, and they knew he wouldn't hesitate to make tough decisions.


After the meeting with board, Reece strode through the lobby, heading to his office. His long strides eating up the distance. The receptionist, a poised young woman with a bright smile, looked up from her desk.

"Good morning, Mr. President" She said, her voice professional.

"Morning. Any messages?" Reece nodded curtly before asking.

"None, sir. But I have the latest financial reports ready for you, as requested." Ms

Shirley said.

"Good. Send them to my office, ASAP. And tell my assistant to get me the latest sales figures and market analysis. I want them on my desk within the hour." Reece spoke firmly.

"Right away, sir." The receptionist nodded efficiently.

Reece turned towards the elevators, his eyes already focused on the tasks ahead. As he stepped into the elevator, he checked his watch, his mind ticking with the demands of the day.

The doors slid open on the top floor, and he walked out into a sleek, modern reception area. His assistant, a sharp-eyed young man named Michael, looked up from his desk.

"Morning, sir. I have the files you requested ready and waiting." He announced.

"Good work" Reece nodded, his eyes scanning the room. "I want those sales figures and market analysis on my desk in the next 30 minutes. And get me a coffee, black, no sugar." He instructed before leaving.

Michael nodded, already moving to fulfill the requests. Reece turned towards his office, his mind focused on the challenges ahead.

He settled into his plush leather swivel chair as he got into his office, letting out a sigh of relief as he gazed out the window at the city skyline. He began to swivel gently, his eyes closed, savoring the moment of peace.

Just as he was getting comfortable, his phone rang, shrill in the silence. He opened his eyes, a hint of annoyance creeping into his expression. He answered, his voice firm.

"Hey, Mr. Grump fish! I didn't know you were in the country! How could you not tell me?" Kevin's voice boomed through the line, cheerful and oblivious to Reece's gruff demeanor.

"Kevin, what do you want? I'm busy." Reece raised an eyebrow, a small smile playing on his lips despite himself.

Kevin is his crazy friend, the only one that knows how to annoy Reece and drive him nuts.

But he's a very good friend of Reece. His best friend from childhood.

"Busy? You're always busy, Reece! That's why they call you the 'Ice King'! But seriously, when did you get back? We need to catch up, and I have some awesome jokes to share!" Kevin went on.

"Kevin, focus. What do you want?" Reece rolled his eyes, shaking his head.

"Okay, okay! So, I heard rumors about your company's financial troubles. Is it true? Do you need a loan or something?" Kevin asked.

"Kevin, I don't need your help. And even if I did, I wouldn't ask you. You'd probably loan me a participation trophy or something." Reece's expression darkened.

"Hey, watch it, Mr. Grump fish!" Kevin chuckled. "I'm a successful businessman, I'll have you know. And I can lend you a few bucks... or a few million... if you need it."

"Kevin, I appreciate the offer, but I think I'll pass. And if you keep annoying me, I'll make sure you lose a few balls and teeth. Capisce?" Reece sighed, his patience wearing thin.

"Ooh, the Ice King is getting testy! Alright, alright, I'll leave you alone... for now." Kevin guffawed.

As they continued to banter, Reece's assistant, Michael, entered with a tray carrying a steaming cup of coffee and a stack of files.

Reece nodded in appreciation, taking the cup and files while still on the call.

He began to juggle the files, sipping his coffee, and scanning the documents while Kevin continued to chat away. His ear pods were in, and he was multitasking like a pro.

Suddenly, his eyes narrowed, his expression darkening.

"What the heck?!" He exclaimed, his voice low and dangerous.

"Dude, what's wrong?" Kevin's voice changed from jovial to concerned.

Reece's eyes scanned the file, his mind racing. "Beverly Bloomfield still hasn't paid back her loan? That's unacceptable." Reece grouched.

"Are you kidding? Thought she has paid up already? The date is due already, isn't it?" Kevin who couldn't believe it, asked.

"What exactly does she take me for?" Reece let out a dark chuckle instead. I'll talk to you later" He told Kevin and instantly ended the call.

