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Heir to his heart

Heir to his heart

Happy Writer


For Amanda, a 24-year-old college student, it's only a one-night affair. Her mother is determined to use her infant father to improve their precarious situation after she sees him on the cover of a magazine labeled as a billionaire and a Casanova. A 26-year-old billionaire named Derek has had strong sexual desires ever since his encounter with Amanda. Having a baby is not at all important to him, and he has no interest in keeping a woman. He first denies knowing about Amanda's pregnancy until Amanda's mother threatens to ruin his reputation. Will Derek consent to the union? Will Amanda continue to be pregnant despite being rejected? Will she be able to handle it when he calls her names and tells her that he doesn't want her?

Chapter 1 Tears

POV of Amanda

Girls are bobbing their hips along to the loud music. In the clubhouse, there is a mix of joy, freedom, excitement, and tension-sexual tension.

Except for me, everyone seemed to be content. I want to be inebriated with my woes. I notice my best friend looking on in sympathy.

Marg, I despise him. I scream, "I hate him," as I down the last of the vodka.

"Babe, just let it go. She puts her hand on my shoulder and says, "Let's enjoy this night," but I am unconsolable.

Already, tears are starting to fall from my eyes. When Margaret notices my tears, she sighs. She has probably had enough of assuring me that everything will be well.

She wants to enjoy the party, but being around me is making it impossible for her to do so. She must believe that bringing me here in the first place was a tremendous mistake. I understand that she suggested a party to lift my spirits, but I am pitiful. No

I burp and wipe my tears away with the back of my hand as I say, "I will deal with him when we next see him."

"I will no longer bear his children. I continue to belch while saying, "I won't.

"Didn't I already tell you to forget about him? She seems irritated to me.

She is speaking to me in a tone that astounds me. To finally forget about Cameron by tomorrow, I just want to talk about him all night. Why won't she simply comprehend?

Marg asked, "Are you yelling at me? I indicate her chest with my index finger. Marg shakes her head as she yanks me close to her.

She rocks my body to hers like a baby and murmurs in my ears, "I just want you to hear me because of the loud music." She uses her thumb to wipe away my last few tears.

"No worries, baby. Do you realize how much I adore you?

I nod as I let go of the hug. I suddenly rise up and sway because I'm starting to feel pressured. Marg rises to assist me and prevent a tumble.

Asking "Where are you going?"

I respond, "I need to urinate."

Marg offers, "Let me go with you."

"No," I reply with a laugh. I'll return immediately. I break out of her grip.

The question Are you sure?"

I nod, Yep," and stutter off to the restroom. I see a guy wink at my companion, and I know she'll make the most of the brief window of time before I return.

My eyes are getting smaller, and I'm having trouble finding the restroom. I am aware of my inebriation. To improve my vision, I touch the back of my right hand to my eyes. I notice that the restroom is some distance away.

You're fucked, Cameron. I scream, "I hate you," placing both of my hands on the walls to bring me to the narrow hallway going to the restroom.

I'm attempting to maintain balance as I walk while my legs are trembling. I nearly lost it in anger. The restroom door is in front of me when I finally manage to get up while feeling exhausted. I use my left leg to nudge the door open and step inside.

A guy comes out of the second toilet just as I am about to zip down my skirt to make it easier for me to rapidly urinate. Additionally, he is zipping up his pants.

When he recognizes me, he exhibits shock.

I asked, "What are you doing here? I questioned him.

I asked, "What are you doing here? He also demands

Looking at him, I wonder why he's in the female restroom rather than the male.

He sneers, "You seem inebriated," and walks over to the mirror to wash his hand.

His comment has harmed me.

"How dare you call me drunk? I furiously pursued him.

I was getting drunk to help me forget how Cameron had deserted me for a party girl. I'm in a restroom with a man who is calling me a drunk, and drinking isn't helping me forget.

My yell seems to have shocked the man. He turns and lowers his arms. The question, "Aren't you drunk?"

Naturally not," I snort.

He gives a soft giggle before turning around to finish washing his hands so he can go.

I call him a "pervert". "I know you are in here because you want to see the underwear of all the girls who come in here," the woman said.

