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Mr. Mafia's Twin Wife

Mr. Mafia's Twin Wife

Sun Flower


Arcano holds a deep grudge against Ezenia, his brother-in-law. The Mafia chief hates Ezenia ingrained because Arcano saw with his own two eyes Ezenia kill his late wife whom Arcano loved very much. Ezenia also does not deny it as if he is saying that he is indeed a murderer. However, in the midst of Arcano's blind rage at his sister-in-law, his more powerful grandfather married them both on the grounds that Arcano's son needed a mother's love.

Chapter 1 Part 1

New York, United States.

As always, the bustling city nicknamed the Big Apple is bustling at every hour.

The nighttime skyline sparkles with skyscrapers soaring upwards. The cold air penetrates between the skin, making pedestrians have to tighten their coats on their bodies.

However, in the midst of the bustling city, a man wearing a warm coat hurriedly got out of his car.

The wide strides of his sturdy legs led to a train station. His well-built body rushed around without permission, pushing past the people huddled by the train tracks.

His heart was beating faster and faster with cold sweat pouring down his forehead when he saw the body parts of a woman scattered on the tracks.

"E-Emilia!" She gasped with an eagle gaze of surprise and shock.

Those deep brown eyes turned to glare coldly at the woman standing like a statue with her body covered in blood near his wife's body parts.

Her blood boiled. His handsome face was dark with a fierce anger.

Everyone looked at each other. They knew who the handsome man with the stern face was. However, no one was able to move at all because this place had been secured by the police.

"Mr. Arcano!" One of the officers approached the man named Arcano.

Yes. Arcano Zeilo Bramington was a descendant of the Bramington family who was known as the successor to his family's business empire and dark world.

Tonight they witnessed how the wife of a respected prominent figure was run over by a train with a female perpetrator who had been silent like a living corpse.

"Sir! Calm yourself!" Said the police officer against fear because the look on Arcano's face was already so terrible.

The knuckles of the man's whitened hands with a jaw overgrown with thin sideburns were hardened tightly.

"Everyone get out of the way!"

"No one is filming!"

The officers dispersed the crowd. Arcano's men who had followed earlier were also shocked to see all this. They did not dare to look at the dark face of their master who was still intimidating the woman by the rail.

Because his anger had reached the top of his head, Arcanober walked firmly and quickly grabbed the shoulder of the woman in the white dress and then ferociously strangled her neck.

"Master!" His men widened their eyes in surprise at the movement of their leader.

Arcano did not speak. His eyes that were shivering with emotion already proved how much he wanted to kill this woman.

"Sir! Don't be rash!"

"Sir, let her go!"

They panicked. No one dared to approach because Arcano had already strangled the woman's neck with all his might but the woman did not budge. She looked resigned with her face covered by long hair that was no longer in a neat bun.

"You deserve to die," Arcano hissed, slapping the figure's face until it lay in the middle of the train tracks.

Because his emotions could not be contained, Arcano took out the gun under his coat ready to shoot the woman in the head.


His accomplice Feron swiftly took over the gun in Arcano's hand.

"Stop it! Don't you see where we are?"

Instead of realizing it, Arcano punched Feron blindly in the face. He needed a release and this is what would happen.

"Shit!!! He killed my wife! Asshole!"


Feron's body was thrown to the center of the rail just as the woman had been. Arcano went crazy. He expressed his emotions by crushing Feron's handsome face who resigned without resisting.

Arcano's power was so great. Fighting against this man only makes life short.

Interrupted by Arcano's heroic blow, Feron signaled his men to immediately take the woman away.

They understood. Swiftly they carried the unconscious woman out of Arcano's vicious circle that would surely hunt her down.

Seeing his target being taken away, Arcano's anger grew. He stared intently at Feron's battered face who was holding his chest and abdomen na'as grimacing in pain.

"You instead."

"A..Arcano! You have to realize. He..."


Arcano's sturdy leg kick had already hit Feron's stomach which was again spewing fresh blood. The police officers who saw that were trembling.

Who would put up with that man's temperamental attitude? They never dared to bother him. "HE KILLED MY WIFE AND YOU WANT ME TO RELEASE HIM??? FUCK!"

"But he's Emilia's twin brother!!!"

"I DON'T CARE! SHE HAS TO DIE. DIE FUCKING ALL OF YOU!!!" She kicked the railroad tracks in anger and rubbed her face roughly.

He wasn't crying but anger was dominating. Arcano stared fiercely at the incomplete corpse of his late wife who had said goodbye to go pick up her younger brother at the train station.

But, Arcano got a message asking for help from Emilia who turned out to have been killed by her own sister.

Feron understands Arcano's feelings. Although his best friend's marriage to Emilia was just an arranged marriage, but since Emilia became pregnant with a child, Arcano softened and accepted the woman's existence.

But this...

"Arc! You can't be rash," warned Feron trying to stand up.

Arcano was silent. The books of his hands still whitened were clenched tightly with an increasingly hateful look in his eyes.

"Your enemies will take advantage of all this. Whatever you want to kill that woman but not here," Feron explained carefully.

Instead of accepting Feron's words, Arcano returned the blow to the face of his right hand and then stepped away without feeling guilty for making Feron hit the iron rail again.

"Shitt! Stone man!" Maki Feron held his shifting jaw.

Luckily he was used to the man's temper. Otherwise, no one would be able to stand being around a rude man like Arcano.

Arcano sped his car quickly through the crowded city. That cold handsome face could no longer be said to be good because it really looked terrible.

His mind was only struggling to kill that woman. His heart was wringing with the desire to mutilate the body of the figure he had just strangled and throw it into his crocodile cage.

"Damn it! Bitc!" Maki Arcano hit the steering wheel hard to vent his unrequited emotions.

Arcano was fed up. He hated his sister-in-law because she had been teasing him with various devious plans since the beginning.

Ezenia Vander Wealsen. Twin sister of Gisele Wealsen but their personalities are opposite. Gisele is a warm and loving motherly figure, while Ezenia is an enigmatic wild woman. The Wealsen family never loved Ezenia because from the age of 17 the girl disappeared and was found to be a prostitute in a brothel.

It's no wonder Ezenia was so jealous of Emilia. In terms of beauty, they were both perfect. The Wealsen family had been claimed as the source of the world's beautiful women and beauty.

It was just that, the queen in their eyes so far was only Emilia. As for Ezenia, she was a sharp thorn that made everyone stay away because approaching that woman would only create havoc.

"I will not let you go."

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