After hanging up, his focus was now solely on the files in front of him, his mind already racing with strategies to tackle the issue.


It was evening already, and Beverly was getting ready to lock up for the day.

She loves to close early, so she was always ready to lock up once it was evening.

She was still trying to round of everything, when an employee hurried into her small office, looking tense.

"Mike? What's the problem? Why.....do you look so tense?" She asked, and Mike breathed out.

"You have a visitor, Ms. Beverly" Mike announced, and Beverly frowned in confusion.

"A visitor?" She questioned within.

She couldn't remember anyone telling her that he/she was visiting. It couldn't even be Clarice her friend. If she was coming or was in town, she would have of course informed her. So who could that be?

Putting all the questions aside, Beverly stood up and headed out, upon reaching there, she met the last person she ever wanted to see at that moment....no, for the rest of some days or even months.

Reece Blackmore!

He was leaning on his car, with his two guards beside him, his face serious and hard as a rock.

Beverly couldn't believe it!

How in the world did he know where her ice cream shop was?

As he began to strode to where Beverly stood frozen, she could already feel the aura hanging around in the air, a smile that meant trouble and danger, playing on his face.

"Do you intent to run away with my money, Beverly Bloomfield? Or perhaps, I should loan you more money?" He said, a creepy smile on his face.

"Mr. Blackmore, I...that....."

"You have 10 days, woman!!" His voice was a cold, calculated whisper, a hint of a smile playing on his lips, a smile that sent shivers down her spine.

"Pay the debt in full, or surrender to marriage. Refuse any of these, and I'll destroy everything you hold. Your business, your home, your family... everything will burn to ashes, leaving nothing but smoldering ruins and shattered dreams." His voice was as cold as ice, his blazing eyes piercing right into her soul.

Beverly's heart raced as she stared at the man before her, her mind reeling with the impossibility of her situation.

How could she possibly pay back the millions she owed in just ten days? Was someone kidding her?

The thought of working even harder to pay back the money was daunting, but the reality of her situation hit her like a ton of bricks. She was trapped, with no escape.

She thought about her struggling business, her family's dependence on her, her son and the shame of losing everything they had worked for. The weight of her predicament crushed her, leaving her breathless and bewildered.

She was left with no choice, and so she managed to ask....

"And if I choose to marry you?" She asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

"I'll divorce you once I've secured what I want. You'll be free to go. It's just a prison of loveless matrimony, no strings attached" Reece's gaze never wavered, his voice devoid of emotions.......

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Other books by Passionatepen





"Get on the bed, raise your ass up and let me whisper something to your womb" He shamelessly said, as he sat down, nonchalantly and smiling like he wasn't the one who just spewed that rubbîsh out. "Huh? Are you màd?" She berated, her eyes burning in anger, as she felt like taking off his belt and beating the madness out of him. "Yeah, I'm mad about you. So.... "I...am...your daughter's nanny, and not a slut, you dumbass! Do you realize you have a daughter and are a father?! Don't you have any shame?" "Why should I be ashamed of feeding my little boss when he's hungry, Janella? Look, I feed him whenever he's hungry and he's right now hungry, so get on the bed" "Oh, shocks! How the hell did I end up in this spoiled, màd chu wawa dog's house? Did he hit his head somewhere? Or did someone tamper with his medulla oblongata?" Janella murmured some inaudible words to herself, as she wondered if the guy standing right before her was suddenly going màd. Janella looked up, and her eyes instantly met his. Jerome immediately flashed a smile at her, totally not bothered. Before Janella could say more.... "Would you like to see it?" Yet again, he shamelessly asked, still flashing that beautiful, but naughty smile. And as he asked, he held his belt to start unbuckling it. "What?!" Janella was shocked. She didn't know if she should laugh at the màd clown before her, or look for a cane to flog out the devil tormenting him. She didn't know! Jerome walked closer to her, but before he got very close, Janella curved her knee and kicked his d!ck. "Ooh....! I think...I think this is the day I finally...give...my life to Christ....f*uck!!!" Jerome crouched to the ground, holding his member as he groaned in pain. . . . Jerome Meyers, an incredibly handsome, crazy young billionaire dad, CEO and a college student. Yes. A CEO, but still a student, studying a one year programme which his family urged him to, since he couldn't achieve it due to what happened to him some years back. Jerome is a carefree guy who was left shattered, torn and devastated after the event that happened few years ago, which almost cost him his life. Jerome is a free spirited guy, friendly and cool He jokes and smiles a lot. You can call him a psycho, if that would best describe the way he acts. However, behind those smiles and carefree lifestyle, lie the secrets. Hiding and swimming in them, and waiting for that faithful day....until she came. Who is she? Janella Hills, a beautiful college girl living with her grandmother, and doing menial jobs to support herself. She's as crazy as Jerome. Jerome is màd, and Janella is crazy! Now, what happens when these two crazy people meet? What happens when Jerome becomes so obsessed with her that he finds it difficult to stay a day without her? What happens when things began to unravel? Dark secrets they never knew about, with enemies lurking around? What happened to him few years ago? You wanna know? Then hope in and take this ride with me.