"Will you please shut the hell up? He growls indignantly at me. His eyes start to turn crimson, and I start to tremble in terror. I'm afraid of authoritative tones. He gives me a long, stern look before approaching.

When I start to take a step back after recognizing his menacing expression, he is just a few feet away from me.

I jerked my back against the wall and opened my eyes wide, my heart thumping furiously. I study his features, taking note of his wavy black hair, pink lips, mustache, and sharp, pointed nose. He appears both dashing and dangerous.

That's the kind of guy I like, which is why I really liked Cameron.

I shiver as the man's breath fanning my neck snaps me out of my trance. He whispers while bringing his mouth up near my ears.

"Are you sure I'm not a pervert?"

I'm getting sober now. I feel uneasy and shake my head.

He stops talking, and I spit and glance up at the door to see what is written above it. When she realizes that I am in the incorrect restroom-the men's-I squeak a quiet gasp.

"You just called me a pervert, didn't you? I shake my head once more as I look at him.

He ties his tie neatly, and I watch as he walks away, beaming. He moves in closer and whispers in my ear, "I can get any woman I want with my charms. "You are accepting. Stop staring at me; I know you find me attractive.

He approaches the door with grace. I stop him before he can leave since I'm starting to feel sober once more.

"I didn't look at you. In addition, I don't find you attractive. My lover is much more attractive. You don't need to be so sure that you can get any girl you want, including me.

I ignore the thumping in my chest as I roll my eyes. He is too self-assured about his appearance, and I don't want him to think I find him appealing because I find such men difficult to acknowledge my feelings for.

"Really?" He grins.


He makes his way slowly back to where I am.

"You won't be staring at me that way if your partner is more attractive. In addition, what are you doing alone and wasting time here? In front of me, he folds his arm. He appears to like doing that.

"Who told you that I am here alone? I fake happiness while I chuckle.

He says, "If you were with your boyfriend, you wouldn't be this wasted."

I stopped talking. I'm unsure of how to respond to him. I can no longer speak.

I inquire as I go out of his line of sight. A: "Are you a psychologist? He only grinned.

I feel his eyes on me as I turn to use the restroom to urinate.


POV of Derek

I am waiting for her in the same location.

Already, my imagination is out of control. I see this as a chance to get laid and to live out a fantasy of mine about having sex in the bathroom. Additionally, I want to show the girl that I can get any girl I want because my charms are always working.

After two weeks of relentless work, my only goals for attending the party were to get laid and unwind for the evening.

She notices me standing in the same spot when she exits the restroom.

When I speak, she is going to speak.

Why don't I kiss you to show that you don't find me attractive?

"What?" She scoffs and declares Do I strike you as some cheap slut?

"No. I can see she lied, but I just want to make sure you aren't drawn to me, as you stated. She thinks I'm pretty. I am confident that she has never seen a man as attractive as me. However, she didn't want me to be aware of that.

When I put my hand on her waist and then, a minute later, put my lips on hers, she had not yet recovered from the shock of my inquiry.

I kissed her gently and heard her gasp. She is startled, and I can see that her eyes are wide open. Her heart is also thumping twice as fast as it should. I'm also looking straight ahead because I want to see her face.

I know what she is thinking. She is shocked to find herself kissing another man only one day after splitting with her previous partner. She believes that she is betraying him. Other than her first boyfriend, she has never kissed anyone else. It feels weird to kiss another man who is also me. I can tell all this from the look on her face.

I treat her with respect. She screams and closes her eyes as I nip at her bottom lip, blissfully forgetting that she's trying to hide her feelings from the man in front of her.

Her left leg is raised as I close my eyes and run my hand down her thigh. She screams again. I move her to the slab while continuing to kiss her, setting her back in front of the big mirror. As I get out of my shorts and pants, I continue to kiss her.

I stop kissing her and help her take off her dress as well.

Should I leave?

She anticipates and nods vigorously.

I know it's time to let go of the past and start fulfilling the sexual fantasies and needs I've been denying myself for a long time as I enter her.

I haven't had sex in a long time.


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