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Queen Of Queens

Betrayed and divorced by the man she loves with everything and pushed to her own death, Annette Perez will fight to stay alive because of one thing: Revenge. Five years later she returns not as Annette Perez and definitely not the uneducated and naive girl they look down on but as filthy rich CEO Mariama Navarette. She is not back for business,she is back to serve revenge in a wine flute . She is back as a woman of steel ,steeze, sauce and suspense.

Chapter 1 Not Expecting This

Chapter 1: Not Expecting This

"Welcome to La Casa," the waitress said as Annette came in looking around her in amazement like it was the first time she, was coming to Earth.

"We offer the best delicacies and wine,"the waitress said. "Your husband Raphael told us that you'd be coming, so he has arranged a private lounge for both of you. "

The waitress, an average height, slender woman with a nice smile who had her hair held back in a tight bun, smiled sweetly at Annette.

"Follow me." she gestured as Annette followed her into the most expensive restaurant in all of Spain.

She took her through a wide corridor with dancing chandeliers which had golden light and then through another bend.

The restaurant was not only the most expensive, but the biggest in Spain and only the rich had the opportunity to come there.

This was the first time she had come here and just seeing this place she felt loved immediately.

Ever since she had gotten married to Raphael her life had changed for good, she had all the luxuries of life.

In fact, marrying the man of your dreams was the best thing anyone could ever wish for.

Today was their first wedding anniversary and Raphael had gone out of his way to make sure they had it in the most beautiful and amazing way ever.

She glanced down at the light blue knee-length gown she was wearing.

She clutched the envelope in her hand tightly, she just couldn't wait to tell him she passed her exams.

It was going to be a double celebration.

She was just 22 and had managed to pass through High School.

It wasn't her fault that she was leaving High School at the age when some girls were already in college.

Her parents had died in a fire accident when she was six and left her in the care of her grandmother who passed away 6 months ago.

The thoughts of Grandma Cruzita's death brought tears to her eyes, but she shook her head lightly trying to drive the tears back. This was the moment of joy and happiness, not a time to cry.

She was already too old for high school education, but she needed it and Raphael had sponsored her.

"You need all the education you have to sit with the rich." This was what he always told her.

This was one of many encouragements he had given her and she was so happy.

They finally got to the private lounge, which was indeed beautiful. It was magnificent, a place which was only befitting for an emperor.

The walls were painted a dark hue of gold and the chandelier threw out silver light.

There sitting on the table was a very expensive wine with two wine flutes.

She would bet her entire life that the wine was indeed expensive and lying close to it was a bunch of roses and a wedding anniversary card.

"Oh my goodness." She gasped "Is this all for me?"

The waitress looked at her and smiled, then nodded slowly.

"Your husband requested that all this should be brought here yesterday, and we have been looking forward to welcoming you."

She pushed the chair backward for her to sit down .

Annette smiled as she grabbed the bunch of roses and inhaled deeply.

"These are actual flowers?" she said in surprise, hitting her voice.

"Yes, of course, ma'am, they were gotten from the most expensive garden just for you."

She closed her eyes and savored the sweet smell of the flowers and engaged herself in beautiful memories.

Raphael had gone out of his way to make the wedding anniversary a memorable one.

He was the best husband anyone who ever wished for. He had stood with her through thick and thin even when his father and stepmother refused him to get married to her, and now he was doing this for her.

Tears of joy flowed down her eyes as she clutched the flower to her chest.

"Do you know I passed my High School examinations?"she said to the waitress who was smiling down at her.

"Really!" the waitress said to her, and she nodded like a baby. "Congratulations."

"Thank you." She grinned and pointed at the table." Can I have some of those?"

"Certainly,"the waitress said and poured her just a little amount.

"This is my first time drinking alcohol." She said, sounding stupid, but she didn't mind. This was another reason why Roxanna, Raphael's stepmother, hated her.

"Hope I won't get drunk. She laughed to herself and she took a sip.

"It has just a small amount of alcohol, so you won't get drunk, "The waitress explained sweetly." Do you want anything to eat while you wait for your husband?"

Annette scratched the side of her face trying to think and pushed up a stray strand of ringlet behind their ears.

"No I will wait..." But she was interrupted by the rumbling of her stomach and she felt so small and embarrassed she looked at the waitress.

"I would love to eat something nice, but I want to wait for my husband."

"All right then, just in case you need anything, you can let me know. "

The waitress said as she took her leave.

Annette leaned back on the chair, closed her eyes and smiled to herself. This was the best she had ever received.

She never knew her wedding anniversary would be this way and to think that tomorrow was her birthday.

She smiled at the thought that only God knew what Raphael would get for her.

A dress, more flowers or perhaps one of the trips he had promised her.

She just couldn't wait to tell Raphael she had graduated with high grades.

She glanced down at the wristwatch in her hand which he had given her last week, and it said 8:15 pm. She was already getting worried.

What was taking him so long, he wasn't with his father, she thought to herself.

And today wasn't a business meeting.

Or was he planning something surprising for her ?

A thousand and one thoughts raced through her head as she waited for him.

Just then she heard a sound behind her, someone walked into the private lounge. She quickly stood up, anxiety written all over her face.


But she couldn't complete her sentence as her eyes met those of someone who she never believed she would see.

"Hey, you, happy anniversary." Roxanna said

" Why are you here?" Annette asked in a small voice surprised to see Roxanna.

Roxanna sat down and gulped all the wine in the glass as she poured herself another one.

"La Casa is a popular restaurant in Spain and humans like me are expected to come around, not ghosts, so that is the reason why I'm here. "Roxanna said, smiling and picked up the card from the table.

"That is mine." Annette said in a hurry, trying to take back the card, but Roxanna waved it away.

"What do you think is in here, huh? The wedding anniversary card ?" She laughed again and waved the card before Annette's face.

" This is not a wedding card,this is a divorce note from Raphael."

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