THE CEO'S SECRETARY: Crazy Office Romance.

THE CEO'S SECRETARY: Crazy Office Romance.



Dexter Klein! A clean freak, just as his surname sounds. Only that they're two words with different spellings and meanings. Have you ever met someone who cares so much about his looks more than anything or anyone in this world? Well, meet Dexter Klein, a demigod, arrogant billionaire CEO of KLEIN'S WINERY COMPANY. A handsomely mean, cold and proud guy. A self centered cold guy, who doesn't care about anyone, but himself and his looks. Something really happened in his past that left him shattered. It tore his world apart, and made him believe that there was nothing like true love. In fact, love doesn't exist as far as he is concerned. One of the craziest and most arrogant guys you'd ever meet. To him, love is the stupidest thing anyone could ever think of involving him/herself in. But all changed when she came into the picture. Who is she? Annika Wright, Dexter's high school enemy, whom he was always mean and arrogant to. But fate brought them together again, when Annika was hired as his secretary. Annika, a sweet, kind-hearted and hardworking lady, who believes in love and kindness. She's the complete opposite of Dexter. But despite their differences, Annika was determined to do her job well and not let Dexter's attitude get to her. As they worked together, Dexter began to see a different side of Annika. A side he never knew existed, and he slowly began to change. Can Dexter really give love another chance? Can love ever happen between these two enemies working in the same place? Even if it happens, would it blossom? Let's find out!

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Chapter 1 A Cruel Choice.



Chapter 2 Mr. Grouchy.



Chapter 3 Big Mistake....



Chapter 4 Her Decision.



Chapter 5 That



Chapter 6 Reece!



Chapter 7 I'm A Psycho.



Chapter 8 Kids!



Chapter 9 Liam.



Chapter 10 Holy Fuck!



Chapter 11 In His Web.



Chapter 12 Twerk For Me, Beverly.



Chapter 13 Stop It!



Chapter 14 Event Night.



Chapter 15 Confused.



Chapter 16 24 Shots Of Rum.



Chapter 17 When He Gets Mad.



Chapter 18 The Mall Saga.



Chapter 19 Learning The Hard Way.



Chapter 20 His Influence.



Chapter 21 Scheming.



Chapter 22 We Are Twins....



Chapter 23 What's going on,



Chapter 24 Cheeky Jayla.



Chapter 25 Feeling Guilty.



Chapter 26 Uncertainty.



Chapter 27 Am I Losing Her



Chapter 28 Unexpected.



Chapter 29 Cut Off.



Chapter 30 His Punishment.



Chapter 31 Naughty Kids.



Chapter 32 The Moment.



Chapter 33 Didn't Expect.



Chapter 34 Samantha....



Chapter 35 Get Your Eyes Off Her!



Chapter 36 Unexpectedly Swept Off.



Chapter 37 Embarrassed.



Chapter 38 The Bomb.



Chapter 39 Accussed.



Chapter 40 A Daredevil.
