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Authoress Yagazie


"Oh no! Damn!" He curses, remembering how he ripped the lady's clothes off and slipped into her honeypot with no consent. "How could I be so drunk?" A desperate choice. A chance encounter. A night that changes everything. When a young woman's world is turned upside down, she makes a risky decision that leads her to a stranger's bed. But as the masks of anonymity fall away, she discovers the shocking truth: her mystery lover is none other than the state's most powerful billionaire. Will their secret night together become a lifetime of passion... or a public scandal?

Chapter 1 Life Issues

Chapter 1: Life Issues

As she paces from right to left, her disorientation is palpable. She's been anxiously awaiting feedback from the nurses and doctors who rushed her mother to the ward for treatment.

Memories of the incident that brought them to the hospital come flooding back, and her eyes well up with tears. Her mom had suddenly slumped and fainted without warning, leaving her in a state of panic. Now, as she waits for news, the uncertainty hangs heavy in the air.

The sound of her name, 'Miss Tasha,' pierces through her thoughts, jolting her back to reality. She spins around, her movements abrupt, like a rollercoaster changing direction.

Her gaze locks onto the nurse, whose warm smile and gentle demeanor offer a sense of comfort. 'Any update?' she asks, her voice trembling with anticipation. Her ocean blue eyes remain fixed on the nurse, searching for a glimmer of hope, as her mind races with countless possibilities.

"She's fine, Tasha,' the nurse replies, but her words are tempered by a sorrowful smile.

Tasha's eyes narrow, sensing the disconnect between the nurse's words and her expression. She presses for clarity, her voice laced with concern. 'If she's alright, then why the sad smile?' she asks, her ears straining for a response, as if the answer might somehow ease the worry that's been building inside her.

The nurse's calm tone holds the weight of her words. 'For how long will you continue rushing your mother here when you know the right thing to do?' she asks, her gaze piercing. Tasha's expression crumbles, her eyes welling up with tears as she lowers her head in shame. The nurse's words strike a chord, and Tasha's body language betrays her inner turmoil.

"For Christ's sake, Tasha, your mom has leukemia. You know it, and I know it. The best option, the only option, is surgery. It's the only way to stop this cycle of suffering,' the nurse says, her voice firm but gentle.

She places her left hand on Tasha's shoulder, her eyes filled with a deep sadness that mirrors Tasha's own. The nurse's expression is a mix of empathy and urgency, as she delivers the harsh truth with compassion.

But her gaze still lingers on Tasha for a moment, her expression a mix of compassion and trepidation. She knows the news she's about to deliver will be devastating, but she must press on. 'Tasha,' she says softly, her voice barely above a whisper.

Tasha's head slowly rises, her eyes meeting the nurse's with a sense of trepidation, as if she knows that her world is about to be shattered.

With Tasha's full attention, the nurse delivers the devastating news. 'Your mother's situation has taken a dire turn. Our tests today revealed that her systems are critically weak. If she doesn't undergo surgery within the next 48 hours, she may not survive.' The nurse's words hang in the air like a death sentence, leaving Tasha stunned and speechless, her mind reeling from the heaviness of the situation.

She stands frozen, her eyes wide with disbelief, as the nurse's words echo in her mind like a dire warning. 'Tasha, you need to save your mother, or else you'll lose her,' the nurse says, her voice firm but laced with a hint of empathy.

With a final pat on the shoulder, the nurse turns to leave, leaving Tasha alone to grapple with the enormity of her decision. The silence that follows is oppressive, punctuated only by the sound of Tasha's ragged breathing as she struggles to come to terms with the devastating reality.

She remains paralyzed, her eyes fixed in a permanent stare, her hands clasped tightly across her chest. But as Mira's words suddenly thunder through her mind, she suddenly springs into action. 'Mira!' she exclaims, her voice shaking as she rushes out of the hospital.

Desperation drives her to find Mira, her only hope in this desperate situation. She hails the first taxi she sees and jumps in, her eyes scanning the road ahead as if willing the vehicle to move faster.

"'Drop me here,' Tasha instructs the cab driver as he got to her destination, her anxiety palpable as she waits for him to pull into the parking lot. She hands him a wad of cash and leaps out of the taxi, rushing towards Mira's compound with a sense of urgency.

She bangs on the door, her fists pounding against the wood as she awaits Mira's response. The door creaks open, revealing a startled Mira, whose expression changes from surprise to concern as she takes in Tasha's distraught face.

Tasha stands before Mira, her eyes brimming with tears as she utters the words she never thought she'd say: 'I'm ready, Mira. I'm ready to do it. I'll do the one night stand.' Her voice cracks with desperation, and Mira's expression changes from surprise to curiosity.

Mira's eyes narrow, trying to understand the sudden shift in Tasha's stance. She had been trying to convince Tasha to consider this option for so long, but Tasha's resistance had been steadfast. Now, Mira wonders what could have driven Tasha to this point of surrender.

