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Carlos Maranzano a patriot and a super cops sought to end the terrorism of a deadly mafia organization called the dominos. The leader of the organization, Durato massino has never been seen. He's everywhere and nowhere! In his quest, he found out that he once belong to the same deadly organization before he was betrayed and left to die. He lost his memory in the course. They killed all his family member leaving only Karin, her sister alive who remain trapped in the den of Durato. He sought to revenge by himself, disregarding and defiling the law of the force.

Chapter 1 Vacation

Inside of a bedroom, a man spaced out through the window. He could see distance building which appears smaller in his sight because the bedroom was situated at the upper floor of a two storey building. Gentle breeze brushed on his skin reminding him that he was actually on a vacation. He is a cop, a super one who dedicated all his might to the force, nabbing dangerous criminals and putting them behind bars. Just then he felt a hand caressing his chest from Behind. A smile curled on his lips knowing who it was. He turned to see Anabelle, his pregnant wife.

Anabelle stared into his eye with hands around his waist. She is beautiful with sn attractive smiles which punctures dimples on her face whenever she smiles.

"You seems lost honey, are you thinking about work while on vacation?" She asked with a lingering gaze at him.

"They call him Durato massino." He said as an afterthought.

"Who?" Anabelle's hand left his waist.

Carlos faced the window again. "He'a a deadly criminal who seems to be nowhere." He said

"What do you mean by that honey? How can someone who exist be nowhere?" Anabelle asked curiously.

He turned to her again. " That's why he's dangerous and deadly." Carlos began. "He has never be seen, not even his shadow. The Police force had done everything trying to capture him but it was all futile."

"That's serious." Anabelle retorted and walked to the bed. She took her seat.

"Lest I forget, I'll be going for the scanning today." She changed the topic.

Carlos walked to her and sat beside her. "Is that necessary?" He smiled. "I am sure the baby will be a boy. He'll take after his father." He caressed her belly.

"What?!" Anabelle faked a frown. "She's going to surely take her mother." She smiled.

Carlos positioned his ear close to her stomach. He exclaimed. "Oh my goodness!! He's kicking like his father!" He smiled.

Anabelle punched him playfully. "Naughty boy!!" She smiled.

Suddenly, Carlos phone rang on a drawer close to the bed. He stood up and picked the call. He mailed on seeing the call is from his boss.

"Hello sir, I guess you're calling to know how my vacation is..." Carlos was saying but he was interrupted.

"Listen Carlos, you need to report to the station now!" Sheriff Maxwell voice from the phone.

"But sir, I am currently on vacation!" He looked at his wife to see her staring back at him."I can't leave my wife in this condition."

"Your wife will be taken care of! We can't loose this chance. Report ASAP!" The line went dead.

Carlos ruffled his hair haphazardly. "Damn!!" He lamented.

Anabelle approached him. "What's the problem honey?" Her voice flashed with concern.

"They need me at the station now. I think it's urgent." He said while Anabelle's face formed into a frown.

"Aren't they aware you're on vacation?" She said but Carlos never responded.

He placed his hands on her shoulder. "Listen honey, I'll come back as soon as possible. I promise!" He said and rushed to a wardrobe before his wife could say anything. He hurriedly dressed up in a casual wear-a white shirt over a black trouser with a black shoes to match.

"I love you honey. I'll be back. " He kissed her then rushed out. The revving sound of a car became the next sound heard by Anabelle. She exhaled deeply. "Work and work!" She lamented

Carlos parked the vehicle at a designated parking lot in from if the Station. He alighted and hurried inside of the station. He could see men dressed in blue shirt and black trouser working seriously on computer. Some saluted him. On his way to Sheriff Maxwell's office, his buddy, Ben meet him. He is chubby and short. Both walked side by side with thesame pace.

"What is going on Ben?" He asked without looking at him.

"I should be asking you that Carlos. You should be at home, enjoying the short vacation with your wife." Ben said.

Carlos glanced at him before both entered an elevator. " Staying at home is hell boring. No case to crack!" He smiled to his own words.

"it's better to stay boring this to be involved with the Durato massino." Ben retorted.

Carlos stared at him wondering what he meant. "What do you mean?"

"You know exactly what I mean Carlos." Ben got him more confused. Both kept quiet for a while before Ben broke it saying. "We nabbed one of Durato's men but he's not speaking. You're asked to interrogate him. Be careful man." Ben pat him on the back.

The elevator stopped. Ben was the first to step out leaving Carlos who stared at him, wondering what he meant by the statement; "Be careful."

He left the elevator and opened another door where he met Sheriff Maxwell. He was on call. Carlos stood gallantly. On the wall of the office is the frame picture of Sheriff Maxwell in a cooperate outfit and that of the country's president before it.

Sheriff Maxwell ended the call and walked to him. Carlos saluted him.

"I think your vacation will be postponed." He said on his way out of the office. Carlos follow him. "We nabbed one of Durato's men. He seems tough and stubborn. You'll be handling him. Force him if necessary." They stopped at the door of the interrogation room.

"Do your thing." He patted him and stood outside, watching them from the transparent glass wall.

The interrogation room has a long table with two chair at both end of it. A white build illuminated from the ceiling. Cameras and an invisible microchip for sound transmission was planted in the room. A guy sat on one of the chair, resting his head on the table.

"I told you am not going to say anything." The guy said without raising his head.

"You are never going to say anything but you'll say something." Carlos took his seat at the opposite end. The guy raised his head. He styled his hair like a badass and a tattoo could be seen on his neck. He was had a cuff around his wrist. He seems surprised on seeing Carlos.

"What the fuck are you doing here?! How do you survive?!" The guy asked which got Carlo confused.

"What are you talking about? Have we met?" Carlos stared at him intently.

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