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Crazy Possessive Boss

Crazy Possessive Boss



Aruna is a new secretary at a leading technology company in Jakarta, TechSage Corp. It was only a few weeks ago that she accepted this job, an opportunity that she believed would open many doors in her career. However, today felt different. There was anxiety that had been hanging over her since she woke up this morning, as if a bad feeling was waiting for her.

Chapter 1 A faint smile appeared on Arka's face

The morning sun shone through the large windows facing the city center, highlighting the tall buildings that filled the skyline. The office building where Aruna Wijaya worked stood out among the others, with its gleaming glass reflecting the sunlight. Every morning, she passed through the spacious lobby with its cool marble floors, heading for the elevator that would take her to the top floor, where her office was located.

Aruna is a new secretary at a leading technology company in Jakarta, TechSage Corp. It was only a few weeks ago that she accepted this job, an opportunity that she believed would open many doors in her career. However, today felt different. There was anxiety that had been hanging over her since she woke up this morning, as if a bad feeling was waiting for her.

As soon as Aruna arrived upstairs, she went straight to her office. The computer on her desk lit up with the sound of a new email notification waiting to be read. But before she could check the message, the phone on her desk rang. Aruna reached for the receiver and greeted in a practiced voice, "Good morning, this is Aruna."

The deep voice on the other end of the phone made her heart beat faster. It was the voice of Arka Dirgantara , her new CEO and boss, who had been known only as a cold and uncompromising figure. "Aruna, come to my office now," he said without further ado.

Aruna felt her heart almost stop. This was the first time she was called directly by Arka, and she couldn't guess what would happen. Without thinking much, she immediately stood up and walked out of her room, towards the large door located at the end of the corridor.

Arka's room was located at the very end of the floor, far from the other staff's workspaces. The tall, thick wooden door indicated how important Arka's position was in this company. After knocking on the door, Aruna waited a few seconds before Arka's voice was heard from inside, inviting her to come in.

When the door opened, Aruna was immediately greeted by the sight of a spacious and luxurious room. The large windows behind Arka's desk offered a spectacular view of the city of Jakarta from above. Arka himself was sitting behind a large desk, wearing a black suit that fit his tall and sturdy posture. His sharp eyes observed Aruna with an intensity that made her feel small.

"Please sit down," Arka said, pointing to the chair in front of his desk. Aruna complied and sat down carefully, feeling something heavy in the air.

Arka stared at him for a few seconds that felt like an eternity before finally saying, "You must be wondering why I called you here."

Aruna nodded, trying to keep her expression calm even though inside she felt anxious.

Arka leaned back in his chair, his eyes still fixed on Aruna. "I called you because there is something we need to talk about. Something very important."

The feeling of restlessness inside Aruna grew stronger. What would Arka say? Had she done something wrong? Or was there something bigger going on that she wasn't aware of?

Arka did not continue immediately, as if enjoying the tension he had created. After a moment, he spoke again, his voice low and measured. "Aruna, from the first time I saw you, I knew you were different. You have something that no one else here has."

Those words shocked Aruna. She didn't know what to say. What did Arka mean? Before she could ask, Arka continued, "You might think this is weird, but I have to tell you this. Now, you are mine. I don't accept rejection."

Aruna was rooted to the spot, unable to believe what she had just heard. The words sounded like an order, not a request. And the way Arka said it-full of certainty and conviction-made it impossible for her to argue.

"Boss, what do you mean?" Aruna asked, her voice almost shaking.

Arka got up from his chair, walked slowly around the table, approaching Aruna. "I mean, I want you to always be by my side. I will take care of you, give you whatever you need. But in return, you have to devote yourself to me. Only to me."

Aruna felt her whole body freeze. What should she do? She had just started her career in this company, and now she was faced with a situation she had never imagined before. On one hand, Arka offered her security and protection. On the other hand, this offer came at a very high price.

When Arka stood in front of her, he stared deeply into Aruna's eyes, as if waiting for her answer. "Yes, Boss, I'm yours," Aruna said finally, almost unconsciously.

A faint smile appeared on Arka's face. "Good. You made the right decision. From now on, remember, Aruna. You are mine. And I never share."

The words echoed in Aruna's mind as Arka returned to his seat. The atmosphere in the room had changed drastically-from suffocating tension to something more intimate, but also full of implied threats.

A new chapter in Aruna's life has just begun, and she knows this is no ordinary love story. This is a power play, and she is right in the middle of it.

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