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Hollow Creek - An Omega to Protector.

Hollow Creek - An Omega to Protector.

Kenneth Williams


Blurb with Bite Darkness creeps into Hollow Creek. A string of savage attacks shatters the quiet mountain town, leaving fear in its wake. The culprit? No one suspects the secrets lurking within the shadows of the ancient forest. Elara Thorne, a scrawny outsider in the Hollow Creek pack, knows the truth. She has seen the monstrous truth behind the Alpha's eyes. But loyalty to her pack clashes with a growing sense of responsibility. Can Elara stay silent while the town bleeds? Torn between blood and duty, Elara makes a choice that will change everything. She defies tradition in a primal challenge, a battle for dominance that will shake the very foundation of the pack. Victory comes at a price. Thrust into the role of Alpha, Elara must navigate a fractured pack, mend a broken trust with the townsfolk, and face a darkness he never imagined. Can She unlock the ancient secret to controlling the beast within? Can She forge a path of coexistence before the next full moon unleashes a terrifying truth? From Omega to Protector. Coming Soon.

Chapter 1 Shadows of Hollow Creek

Chapter One; Shadows of Hollow Creek

The town of Hollow Creek was covered in lengthy shadows as the sun set behind the angular mountain peaks. The town's annual Harvest Festival was in full flow, and the laughter filled the streets as residents rejoiced in the plenty of fall. The fresh evening breeze carried colorful flags, and the air was heavy with spiced cider and roasting corn aroma. Still, amid the joyous occasion, a feeling of worry descended upon Elara Thorne like a thick fog.

Elara is standing behind the sawmill booth, feeling her heart race as she watches the townspeople dance and mingle. Her fingers touch the rough wood of the booth, making her feel familiar and foreign. She is wearing a simple dress that sways with the wind, but the festive clothes feel like a mask hiding her true self. As an omega werewolf, she often feels like an outsider among her kind, especially during celebrations like this, where the alphas and betas thrive.

"Hey, Elara!" a voice called, snapping her from her thoughts. It was Kai, the leader of a rival pack on the outskirts of town. He confidently approached, his dark hair tousled by the wind, and a playful smile on his lips. "You look like you're plotting something. Should I be worried?"

Elara smiled uneasily at the sight of him. "I'm just trying to fit in," she said, looking around to ensure no one was listening. The tension between their groups had lasted for years, and seeing Kai made her anxious. "What are you doing here?"

"Are you suggesting I'm not welcome?" he joked, leaning casually against the booth. But Elara could see the intensity in his eyes as he scanned the crowd; as if looking for something-or someone.

"Just be careful," she warned in a low voice. "Fang has been on edge lately. He doesn't take kindly to rival wolves."

Kai didn't seem bothered. "Let Fang bark. He knows not to challenge me." Suddenly, a loud crash came from a nearby food stall, causing screams from the crowd. Elara's heart raced as she saw a huge figure running through the festival, scattering people. "Stay here!" she told Kai, and hurried through the crowd, feeling alert and full of adrenaline. The figure was a monstrous wolf, larger than any she had seen before, with matted fur and fierce glowing eyes. Panic spread through the townsfolk, and Elara felt a strong urge to protect them. When the wolf leaped at a group of children, Elara acted on instinct. She transformed into a sleek and agile wolf herself. The transformation was painful but also thrilling, filling her with power. She leaped to intercept the monstrous beast, her instincts taking over.

The impact made her lose her balance, but she quickly steadied herself, showing her teeth and growling fiercely. The creature then focused on her, snarling, with its breath hot and foul. This was not an ordinary wolf; it was a rogue, driven by madness and hunger. "Get back!" she told the crowd, urging them to run away. The townspeople hurried, but many were too afraid to move, unable to understand the chaos in front of them. Elara leaped at the rogue, her teeth snapping dangerously close to its throat. The two wolves collided in a flurry of fur and claws, a primal struggle for survival. Elara fought with all her strength, but the rogue was relentless, its size and ferocity overwhelming.

When Elara started to get tired, she suddenly felt a surge of energy from deep within her, a strong bond to the forest that surrounded them. With a final growl, she used all her strength to push the rogue back. The creature stumbled, momentarily confused, and Elara took the chance to dart past it, heading toward the townsfolk. "Run! Get to safety!" she shouted, her voice echoing through the chaos. But as the crowd began to scatter, Fang appeared. A towering figure with a commanding presence, he was the Alpha of their pack, and his eyes burned with fury as he assessed the situation. "Stand down, Elara!" he shouted, his voice cutting through the panic. "You're only making it worse!"

