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The Enigma

The Enigma



Elise has always been a cheerful and simple woman who grew up contentedly but a sudden turn of events made her unprepared. With her simple life disrupted to an end due to an illness, she is determined to find the cure and the secrets behind it. And meeting Harris, a knight of unknown origins was only the beggining of her exciting journey.

Chapter 1 The village

In the land of Ballor, lives a woman named Elise. In her small village where life is simple, which made her at ease and content. She was an orphan that was adopted by the whole village. With their kindheartedness, she grow up to love and grateful to this village.

The village chief, Dally, a woman bigger than average, with her towering figure of 6 feet make some of the village children fear her. Though there are rumors of her being a Valkyrie, something Elise find hard to believe. As she once saw chief scared by a mere rat, that amused her greatly.

Although not related by blood, Elise always treated the chief as her mother and mentor. Teaching her about hunting and survival skills. And at the age of 20, she was able to grow knowledge and skilled with archery being her strong forte.

Another hobby of her is reading books about herbs which she found in the office of the village chief. Although another wonder as the chief has no interest on it.

She's currently on her room reading books. On the page depict a rainbow lily, a very rare flower that although named as rainbow lily. It's color as crystal clear shade which made it hard to see as it is mostly transparent most of the day.

But as Elise was about to continue to read, she heard a booming voice of Dally,

"Elise! Come down already! We are about to prepare for lunch. "

Elise rolled her eyes in defiance but still comply replying "Coming!"

Organizing her books and putting it at the side of the table, she went out her room.

Going outside the house as she heard the commotion only to came face to face to a boar bigger than her size.

Something she got used to as her mother always brings something that can feed the whole village after her hunt every morning.

As she look at the busting crowd, with every village helping. A smile bloomed at her pink lips, with content and happiness. She moves forward with a smile as she saw her mother beckoning her.

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