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Mila's Life Changes Drastically

Mila's Life Changes Drastically



In a small, remote town, there lived a girl named Mila. Mila lives with her cruel stepmother after her biological father dies in a tragic accident. His own mother had died several years ago from an untreatable disease. Since then, Mila has lived in the shadow of sadness and unfair treatment from her stepmother.

Chapter 1 Clara smiled and nodded in agreement

In a small, quiet town, in the middle of a vast expanse of grassland, there lived a girl named Mila. He is an orphan who lives with his cruel stepmother, having lost both his parents in a tragic accident several years ago. His own mother had died some time afterward from an incurable disease. Mila remembers her mother with great love, as someone who was full of affection and always looked after her well.

However, after her mother's death, Mila's life changed drastically. Her stepfather, a hard and cold man, treated her cruelly. He often scolds and punishes Mila unfairly for trivial reasons. Even so, Mila tries to survive and live her life with patience and hope.

One day, when Mila was cleaning their luxurious living room, her stepfather suddenly called her in a loud voice. "Mila, come here now!" he shouted.

Mila went down the stairs carefully, looking at her stepfather worriedly. "Yes, Sir?" he asked in a soft voice.

"Mr. Alex will come to pick you up," said his stepfather without any expression on his face. "He has agreed to buy you from me."

Hearing those words, Mila felt like the world had suddenly collapsed around her. He never imagined that his stepfather would just sell him to someone. He felt abandoned, destroyed, and had nowhere to go.

Not long after, a handsome and dignified middle-aged man entered their house. He is Mr. Alex, a wealthy businessman who is famous for his cruelty towards his workers and the people around him. Mr. Alex looked at Mila with a cold and expressionless gaze, as if he was just looking at a piece of something he had just bought.

"Is this what you said you were going to sell me?" Mr. Alex asked his stepfather in a low voice.

"Yes," answered his stepfather nonchalantly. "She's yours now, Alex. She's just a burden on me."

Hearing those words made Mila feel like a beggar. He never expected his stepfather to sell him like cheap goods. But he was too afraid to go against his stepfather's wishes. Just hope to survive a bad life.

Without waiting for an answer from her stephusband, her stepfather, that shows that

Mr. Alex stepped closer to Mila with steady steps, making her feel smaller and more vulnerable than before. He felt like a sheep ready to be eaten by wolves.

"Mr. Alex," said his stepfather in a gruff tone, "this is Mila, the girl I said I would sell you. She can do anything you ask."

Mila lowered her head, not daring to look directly at Mr. Alex. She felt the man's cold and sharp gaze tracing over her body, making her tremble and fear.

"Stay here, Mila," ordered Mr. Alex in a firm voice. "Starting tomorrow, you will start working for me."

Mila just nodded slightly in response. He felt like he had been kicked and trampled by an inevitable fate. He couldn't deny that his life was in Mr. Alex's hands now, and he had to obey him if he wanted to survive.

The days passed quickly at Mr. Alex's house. Mila is used to heavy household tasks and a tight schedule. Mr. Alex is never satisfied with Mila's work, often giving her harsh reprimands or physical punishment if she makes the slightest mistake.

One day, when Mila was cleaning Mr. Alex's room, she accidentally dropped a bottle of expensive perfume. The bottle shattered into small pieces on the floor, and the sweet scent of luxurious perfume spread through the air.

Mr. Alex heard a commotion from the next room and quickly came over. He looked at the broken perfume bottle on the floor, and his face flushed with anger.

"Mila!" he shouted in a booming voice. "What have you done? This perfume is very precious and cannot be replaced!"

Mila lowered her head, standing in front of Mr. Alex tremblingly. "Sorry, Mr. Alex, I didn't mean to break it. It accidentally fell off the table..."

"There's no forgiveness for mistakes like this!" Mr. Alex interrupted in a rough voice. "You should learn to be more careful and treat my things with respect!"

He didn't care that Mila was just a young girl who had never been given proper teaching or education. For him, Mila is just a tool to serve his desires and selfishness.

After that, Mila felt even worse in Mr. Alex's house. He missed the warmth and affection he once felt from his biological mother. Every day, he prayed for a chance to escape this increasingly miserable life.

Several months passed, and Mila found the opportunity to talk to another maid, Clara, who had worked at Mr. Alex's house longer than her. Clara is a friendly and caring woman, although she is also often the victim of verbal violence from Mr. Alex.

"Mila," Clara said one day while they were both working in the kitchen, "you know, I never chose this life either. But we have to stay strong and find a way to get out of here."

Mila looked at Clara with eyes full of hope. "How can we escape from here, Clara? Mr. Alex is always watching our every move."

Clara nodded seriously. "We have to make a plan. Maybe there is a way to escape while Mr. Alex is not at home. We have to try."

Their plans gradually began to take shape. They steal loose change from Mr. Alex's wallet left on the table, keep snacks from the kitchen for supplies, and find out about a safe exit route. Mila was nervous, but also excited to have the opportunity to be free from bondage in Master Alex's house.

One night, when they were sure Mr. Alex was sleeping, Mila and Clara took a big step. They slipped out of the house carefully, creeping through dark doors and hallways, hoping no one would hear them.

However, bad luck chased them again. When they almost reached the exit fence, Mr. Alex suddenly appeared from behind and caught them with his cold hands.

"You think you can get away from me?" hissed Mr Alex in a voice full of anger. "You two will pay dearly for your bravery!"

Mila and Clara were arrested and brought back into the house. They are threatened and punished more harshly than before. Master Alex closes every loophole for their escape, and their lives under his leadership become increasingly terrifying.

