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Rise Of The Werewolf Queen

Rise Of The Werewolf Queen

Alpha One


Isla was crushed on her wedding day when her fiancƩ, Drake, chose to marry her half-sister instead. Riddled with sorrow and confusion over the unsuspected betrayal, Isla fell down the stairs to her death, welcoming the end of her tragic life that was filled with poor choices. Or so she thought. "What? I am alive?" Isla asked in disbelief while looking at the younger version of herself in the mirror. God was generous, and she got a second chance! Isla was back to the point in her life where her parents sold her to Drake's uncle, Magnus, the future king of werewolf territory. Her parents never approved of her union with Drake, but she couldn't fathom they would go that far. In her past life, Isla escaped Magnus in the hope of a happy ending with Drake, but this time, she was determined to stay and get revenge.

Chapter 1 Betrayal

The sweet scent of roses filled the warm air of a summer evening.

A black limousine with a bouquet of roses on its bonnet stopped in front of the church's steps. The valet approached the back door to open it, and the people gathered and held their breaths in anticipation of the bride.

An elegant white shoe appeared first, followed by a slender leg up to the knee before several layers of tulle covered it swiftly.

Isla stepped out of the car, wearing a long white wedding dress and holding a bouquet of calla lilies in her hands.

She stepped on the red carpet and hurried down the stairs. On both sides, photographers clicked pictures. As she climbed the stairs, she entered the church.

Besides her, there were two young girls wearing white dresses and a small basket of flowers in their hands.

She smiled. Her eyes shone with a glimmer of happiness. She felt like the happiest bride ever. Drake was her childhood lover. All her life she dreamed of marrying Drake. Everything seemed unrealistic to her.

Standing there on the red carpet inside the church her eyes met with her soon to be husband, Drake. A smile spread across Drake's face as he looked at her.

'Is this really happening? I am getting married.'

Her stepbrother, Lucas, came beside her and offered her his hand. "Are you ready?"

"Yes!" Giving him a smile, Isla put her hand in his. She started walking down the aisle with Lucas.

Isla let her gaze wander around the hall. She tried to find her parents, even though she was certain they wouldn't come. She married Drake despite her parents' dislike.

Lucas, on the other hand, always supported her and loved her. He was her stepbrother, but he adored her more than anything. Instead of her father, it was him walking her down the aisle.

Drake was standing on the stage near the stairs while the priest stood behind him. From the entryway to the priest's, there was a carpet that spanned the whole room.

A huge chandelier was hung at the top of the stairs. It gave the hall a majestic look.

Drake wore a jet-black tuxedo with a bow on his collar. He looked handsome and charismatic. Isla was flustered when she glanced at him, but she continued walking towards him.

The bride walked down the aisle, which had long vases on each side filled with white flowers. The fragrant blooms obstructed her view of the audience, which sat at the round table, observing her enthusiastically.

Drake stared at her as she walked down the aisle. After she climbed up the stairs, he offered her his hand and looked at her with a big grin plastered on his face. Lucas smiled widely at her with love and affection once she glanced up at him. He took her hand and gave it to Drake.

Drake and Isla then walked near the priest. Soon, they exchanged vows. The priest first asked Isla and then turned towards Drake.

"Do you consider Isla Easton your lawfully wedded wife?"

Isla blushed as he said that. Even the thought of being called his wife caused butterflies in her stomach. She glanced at Drake. He seemed lost in his thoughts.

Everyone waited for his reply.

He kept standing there without answering the priest.

"Dear, what happened? Why are you not replying?" Isla asked.

"I can't."

"What do you mean?"

He exclaimed, "No!"

Isla's smile faded, turning her attention to Drake.

"What?" she asked, not believing what she had heard.

His head tilted to the side. He gave Isla a blank expression.

"I cannot marry you, Isla. You are not even a werewolf. I won't get any powers through you and." He stopped for a minute as he looked with disgust at Isla and continued, "I know you cheated on me with my uncle."

Isla's eyes popped out of their sockets hearing that.

"What are you saying?" That's ridiculous. I never would have done something like that."

