À story about a girl who despite the pressures and challenges of life, she is determined to be someone worthwhile.
Chapter one
She was a well brought up girl. A lady in her teens. With the current age and time, one is expected to be quite knowledgeable. Although given her background, she would make a good person in the society, but she had her own thoughts. Many a time, she had imagined having a great future where she would end up being the wife of a big CEO or a king ruling with him in a big establishment or kingdom. That would be the dream of every young girl, you know. Life has happened to her.
She lost her parents at a very young age, having no choice but to be a maid to a woman who thinks the best place for her is in the dustbin. She was daily battered and used as a slave. How then is she to realize her dream.
Once, she had had a little hope when one of her uncles had visited to see her. That day was the best days in her life for she was allowed to look good for the first time. Her hope was dashed after uncle announced his return back to his base and without her. That day, she cried her eyes out.........
Chapter 1 Her hopes were dashed