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The wrath of the young wolf

The wrath of the young wolf

oozing ink


Synopsis: When Marco discovers that his beloved Mona has betrayed him, his world shatters. Devastated, he leaves his pack and vows to become the most powerful alpha, not for approval, but to reclaim his shattered dignity. However, his journey takes a dark turn when he loses his memory and becomes a prized captive of a powerful vampire. Will Marco regain his memory and his freedom? If he rises as a powerful alpha, will it be too late to reclaim what he lost? Join Marco on an emotional journey of love, revenge, and redemption.

Chapter 1 Unfulfilled

Chapter 1

The sun was setting, casting a warm, golden glow over the quiet town nestled between rolling hills. As dusk settled in, the streets became a tranquil scene, the lampposts flickering to life one by one. At the edge of the town, a small, abandoned warehouse stood silently, its weathered walls and broken windows whispering stories of the past. Nearby, a narrow creek wound its way through the landscape, its waters shimmering under the fading light. Pebbles along the creek bed glowed softly, hinting at hidden treasures.

A gentle breeze stirred the leaves, carrying with it the distant sound of children playing, their laughter echoing faintly in the air.

"You can't just do that," Mona's voice, gentle but firm, broke the stillness. "The town council will find out, and you'll be in serious trouble."

Romeo's laugh was carefree and defiant. "I don't care," he said, his voice steady. "I've dealt with them before. This won't be the first time."

"Still..." Mona tried to continue, concern evident in her tone, but he interrupted her with a dismissive wave.

"Relax! Nothing will go wrong this time. Trust me!"

"That's not very comforting!" Mona's frustration was clear, her brows knitting together.

"What do you mean?"

"You have a history of making empty promises."

Romeo's tone turned playful. "No, I don't."

"Every time you say 'trust me,' it's like a guarantee things will go wrong."

He paused, looking into Mona's deep, expressive blue eyes filled with worry. Her small smile was fighting against the doubt and unease.

"That can't be true!" he protested. "I've kept my word before."

Mona's gaze remained steady. "Name one instance."

Romeo was taken aback. "Uh?" he stammered. "Uh..."

He struggled to recall a promise he had kept. His mind, usually quick and sharp, replayed countless moments from his twenty-one years. Each memory reminded him of unfulfilled promises. Within seconds, he realized he couldn't think of a single instance where he had truly kept his word.

With a resigned sigh, he met Mona's gaze with a sheepish smile. "I can't think of any right now. But I'm sure there must be some. And even if there aren't, this time will be different."

Mona turned away, her shoulders slumping in resignation. "How reassuring," she muttered, her voice tinged with irony.

"Come on, relax!" he urged, attempting to lighten the mood. "What's the worst that could happen? At worst, the plan fails, a few people might get upset, and we all have to deal with the council. It's not going to affect you. I'm used to the consequences by now. They're just a way to build character and keep everyone in line."

"Is that really how you see it?" Mona's voice was sharp with disbelief. "What about me?"

Romeo shook his head, his tone sincere. "It won't affect you. I'm absolutely sure."

"That's not what I mean," she retorted, frustration rising. "I'm talking about your reputation. Your place in the community. How people see you."

Romeo chuckled softly, almost dismissively. Mona's eyes filled with tears of frustration. Her voice grew louder, betraying her emotions.

"Nobody respects you. You're at the bottom. They avoid you and don't want to be seen with you."

"My friends like being around me," he said, trying to sound upbeat, but his voice lacked conviction.

"Those friends don't count! They're insignificant, but at least they have connections."

"It's not my fault I was left alone after the last disaster," he said defensively.

"Nobody's blaming you for that," Mona snapped. "That's why people have tolerated you so far. Your father was a hero, and your mother was a respected healer. But those graces have run out."

"So, I should work harder to earn more respect?" he asked, desperation creeping into his voice.

"Don't you get it?" Mona's voice was almost a shout, frustration clear. She stood up from the bench they had been sitting on, glaring at his casual, almost playful expression-the same expression that had drawn her to him two years ago.

Romeo stayed silent, his face unreadable. Monna, exasperated, turned and walked towards the creek. She sat on a large rock, hugging her knees as if trying to hold herself together.

Romeo chuckled softly. He found her adorable when she sulked. He got up and followed her, standing silently in front of her for several minutes, letting the silence stretch.

Mona eventually looked up, her eyes taking in his lean, athletic build. His broad shoulders and muscular arms were a testament to his strength and agility. His tan skin glistened in the fading light, highlighting his striking appearance.

Her gaze moved to his legs-trained for endurance and speed, they were a testament to his ability to navigate the toughest terrains. She remembered her frustration from two years ago when she had tried to catch him; he had effortlessly kept a teasing distance, outpacing her with almost supernatural precision.

Her eyes traveled up to his hands resting on his hips. She remembered how those hands had always made her feel safe, their touch comforting and reassuring.

Her gaze continued to his face, his eyes twinkling with mischief. That infuriating grin. He was clearly lost in playful thoughts again.

"Stop smiling!" she snapped, her voice a mix of annoyance and affection.

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