"Stop this act of yours. I saw all those pictures of you being with my uncle." He threw those words at her again, giving her a disgusted look.

Isla's heart broke when she saw his expression. Never in her life had he given her that kind of expression before.

Isla and Drake had a long-lasting friendship. When they were teenagers, they fell for each other. Drake always cared for her. He never let anyone bully her. His gentle and caring personality towards Isla made her fall in love with him.

As she grew up, her love for him became stronger.

"I did no such thing. I will explain everything to you later. First, let's finish our vows. Everyone is watching." Isla laughed awkwardly.

Her eyes were drawn towards the people, looking at them in confusion.

Lucas was standing with his friends beside the round table. As soon as he saw the situation, he approached the stage.

"No. I can't do this. I can't marry you. For the sake of my family's reputation and mine, I won't." It felt like he threw those last words at her.

"But I left everything for you." She pleaded with tears in her eyes.

"I don't care." He heaved a huge sigh as he turned towards where the other people were standing.

Looking at Isla's half-sister he announced, "I want to marry Sabrina."

The girl already smiled. When she listened to Drake's words, she felt relieved. The corner of her lips twitched.

Isla's eyes shifted toward her step sister and then back toward him.

"What? This can't be. You love me. I am your fiancƩ."

"Stop it, Isla. You always do this and do not listen to anyone else." Drake became angry and annoyed with her.

"No! I will be good now. I won't do anything wrong from now on. Please. Don't do this."

Isla stepped in front of Drake, trying to grab his face, but he held her hands before they could reach him.

"It's over." He raised his eyebrows as he shook her hands off her. He turned around and walked down the stairs.

He headed straight for Sabrina. Grabbing her hand, he stepped out of the church leaving Isla standing there alone.

This was a joke. How could he leave her when she left everything for him?

Her parents disowned her. Her friends left her. But she didn't care about anyone. All she wanted was to marry Drake. She felt like he would take her out of loneliness. He would support her. With him, she wouldn't need anyone around her.

But now he has left her. "What am I going to do?"

Tears fell out of her eyes now.

"No! It can't be like this. This is a mistake."

She didn't want to believe anything.

All the people in the church were confused and looked at each other not knowing what to do. Seeing the groom heading out they knew the marriage had been cancelled. Some were happy about it while others felt pity for Isla's situation.

Isla's eyes were still on Sabrina's spot where she had stood some time ago. The next moment, she laughed loudly, as if she had lost her senses. Her laugh confused everyone.

"Isla! Isla! Stop!" Lucas rushed towards her and tried to calm her down.

"He left me! He left me for her." She pointed towards the path Drake and Sabrina had left a minute ago.

"It's okay Isla. He was not worth it. Let's get you out of here." Lucas soothed her down. But his words didn't do anything.

Because of the fact that Lucas was her stepbrother, Isla never cared about him. Nor did she like talking to him. But he was still with her at that time when everyone left her alone.

Lucas tried to hold her in his arms, but she pushed herself back and refused to let him hold her.

"Leave me." She glared. "He can't leave me."

Tears fell hopelessly from her eyes. She felt weak and helpless.

She pushed Lucas away and freed herself from his hold.

"Don't touch me." She yelled loudly.

Her head spun by now. She couldn't think properly. She felt like a drunk woman at that time who had lost her senses. Her body swayed around here and there as she tried to maintain her balance.

"This is just a dream. Get up."

There was a bump on the carpet near the stairs. As she moved back, her foot struck the bump. She turned slightly, causing her foot to stumble.

"Islaaaa..." Lucas yelled as he jumped towards Isla. He tried holding her hand but couldn't.

Isla's eyes widened.


Thud.. Thud..

Rolling down those four steps, she fell on the floor with her front facing upwards.

"Nhhh." She groaned with the pain in her body. She opened her eyes and tried to get up when her eyes went on the chandelier coming towards her.

Her eyes popped out of their sockets as she yelled aloud.


She didn't even have time to think about anything else. As the chandelier fell on her.

Isla's story ended right there with her death...

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