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The Superstars Fake Fiance

The Superstars Fake Fiance



It's normal to idolize a handsome and famous artist. However, if the person you idolize suddenly becomes your lover or partner, it must feel extraordinary. This is what Velia Snow is currently experiencing. She often daydreams and even dreams of having a lover of a famous artist or actor. One day, Rayyen Muller, a handsome actor on the rise and crazy about women, is involved in a big scandal. The man had no wind, no rain, deliberately making Velia a temporary Fiance to dispel the skewed gossip that was hitting him. Velia of course happy. Especially when Rayyen introduced herself to the broader public that she was the man's lover. Will their relationship in the end continue to a more severe level, or will it stop in the middle of the road?

Chapter 1 Fake 1

A couple was engrossed in a passionate make-out session inside a luxury car parked in the VIP area of a famous mall. Anyone could catch them in the act, but they seemed indifferent, continuing their affectionate display.

"Just so you know, Ray, I love you so much." The woman whispered breathlessly, her hand reaching out to sensually stroke the man's chest.

"Me too, Babe. If I didn't love you, our relationship wouldn't have come this far. No matter what, I love you."

The woman grinned, one corner of her bright red lipstick-painted lips lifting high. She was very satisfied with the confession from her much younger lover. "No matter what, Rayyen Maximus is only Veronica Smith's," she said emphatically.

The next moment, Veronica intended to kiss Rayyen again, but before she could, the flash of a camera from outside intruded on them. This instantly snapped Rayyen to awareness, making him genuinely shocked.

"Shit! The paparazzi caught us!" Rayyen cursed loudly. "We have to get out of here," he urged.

Rayyen stepped on the gas pedal, driving his luxury car away quickly to avoid the paparazzi following them. He was very sure that tomorrow, there would be plenty of news stories highlighting him.


"Handsome actor Rayyen Maximus caught making out with a woman believed to be Veronica Smith, a senior model from ILook agency."


"Rayyen Miller's love scandal revealed, the handsome man is in a relationship with a senior model."


"With an age gap of over ten years, Rayyen Miller is secretly dating a senior model."


Rayyen massaged his throbbing temples after reading all the morning's headlines. Now, the whole country was talking about the scandal he had created.

He should have calculated the huge risk before acting. This was entirely beyond his expectations. It was his own fault for not just making out in a hotel like usual.


A piercing voice rang out as his apartment door opened. A man walked toward him as he sat on the living room sofa.

Judging by his face, the man was either upset or angry. It was surely related to the news about Rayyen that was currently being talked about by all the media.

"My God! What news did you make today?" the man said angrily, throwing several newspapers onto the coffee table. "I've warned you repeatedly, don't play with fire. You're a public figure. Many eyes are watching your every move out there. Now, look at this, the whole world is talking about the scandal you created. And you did it in a mall parking lot, of all places."

Rayyen sighed lazily. His head was really pounding, almost bursting. And now, on top of that, he had to listen to the rant of his manager and assistant, who talked like a runaway train. "Richard, can you calm down a bit? It's still morning, and you're already noisy. I swear, I'm really having a headache right now."

Richard put his hands on his hips, sitting next to Rayyen, his face showing clear displeasure.

"It's your own fault. I already warned you not to get involved with Veronica anymore. You're handsome, a famous actor, why are you dating a woman who could practically be your aunt? Are you out of stock of girls or what?"

Veronica Smith was a senior actress and model, well-known throughout the country, not for her achievements but for the many scandals she had been involved in.

Rayyen actually became an actor partly due to Veronica's help. She introduced him to a renowned producer, and luckily, the movie Rayyen starred in skyrocketed, making him famous.

But no one knew for sure when Rayyen started dating Veronica, who was old enough to be his aunt or even mother.

The paparazzi had long suspected their relationship. Last night, they finally managed to capture photos of Rayyen being affectionate with the woman.

"Richard... I've told you many times, Veronica is the only one I love in this world. I don't care what people say. I don't care."

Richard nodded, clicking his tongue.

"Okay, if you don't care about what's happening right now, I won't bother with it either. It's better if we go to the notary right now."

Rayyen's face immediately scrunched up. One of his eyebrows raised high.

"Why are we going to the notary?"

"You're asking why?" Richard huffed in annoyance. He had to be extra patient dealing with Rayyen. "To prepare documents for contract termination. And don't forget to have around two million ready for compensation to all partners. Haven't you read the emails this morning? From ad vendors to production houses, they'll terminate their contracts if your scandal is confirmed."

Rayyen swallowed hard. He hadn't thought that far. Compensating up to two million dollars meant he had to be prepared to go broke.

All this time, Rayyen had only focused on working. Contract issues, movie shooting schedules, ads, and payments were all neatly handled by Richard. If there was a problem, Richard would usually handle it first.

"So, what should I do?" Rayyen's face turned panicked. He couldn't afford to lose millions.

But instead of feeling pity, Richard smirked. He had told Rayyen many times that he couldn't do anything without his help.

"You have to find a girlfriend quickly to refute the scandal that's already out. That's the only way, Ray."

Rayyen immediately shook his head vigorously. There was no way he would agree to that suggestion. Besides, why didn't Richard understand that he only loved Veronica?

"No! I don't want to. You know yourself, I only love one person."

Richard shrugged indifferently. He was tired of explaining to his friend and protégé.

"Whatever. If you don't like my suggestion, just prepare the two million. And it doesn't have to be a real girlfriend, Ray!"

"What do you mean?" Rayyen was confused. What was Richard talking about?

"Just find a girl willing to be paid to be a fake girlfriend. At least you can use her to cover up the stupid scandal you've caused."

Rayyen pondered Richard's suggestion. It seemed like a good idea to counter the negative news already circulating.

"So, where do I find a girl willing to cooperate like that?"

"That's your problem!" Richard snapped. "You have three days from now. If you don't find a girlfriend, get ready to pay up!"

Rayyen clicked his tongue in annoyance. He wanted to be angry, but he couldn't. Now, all he could think about was where to find a woman who would agree to this arrangement.

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