Fang dashed forward, swiftly transforming as his muscles rippled beneath his thick fur. The rogue wolf hesitated, allowing Elara to regain her composure. Fang's presence was commanding, and the rogue's confidence faltered. "Elara, flank it!" Fang commanded in a low growl. "We can take it together." Elara nodded, her heart pounding. Together, they were a powerful force. As they circled the rogue, Fang's eyes glinted with focus. Elara instinctively mirrored his movements, weaving through the underbrush as they prepared to strike.

Fang and Elara worked together to confuse the rogue by lunging at it as Elara quickly moved in from the side. They moved in unison, a fluid ballet of strength and dexterity. The outlaw growled and yanked; however, they were too fast and too nimble. Elara gave a last, strong jump, sinking her teeth into the rogue's flank as Fang grabbed hold of its throat.

Despite a difficult struggle, they managed to overcome the rogue together. The beast let forth one last, desperate wail before collapsing and going limp. Elara felt her heart sink. Even though she had battled to keep them safe, she could still feel their terror hanging over her.

Fang looked at Elara, his expression a mixture of annoyance and pride as he let go of the rogue. "Elara, you might have been killed! You must discover your position.

His words made her fur bristle, a growing rage inside of her. "I was defending them!" You were too busy showing off to notice!"

Elara briefly worried that Fang could turn against her as his eyes narrowed. However, Sheriff Amelia Brooks moved forward and surveyed the area before he could reply.

" What in the name of the forest just happened?" she asked sharply. The sheriff was a straightforward woman; her presence demanded respect. "This isn't the first time we've had rogue wolves in our town, and it won't be the last if we can't figure out what's going on." Elara exchanged a glance with Kai, who had slipped back into the shadows, watching the unfolding drama. She felt the weight of the townsfolk's gaze upon her and knew they were beginning to see her differently. "Fang," she said calmly despite the chaos around them. "We need to find out why this is happening. This rogue wasn't acting alone. There's something more going on here."

Fang looked serious, but Elara noticed that he seemed unsure. There was a lot of tension between them, and she realized that her challenge to his authority had only just started.

Elara snuck away from the throng as the celebration was coming to an end and sought comfort in the surrounding forest of Hollow Creek. The ancient trees towered above, their limbs whispering whispers only she could hear. She experienced a relationship with the earth that went beyond her difficulties in accepting herself and finding her identity.

The forest floor was bathed in a silvery radiance as the moon hung low in the sky. Elara discovered a remote clearing where the aroma of dirt and pine was pervasive.

Her eyes opened, alert and prepared. Kai emerged from the shadows with a grim expression.

"What do you want?" Elara lost patience and lost her cool. "Haven't you caused enough trouble for one night?"

"I came to help," he stated with a serious tone. "You're not safe here, Elara. Fang is losing control, and if you keep challenging him, it could put you in danger." "I can handle Fang," she responded with annoyance. "I'm tired of being treated like a lesser wolf. I have a right to stand up for myself and the town!" Kai got closer to her. "You don't understand. Fang isn't just an Alpha; he's an oppressor. If you're truly the heir to your mother's legacy, you need to unite the packs, not divide them. You have the potential to bring balance, but you can't do it alone."

The mere mention of Elara's mother made her heart rush. Her voice trembling with passion, she shouted, "What do you know about my mother?"

With a softened face, Kai answered, "More than you think." "Before being betrayed by Fang, she was a leader who battled for unity." I've seen the wounds caused by that treachery, and history will repeat itself if you don't proceed with caution.

Elara felt the weight of his words weighing hard on her shoulders as her mind raced. Although she had always sensed her mother's absence, it suddenly seemed as though the pieces of a bigger picture were starting to fit together. She was at a crossroads, with the fate of her pack and the town at stake.

"Then help me," she responded, her determination growing. Assist me in locating the truth so I can face Fang. I will no longer be a pawn in his game.

With a glimmer of appreciation in his eyes, Kai nodded. ''By working together, we can solve the mysteries of the past and lead Hollow Creek down a new route. But we have to move fast. The shadows are waking up and they won't wait for us to catch up''.

For the first time in her life, Elara experienced a sense of purpose as they stood in the clearing, the weight of their common goal bearing down on them. The shadows over Hollow Creek were growing longer, but she was prepared to face them.

She would battle for her pack's and town's future at all costs, with Kai by her side, determined to recover her heritage. The battle had only just begun.

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Hollow Creek - An Omega to Protector.

Chapter 1 Shadows of Hollow Creek
