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Mila's Life Changes Drastically

Chapter 2 Mila felt as if she had no choice

Word Count: 3347    |    Released on: 04/07/2024

He not only did his job well, but also established good relationships with all family member

reflected on how far she had come since leaving the terrible life under Master Alex. She

of hope. "Mila," Clara said softly, "I have never been

have given me the courage to try new things and never give

f their friendship. They know that they have gone through a lot of sufferi

e who care, a person can overcome all obstacles in life and find peace and happiness. They are

f disappeared in an instant. He fell silent, looking

hissed in a bare

calmly. "Yes, Mil

lings of security and protection he had felt while working at the villa

d Mila in a trembling voice. "Why di

to give you a chance to start a new life, Mila. I want to see if you can c

st he had built over several months felt shatter

it?" Mila hissed

see if you could really change. And you've shown that you can. You've

ement, but also bitter because he knew that his freedom ha

th emotion. "You took advantage of

have grown into a stronger person from all this. You have

he felt betrayed, he also realized that he couldn't go back to the past. He had

e to go?" asked Mila

should know that I see changes in you. You are no longer the helpl

n feelings of anger, sadness, and relief. Finally, he nodded, kn

ure," thought M

lla with a pounding heart. He didn't know what would happen next, but

He immediately knew from the expression o

ppened?" Clara

full of confusion and sadness

to respond to this news. The two of them could only hug each other

ith sad hearts. They know that their journey is not over, and tha

rs and persevered. Together, they will find a way to a bet

el pressure from the presence of Mr. Alex, who they now know is the owner of the villa

n't let Mr. Alex ruin our lives again

f. "You're right, Clara. We have t

trying to think of their next plan. However, their worries deepened when

minds. They tried to keep a low profile while remaining alert for any signs of threat from Mr. Al

sit. A knock on the door made them both jump out of t

ispered Mila in

owed hard.

ay, stood two large men with serious expressions on their faces. T

Mila," said one of t

iously. "Who are you? And w

e security agents from Mr. Alex's company.

y knew that they could neither fight nor escape from these two big m

despair in her eyes. "Mila, we hav

proached Mila and grabbed her hand roughly. Mila fought hard,

ocked by the other agents. "Mila!" he sho

ll of despair and regret. "I'm so

y agents from the village, leaving Clara alon

oft mattress in the middle of the luxurious room. Mila's eyes filled with fear glanced around, looking for a way

a hand signal, he ordered his men to leave the room. The door clo

a's chin hard, forcing her face to look into the man's eyes. "You know, I'v

trembled, frightened and helpless under Master Alex's cold gaze

t, you will satisfy my desires," he said in

urage from within herself. He knew that t

s. The sound of his labored breathing filled the room, which became increasingly

s," Mila hissed in a trembling voice

f Mila's face. "You don't want this, but I do. You are here to sati

f despite the dire circumstances. "Mr Alex, this is wrong. This should not

t the truth, Mila. You're mine tonight," he sa

but his heart broke seeing how he was faced with such an unavoidable situation. In dee

empty inside herself, exposed and haunted by Mr Alex's rough touch which still haunted her mi

life around him. However, he felt alone, there was only e

rely audible voice. He felt relieved, but also

emotionally, feeling helpless in this cruel world. The feeling of helplessness made him w

hysical and mental protection. She found a nightgown hanging next to a large cupboard in the co

uickly as possible before Mr. Alex or his men returned. But how? That was the question that haunted

tsteps outside the bedroom door. Mila froze, her heartbeat racing in

or a hiding place in this luxurious ro

Mr. Alex entered with steady steps, his sharp eyes roaming over Mila's body w

t full of hidden meaning, "I've always

roken again, fear and confusion filled him. He pondered, searching for words or actions that

g trying to cover her partially exposed body. He hoped there was a way

proaching Mila with authority. He took a step back, f

tching Mila's every move, as if looking for a loophole or opportunity to ensure that she obeyed his orders.

rain shower in the center of the room. Alex directed Mila towards the dou

," Alex said in a firm voice. "

et and began to carefully remove her clothes. Alex didn't look away as she took off her

id all that without a word, almost feeling like a puppet being controlled by invisible thre

ollowed Alex out of the bathroom, still feeling tense but somewhat re

he room was brightly lit with a crystal chandelier hanging over the large dining table. Alex dire

x said as the waiter starte

sure if she could eat well in Alex's presence. He didn't know what

at Mila intensely before finally say

was going through Alex's mind, whether the praise was genuin

ila's mind, but she had no choice but

al whisper from the waiter broke the silence between them. Alex didn't mention anything about what happened befor

le and removed their empty plates. Alex remained sile

h and asked, "What do you thi

pression on his face. "It's very delicious,

slightly. "Good. I'

t before Alex returned to his seriousness. "We

didn't know what he was going to face, but

she was under a microscope, being carefull

Alex firmly. "You know that I h

m. He knew that he had no choice but

y with me now. You will do wh

had never imagined himself to be in a position like this, to

tle relief. At least now he knew what was expected of him by A

ally answered in a sof

You can start by cleaning the kitchen after

ntered a maze with no way out, and the only way he could ge

aning carefully, trying to make sure not a single stain was left on the table or floor. Al

oked at Alex expectantly.

dded. "Okay. Now you can go to your room

exams well. He walked towards the stairs with careful steps, his hea

lt heavy from the accumulated fatigue and stress. He wished he could sleep and forget everything

Mila would try to obey his orders, at least at first. Her job now was to main

n the palm of his hand now, and nothing could interfere

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