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Unfaithful Goodbyes

Unfaithful Goodbyes



Can someone's goodbye be someone's new found love?

Chapter 1 1

The color purple.

As a result of the invasion of violets and mauves into her eyesight, she was unable to recognize any figures or configurations. It seemed as though she was still 10 feet below the surface of the water, both floating and sinking at the same time. Both suffocating and pleasurable, the drowning was neither of these things.

The liquids whirled about her in a fascinating manner, much like a magical potion is supposed to. There was a chromatic color that was cast behind the berry tones by the liquids, which shimmered. She wondered to herself, "Am I going to die?" on multiple occasions.

Not at all; it was not painful. On the one hand, it appeared as though her lungs were not receiving any oxygen, but on the other hand, it appeared as though she did not even have to breathe. As she floated in the void of the purple pool, she experienced a sense of being out of control of her body.

It was through the fog that she became aware that the sun was the only source of light in the peculiar environment, and that it was shining through the liquid with a radiant quality. In spite of the chilly weather, she felt as though she was wrapped in a warm blanket. In a proud display of illumination, the sphere was ablaze with flames of tangerine, which illuminated its surroundings.

Another shape appeared in her field of vision, and it was strikingly identical to the first.

To the right of the mother of day is where the moon stands.

There was an abrupt dissonance in the chord, which caused the harmony to be disrupted. It was as if the string of a violin had snapped in the middle of a piece, interrupting the tranquil feeling that had been present in the purple environment. A struggle for dominance had begun between the satellite and the star, and they came dangerously close to colliding with one another.

As they began to approach closer, she felt a tightening in her chest, as if they were ready to descend out of the sky and drop straight on her limbs. The hues of the thistle started shifting between blues and reds, flashing much like a light bulb that was about to burn out.

The need to yell came over her all of a sudden, and she wanted to halt the fighting between the two groups of people. As if her lips were severed from her nervous system, she tried to push them to open, but they refused to do so no matter how much power she exerted. As alternating flashes of crimson and cerulean appeared in her vision, she was paralyzed by an unseen force that chained down every muscle in her body.

She implored with her mind, wishing she could let out a loud cry, "Help, they won't stop fighting." Her lips were squeezed together, and the sound of a zipper that was stuck shut stifled the whimpers that were attempting to escape.

She was lying in the liquids, and the circles were getting closer and closer, and they were going to splash into the liquids. During the time that she prayed for a solution, her blood became icy and her panic courses through her veins. Only a few inches separated them from a collision.

Instantaneously, a wave of energy poured through her, and it felt like somebody had struck her with lightning.


As she quickly jolted awake on the queen-sized bed, she was greeted with a voice that sounded sleepy. Cold sweat began to build all over her body. As she looked around furiously, she breathed in an irregular manner. It turned out to be nothing more than a chamber constructed out of dark oak wood.

"Are you okay?"

When she looked down at the floor, where an air mattress was lying, she noticed an unexpectedly awake Javier partly sitting up in the striped sheets that she had brought with her. She almost dismissed the voice until she checked the floor instead. When she checked her pulse with two fingers, she let out a sigh of relief. She was attempting to determine whether or not she was still alive.

Before she thought about it, she admitted, "I-I don't know." She then pulled the fabric of the sweatshirt that she had stolen from her younger brother closer to her. A slight stretch was all that was required for him to clamber onto the bed, where he sat a little more than a foot away. "I woke up because you were kind of whimpering in your sleep; I could hear your breathing in my dreams." As he scratched the back of his neck, the brown hair that was falling carelessly over his eyebrows was a jumble. In spite of the fact that Luisa was hardly able to muster the bravery to gaze at his face, he was nearly charmed by the sight of his sleeping expression. "Bad dream?"

She gave a little sneer and then nodded her head. "Bad would be an understatement."

In order to determine the time, he rubbed his eyes and then turned his attention to the analog clock. This morning at 3:19 o'clock.

"Would you like to discuss it?" he inquired, despite the fact that he had never been in a scenario like this before. Even though she had just finished cleaning her teeth, Luisa continued to apply rose lip balm to her bottom lip, which was still coated with the product. The bitter floral taste almost turned her off, and she shrugged her shoulders.

With a sigh, she exhaled, "It was just really weird; I don't even know what was happening," as she leaned back on the palms of her hands. "I felt like I couldn't even move or scream-it was terrifying."

A brow was raised by Javier there. The paralysis of sleep? In his suggestion, "I used to get that a lot when I was a kid," she said, but her response was a shake of her head.

She said half-jokingly, "I understand the feeling, and I kind of wish it were a ten-foot-tall demon at the edge of my bed." "I don't know; there's no way I could explain it."Just for a moment, I felt."

