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Teasing Sister-in-law

Teasing Sister-in-law



Since Rani, her sister, married Reza two years ago, Desi realized that something had changed inside her. The admiration that she had previously considered normal had now turned into something deeper and more difficult for her to control. The feeling had grown silently, growing stronger as time went by.

Chapter 1 Inside the room

Desi took a deep breath as she looked at herself in the mirror. She tidied up her hair that fell slightly on her forehead, making sure every strand was in the right place. Today, her family would have dinner together, a tradition they always did once a month. But, there was one thing that made Desi feel awkward-the presence of Reza, her brother-in-law.

Ever since Rani, her sister, married Reza two years ago, Desi realized that something had changed inside her. The admiration that she used to think was normal had now turned into something deeper and harder for her to control. The feeling grew silently, getting stronger as time went by.

That night, Desi chose her best dress, a maroon color that gave off an elegant impression. She hoped it could distract her from the feelings that shouldn't be there.

When she stepped into the living room, she found Reza talking to his father. Reza's warm laughter filled the room, making Desi feel warm and awkward at the same time.

"Desi, come here. Chat with me," Rani called from the sofa, gesturing for Desi to sit next to her. Desi complied, sitting down while occasionally stealing glances at Reza who was sitting across from them.

Reza turned his head, smiling warmly at Desi. "Hi, Desi. How are you? Long time no see."

Desi smiled thinly, trying to stay calm. "Hi, Mas Reza. Fine, thank God. How about you?"

"Fine too. Busy at the office, but still making time for family." Reza spoke in a tone that was always warm and friendly, but Desi caught something deeper than that-something that made her heart beat faster.

As she sat there, Desi couldn't stop her wandering thoughts. Why couldn't this feeling go away? Why did her heart always tremble every time she saw Reza?

Dinner began, and Desi tried hard to focus on the conversation around her. However, Reza's gaze that occasionally met hers made it difficult for Desi to concentrate.

After dinner was over, their family gathered in the living room. Desi felt relieved when everyone was busy with their own conversations, giving her a chance to reflect.

"Des, are you okay?" Rani patted Desi's shoulder, making her flinch.

"Yes, Sis. I was just thinking." Desi tried to smile, but she knew the smile wasn't entirely convincing.

"You don't seem to be feeling well. Do you want to rest first?" Rani looked at her with concern.

Desi nodded slowly. "Maybe I'll go to my room for a bit."

Rani nodded, and Desi got up from the living room. She walked slowly towards her room, but her steps stopped when she heard another footstep behind her.

"Desi, wait a minute." It was Reza's voice.

Desi stopped and turned around, finding Reza standing a few steps behind her. "What's wrong, Mas?"

Reza smiled softly. "You look a little pale. Are you really okay?"

Desi swallowed, trying to calm herself down. "Yes, Mas. Just a little dizzy. Maybe I need to sleep."

Reza nodded. "Okay. If you need anything, don't hesitate to tell me, okay?"

Desi nodded and tried to smile. "Thank you, Mas."

Reza stepped closer, touching Desi's arm gently. "Get enough rest, Desi. Your health is important."

Desi felt the touch like an electric current running through her body. She nodded again, this time more slowly, before finally turning around and walking to her room with faster steps.

Inside the room, Desi closed the door and leaned against it, trying to control her breathing which was starting to become irregular. She couldn't go on like this. This feeling had to end soon before everything got more complicated.

"But how?" she whispered softly to herself.

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