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A liberated and trouble-maker woman, that's how everyone describes Eerrah Ferrer. Transferring to different universities in one year says a lot about her. But deep down inside her, she knows the reason why she decided to rebel against her family, and that is to catch her grandfather's attention who never treated her well. Running out of patience, Kaerraon, her father, made a difficult decision to send her to a university known for elites and people who have great connections. The only way to let Eerrah graduate and have a proper life is to put her in a group of people who love trouble as well. But it wasn't too easy for her as she needed to adjust herself with a new environment, because something is not right, the students in Empires High appeared strange to her. Violence, murder, and crimes are allowed. She realized that it's not a normal school to begin with. And adding more frustration to her new life, she found herself being caged in the arms of Primo Knights - the owner of Empires High who appeared possessive over her.

Chapter 1 1

"Pay your rent, Eerrah! I've been waiting for months for you to send the payment but you kept on declining my calls!"

"Heck," I whispered angrily when I heard the landlady's voice again.

"You kept on murmuring something, you really think I can't hear it?!" she screamed once again and even threw a wooden spoon which I quickly caught.

"I haven't found another job yet, so I can't give you--"

"You said the same thing last month--"

"Can you talk to me without raising your voice?!" I shouted loudly. She looked surprised when I burst out, causing her to immediately shut her mouth. "Where are we again?" I asked annoyed

She didn't say anything and just swallowed multiple times, still surprised about my sudden anger. Well, she can't entirely blame me for that because she's loud as hell.

"You can't ask me for a payment and dig into my money because even, I, myself can't dig. Okay? But I'll make sure to make a way. Tomorrow I'll make a way." I gestured her to leave after saying that,

I can't even stand a minute with her. She has everything that easily irritates the shit out of me.

"Just make sure that you're telling the truth, or I'll drag you--"

"Or you'll drag me out from this room dead," I said, continuing what she's about to say. For pete's sake, she said that to me a hundred times already!

"Make sure to pay me tomorrow, Eerrah. Be thankful that you're beautiful, that's why I'm giving you a chance," she said before leaving my apartment.

I quickly got up and looked in front of the mirror because of what she said.

Well, I am indeed beautiful. She didn't need to emphasize that.

I forced myself to take a bath and get dressed for school. Well, speaking about the most frustrating place in the world. I turned it into my own playground.

After taking a bath, I wore a black plain t-shirt and black jeans. I matched it with my black nike and black cap. Many people told me that I dress like I'm always attending a funeral and I didn't give a shit about what they had to say.

Afterall, they're not that relevant to me nor their opinions.

After getting dressed. I grabbed my backpack and locked the apartment. I can actually take a walk for ten minutes to school but I'm too lazy to do that. That's why I grabbed my skateboard so I could use it as a substitute for anything that sends me convenience. I twisted it around on my feet before finally riding it towards the school.

As soon as I entered the school gate, other students immediately looked in my direction.

I stepped on the end of the board to make it stand, I picked it up and carried it to my locker. All the students gave way when they saw me. Funny how I'm already wearing a cap but they can still tell that it's me.

I slipped my skateboard inside and picked up two books for my class. I looked behind me when I saw some students, I noticed I was the only one in the locker now.

"Why are you just standing there and watching me?" I asked them, they all took a step backward at the same time out of shock.

"We're just waiting for you." I felt frustration all over my body because of that answer. These guys are really cowards. I'm not even doing anything to them.

I just shook my head and closed my locker. As soon as I left they all hurriedly went to their lockers. I don't know what's running inside their minds and why they're afraid to touch nor see me, It's not like I'm going to tear them apart.

I slammed the classroom door open.

My eyes roamed inside when everyone remained silent as I went to sit on my chair.

Oh fuck it... I really hate silence. I just want noise surrounding my life.

I prepared my foot and quickly kicked the chair of the man in front of me, I immediately bowed so he turned his gaze to the man next to me who hunched over. He was taken aback when the man in front us hit him.

"You ass hole, are you trying to pick up a fight?!" I grinned mischievously when the man in front us shouted angrily. It's Eivan. The perfect man as my victim.

"What the hell are you talking about?!" Keat, the man beside me, shouted angrily.

"You think you can get away from what you did? You just kicked my chair!"

I bit my lower lip with their exchange. I'm getting bored. They should start a fight by now, what's taking them so long?