"Don't think too much; you're shaking," he said with a grin as he placed his palm on the knee of her crossed legs. She was on the verge of cringing in response to the contact, but she immediately regained her composure.

She managed to swallow a lump that had grown in her throat without her knowledge, and a smirk crossed her lips lightly. She expressed it in a lighthearted manner, "Probably because it's cold as hell," in an effort to steer clear of the highly delicate subject matter.

In a humorous manner, he made the remark, "Yeah, it doesn't help that I'm sleeping on the ground with a mattress that doesn't retain heat," which caused her eyes to roll.

She whimpered, "You're the one who forced me to sleep on the bed!" as she recalled their disagreement regarding sleeping arrangements that had taken place earlier, which had lasted for 10 continuous minutes. Laughing out of exhaustion, he shrugged his shoulders and laughed again.

His emphasis on the final line, "I just wanted you to sleep comfortably; take it as me attempting to be a gentleman," caused her eyebrow to elevate. "I just wanted you to sleep comfortably."

"Gentleman?"Can you remember the occasion when you chased after me with your hand that had just been licked? His expression changed to one of a grin as a result of her gawking."

I am making an effort, as I have stated. It makes me happy to know that you do not sleep on something that is less comfy than the floor. Before climbing back onto the mattress, he took a quick glance at the mattress, which was already beginning to lose its air. I hope you get some rest, Luisa. He yawned as he pulled the striped comforter over his head and said, "Dwain's mother has a lot of things planned for tomorrow."

Luisa's bottom lip had remained slightly pursed outwards without any conscious effort, and she reluctantly repositioned herself on the blankets that had become chilly. As she drew the cushions on each side of her closer to her body, she experienced a resurgence of the apprehensive sensation that had been building up inside her chest.

During the time that she was attempting to close her eyes, the image of the suffocating violet liquids raced through her head once more. She could feel the water seeping through her lungs. Her terror caused her to swiftly open them, and she did so while staring at the ceiling and clinging to the blanket that she was hiding under.

"Goodnight." Javier spoke in a groggy manner from her left side, turning onto his side as the feeling of exhaustion made its way back into his life.

She looked over at the side that was too empty for her liking, and her eyebrows furrowed in concentration as she did so. She leaned down to the ground, and to her surprise, she saw him nodding off into a slumber while he was gently cradling the pillow in the shape of a cylinder to his chest.

On the surface of her sternum, she felt a hazy sensation, and she turned warm at the sight without even realizing it.

"Javier ?" She approached him with reluctance and cried out, which caused him to suddenly open his eyes.

"What's up?" He spoke in a slurred voice that was heavier and more raspy than usual. His slurred voice almost caused her to lose her balance, which resulted in her repositioning herself back into the cushion that she was finding to be uncomfortable. Before she spoke, she attempted to lick her lips and then let out a trembling breath.

To put it simply, I'm incredibly afraid, and I'm not sure what to do. Although you could find this to be ridiculous and absurd, I am certain that you do not.

As he laughed out of exhaustion, "Luisa, you don't have to freak out around me," he instructed. She was unable to view the half-grin that appeared on his face in response to the sound of her voice, which caused him to experience a whirlwind of conflicting feelings.

Yes, there is no reason for me to panic out because he is secure.

She took another deep breath out and then took a moment to gather her thoughts before speaking.

Would it be all right if I asked you to sleep on the bed with me? I am aware that the floor is... a little bit unpleasant. As he slept, she hurried through the final portion, which seemed practically incomprehensible to him.

She could hear him move towards the opposite side of the bed without uttering a single word, and she could feel the weight transfer to the point where it was balanced on both ends of the bed. The aroma of his freshly laundered clothes made its way to her nostrils, greeting her like a candle that was blazing in a lovely manner.

He joked, "My back can finally bend properly," while maintaining a respectful distance between them. "It's been a long struggle." There was a hesitant laugh that Luisa let out, and she did not dare to look over to her right. It seemed to her that the pillow was situated in the middle of the areas that they had in common, so establishing a physical boundary.

He hummed to himself, "Wake me up if you have another bad dream," while he was facing away from her. A pain began to develop in her chest as she caught sight of his brown mop of hair, and she gave him a fleeting glance before turning her attention away. She felt the dryness take control of her throat once more, which caused her eyes to slightly widen.

After she had totally closed her eyes, the only thing that remained was the feelings that were churning in her stomach. Her nightmare had stopped being a source of anxiety for her. She was overcome with feelings of guilt and satisfaction at the same time, as if she were playing the piano and two keys were placed close to each other.

She was confident that she was exhaling all of the oxygen from her lungs at this point, and as she pulled the blanket closer to her chin, she let out yet another trembling breath.

What kind of treatment do gentlemen provide you? Her heart was fluttering with a sensation that she had never experienced before, and she couldn't help but wonder about it.

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