"I can do it tonight, Mira. I can't let my mother die,' Tasha pleads, her desperation palpable.

Mira's words snap her back to reality, and she focuses on the sacrifice she's about to make. 'So, you're finally taking my advice and going through with a one night stand?' Mira asks, seeking confirmation. Tasha nods resolutely, her voice firm. 'Yes, Mira. I am. I'll do whatever it takes to save my mother's life."

... ... ... ... ...

"I feel so uncomfortable in this outfit," Tasha complains, her face scrunched in distaste. "It's too tight, short, and exposive. I can't believe I'm doing this," she adds, her voice laced with displeasure.

Mira shoots her a quick glare before responding in a vibrant tone, "You don't always have to be a killjoy, Tasha. Come on! You look good and sexy in this outfit."

Tasha takes one last glance at her reflection in the mirror, her unease palpable. Before she can protest further, Mira pulls her out of the room forcefully, into the night's dark cloud.

"I'm doing this for my mother," she reminds herself, trying to ease the guilt building up inside her. She already feels dirty standing by the roadside.

The evening breeze sweeps through her hair, scattering it in different angles, and she tries to hold onto the few strands she can, aligning them back into place.

"Stupid breeze!" she curses, after repeating the process for the fifth time. "How long are we going to wait for your Mr. Sweet?" she groans, frustrated, her legs aching. "My legs are aching already!" Mira only giggles before replying, "He'll be here soon, sweetie."

And just as if the universe could hear Mira's response, a fancy black jeep pulls up in front of them. The tinted window of the luxurious vehicle slides open, revealing a dark-haired man whose eyes are obscured by a dark shade.

His lips curve Into a sweet smile as he removes the shade, and Mira pouts, taking light steps towards the gigantic jeep. She places her straight, slender hand on the naked window of the car, her eyes boring into those of her lover. "What took you forever to get here?" she asks, her voice playful. "I'm sorry, babe. The traffic was something else," Eric replies, his smile soothing.

"Can we go already?" Tasha, who's clearly not enjoying the drama, intrudes. She pulls her revealing dress down continuously, trying her best to avoid eye contact with passersby, intent on protecting her image.

"Of course! Come in," Eric's voice welcomes her into the car. Immediately, she dashes into the vehicle, eager to escape the shame she's feeling. "Is she always this shy?" Eric asks, noticing her bashful behavior, his eyes sparkling with amusement as he glances around Tasha.

"We aren't here to talk about my friend, babe. Let's go to the club and have fun," Mira responds with a smile, aware of Tasha's growing discomfort with Eric's questioning.

Eric nods, and without further ado, ignites the car, merging into the bustling streets of California. The nightlife beckons, and the trio sets off towards their destination, the excitement palpable in the air.


He storms out of the meeting hall, his face dripping with sweat, anger blazing on his face like a raging fire, and his eyes red with fury. His secretary and bodyguard scurry around him like obedient dogs, waiting for the next instruction from their master. They know him all too well; delay means deadly consequences.

"This is absurd!" he exclaims, his face reddening with rage. "How can they disapprove my business proposal? I've invested all my time and effort into this! How dare they reject me?" He clenches his fists, his anger palpable.

The sudden, piercing ring of the phone cuts through the air, exacerbating his irritation. "Who dared to let that phone ring?" he thunders, his deep blue eyes scanning the room, darting from his secretary to his bodyguard, searching for a target to unleash his fury upon.

"It's me, sir," his secretary stammers, swallowing hard, her eyes wide with fear. She knows her boss's reputation and the consequences of being on the receiving end of his wrath. She's aware that deflecting blame onto someone else will only lead to her downfall, as her boss will inevitably uncover the truth.

"You're fired!" he thunders, without hesitation or consideration. The ebony-colored woman can only stare at him in shock as he walks away, leaving her to face her sudden jobless status.

"Disturbing bit*h," he mutters as he exits the massive company building. "Sir Desmond, you have a message," his bodyguard says, holding out the office phone with a bow, waiting for his master to receive it.

"A message from whom?" Desmond Edward asks his bodyguard with a scowl, the message seemingly a lifetime disturbance to him, and attending to it the last thing on his mind.

"It is from your senior brother," the bodyguard replies, choosing his words carefully. "And what does it say?" Desmond asks, already entering his car parked right outside his company, E&M COMPANY.

"It says your father wants to have a meeting with you all tomorrow," the bodyguard responds. Upon hearing this, Desmond's heart skips a beat. "What could his father want this time around?" he wonders desperately. He knows his father has never been up to any good.

"Do you want to reply?" his bodyguard asks, breaking into his train of thought and pulling him back to reality. "No, I don't have to reply to that jerk," Desmond responds in a cold, dismissive tone, and the bodyguard nods abruptly.

"Drive to the Exotic club at the end of the street," Desmond orders his driver as soon as he's settled into his car. "I need to cool my head down."

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