"What? I never kicked you! I was sleeping- " My mouth fell open when Eivan suddenly punched Keat, ending up knocking him down from his seat. The latter quickly stood up and punched Eivan who also fell on the ground.

They couldn't even dodge?

Keat grabbed Eivan and kicked him in the most sensitive part of his body. Heck! That's a great move! "What the fuck is your problem at the first place?!"

"You kicked my chair!" Eivan shouted angrily.

"It's not me who did such stupid stunt! It's probably Eerrah!" Keat growled and even pointed at me.

I poked the inside of my cheek using my tongue. These two are the only ones who aren't afraid of me. Their guts really anger me sometimes. They have the balls to fight back but I always win against them eventually.

"Eerrah!" I raised a brow when Eivan called my name.

"Hmm?" I asked. He was about to approach me but I quickly raised my leg and kicked him on the face.

I remained seated. My classmates shouted when he fell on the floor with his nose bleeding.

"What's the commotion all about?!" Everyone fell silent when our professor came in. And she even had some time to ask us about what's happening, as if she wasn't used to all of these.

"What is this all about again, Eerrah?" she asked me with her strict voice when she saw Eivan lying on the floor.

"I mean, you can probably tell," I sarcastically replied. I didn't budge when I answered her but she still raised a brow. I'm being honest here but she still got mad over my answer? What the hell happened to "honesty is the best policy"?

"In my office, after class!" she roared.

I was stunned by that but I'm not entirely surprised. Her office seems to be my second home. I should probably bring some of my clothes next time for a free rent.

I didn't notice how hours passed by until three classes ended peacefully.

I was planning to run away from Mrs. Gamelo but jokes on me... She's waiting for me at the door already.

"You can't escape from me, Era. Follow me!" I just zipped up my bag before following her to the office. It's quite funny how I can perfectly tell what will be the flow of our conversation.

As soon as I sat down, she looked at me seriously.

"Aren't you really going to change, Eerrah? We're doing everything we can to change you, but you're still acting like that! We promised your grandfather that-- "

"My Grandpa? He's talking to you?" I asked her curiously. "Of course. He's the one who told us to tolerate your attitude and to fix the mess you're starting. He told us not to drop you out, he's hoping that you'll graduate here. This is your last chance, Eerrah, don't waste--"

"Stop, I don't want to hear that," I cut her off. I crouched down while playing with my fingers.

For almost 3 years, he didn't even check my condition when he dragged me out of his house. And now he's hoping that I'll live a peaceful life? The hell? He doesn't have the right to order me around.

"Do you have any problem why you're acting like that, Eerrah?" I turned to Mrs. Gamelo when she spoke.

I cleared my throat. "No, isn't it obvious on my face that I don't have a problem? Also, don't talk to grandpa anymore, he's out of his mind." It's only fortunate that I can perfectly control my facial expressions to mask the sudden shift in my emotion.

"Era, you better talk to your grandfather. He has high expectations for you."

I gritted my teeth in anger upon hearing those words. High expectations? Fuck that.

"You guys are really terrible, you're expecting high standards from people and you really pressure them to reach that? Mind your own business and stop bothering other people. You don't understand me, you're not in my position to say those things," I said coldly, calming myself.

"Era, it's not what you think. Your grandfather and the professors here just want you to reach your dream--"

"Why? Are you even aware of what my dream is?" I laughed while asking that. They interfere too much with things that they should not be paying attention to.


"Then stop controlling me. Tell grandpa that I will never go back to his house," I said before leaving her office.

I took a deep breath before heading straight to the rooftop. I closed my eyes when I felt the wind hit my face. I am fearless, yes. I don't normally get scared of someone nor get intimidated by them. But when it comes to my grandfather, I always swallow the specific pride I've built up for many years.

Three years ... For three years I never felt his love for me as a grandfather. When he found out that I got kicked out of my school, he kicked me out of the mansion and threw me out like garbage. He even called me names that I will never hear from anyone. Even dad was helpless for what that old man did. Dad can't even do anything because my grandfather is really powerful and he overpowers almost everything that we possess.

Why does it need to be him? Within such a huge world and with so many responsible grandfathers, why does it have to be him? I wonder if everything will be the same if my mother is here? Would I still experience this? How I wonder what I know about her.

Afterall, I can only hope that she'll come back to make everything better. I can only hope.

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