Days passed with untold suffering under Master Alex's rule. Mila felt increasingly squeezed and had no hope of escaping anymore. Clara, who is her friend and best friend, also feels hopeless but still tries to encourage Mila.

One day, while they were cleaning the living room, Mr. Alex approached them with an evil smile on his face. "You two have given me so much trouble," he said as he swung his whip in his hand. "Now, you guys will pay."

Mila looked at Clara with eyes full of despair. They grabbed each other's hands, trying to find strength in their friendship. However, they never expected that their meeting would continue for such a long time.

Mila and Clara's new life in the small village is going on peacefully. They were warmly received by the villagers, who provided them with simple work and comfortable accommodation. Although they still feel depressed by the traumatic experiences under Mr. Alex's rule, they attempt to recover and rebuild their lives.

Mila finds work as a maid in the house of a local merchant, while Clara helps out at a small shop. They learn to live independently and appreciate every moment of tranquility they have in the village.

However, the shadows of their past never truly disappeared. Sometimes, in their nightmares, they still saw Master Alex's cold face and heard the threatening sound of his whip. It reminds them that the freedom they now enjoy does not come without a price.

Every day, they also learn to rebuild trust in humans and heal their emotional wounds. They find support and love from caring villagers, who help them get through difficult times and rebuild their self-confidence.

One of the most important things for Mila and Clara is their strong friendship. They are each other's rock in dark times and provide the moral support they need to keep going. Clara, with her courage and enthusiasm, is an example for Mila to never give up in facing life's challenges.

One day, when the two of them sat under a shady tree on the edge of the village, Mila looked up at the bright blue sky. He felt grateful for every moment of freedom he felt now. Although they have not completely healed from the wounds of the past, they have found peace in their new lives.

"Clara," Mila said in a soft voice, "we've been through so much together."

Clara smiled and nodded in agreement. "Yes, Mila. We are both winners of that dark past. We have found happiness here."

They both looked out onto the vast green fields, with hearts filled with hope for a better future. They promise to always support and look after each other, facing all obstacles that may come.

And in this small, peaceful village, the story of Mila and Clara is a reflection of strength and resilience in facing life's difficulties. They are proof that despite a dark past, the light of hope is always at the end of the tunnel for those who never give up.

Finally, they found the life they dreamed of, where freedom and peace were precious gifts. And they are both grateful that they have met and been a part of each other's journey, taking them to the place they call true home.

Life in the village continues smoothly for Mila and Clara. They find a new balance in their routine and begin to experience long-lost happiness. However, in the midst of this peace, Mila often felt restless. Although he is grateful for his freedom, he feels that he must do much more to achieve complete independence.

One day, when she was shopping at a small shop in the center of the village, Mila accidentally saw a piece of paper taped to the wall. It clearly says: "Job Vacancies: Household Assistant at Villa Taman Indah. Contact Mrs. Martha on 08123456789."

Mila looked at the paper with sparkling eyes. He felt that this was the opportunity he had been waiting for to be independent and have a stable job. Without hesitation, he immediately ran home and rushed to tell Clara about the job vacancy.

"Clara, I saw a job vacancy as a household assistant at a villa in this village," said Mila excitedly. "I think I should try applying. This is a chance for me to get a job that can help me live independently."

Clara smiled and nodded in agreement. "Mila, that's a great idea! I'm sure you will be able to do the job well. Come on, immediately contact Mrs. Martha and submit your application."

With support from Clara, Mila took the next step. He called the number listed on the paper and arranged a time to meet Mrs. Martha, owner of Taman Indah villa. As someone who was inexperienced in working with a girl. Having no previous experience working as a domestic helper, Mila was nervous and unsure of what she should do. However, Clara gave him the encouragement and support he needed to face the interview with confidence.

On the appointed day, Mila arrived at the Taman Indah villa carefully. He was received by Mrs. Martha, a friendly and polite middle-aged woman. Mrs. Martha invited Mila into the villa and sat in the spacious and beautiful living room.

"Mila, right?" asked Mrs. Martha with a warm smile. "I'm glad you're interested in this position. Do you have previous experience working as a household assistant?"

Mila shook her head gently. "I'm sorry, Mrs. Martha. I have no formal experience in this kind of work. However, I learn quickly and I'm ready to work hard."

Mrs. Martha nodded in understanding. "It doesn't matter, Mila. What is important is the willingness to learn and discipline at work. Do you have certain skills or abilities that you want to pursue?"

Mila tells Mrs. Martha about some of the basic skills she has, such as the ability to cook simply, the ability to clean neatly, and her willingness to learn new things that are needed in the job.

Mrs. Martha smiled with satisfaction. "That's great, Mila. I'll give you a chance to try working here for a week. If you're a good fit and we feel comfortable with each other, you can join us permanently."

Mila was relieved to hear that. He thanked Mrs. Martha and promised to give the best in this job. After some practical details were finalized, such as the work schedule and expected tasks, Mila started working at the Taman Indah villa.

The first week of working at the Taman Indah villa brought new challenges for Mila. She learned to organize a cleaning schedule, prepare snacks for guests, and maintain cleanliness and order throughout the villa. Despite some minor mistakes and confusion at first, Mila quickly learned and adapted to the tasks.

Mrs. Martha, seeing Mila's dedication and hard work, began giving her more responsibility. Mila feels happy to be able to make a meaningful contribution and feels appreciated for her work. Every day, he goes to the villa with new enthusiasm, ready to face the challenges ahead.

Clara is also happy to see positive changes in Mila's life. She provides moral and practical support, helps Mila manage her time and gives advice on how best to complete household tasks. They both share the joy and satisfaction of seeing Mila rediscover her self-confidence and build a better life.

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