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Greenhills: Fate Of The Chosen

Greenhills: Fate Of The Chosen

chris stoph


Kate's falling in love with Jason, the mysterious boy next door, which opens up a path of no return as she is dragged into a hundred years feud between the supernatural forces of Greenhills. On discovering that she is the chosen witch, her love for jason is threatened by her duty to fulfil as a witch and also from the ancient law that a witch and werewolf cannot be together. Jason, whose family was killed by unknown powers, struggles to control his powers, and to uncover his origin. Accidentally discovering that he is a werewolf chosen to represent the werewolf race. Truths are uncovered and Kate's major role in the old prophecy is revealed. Torn in between her love for Jason and her duty to the witches as the "Chosen", Kate must choose between fighting for her love for Jason or risk becoming Jason's worst enemy, destined to clash in a battle that could tear their world apart? Will Kate choose her love for Jason over her race? Or Will they drown in each other's anger, betrayals and Revenge?. What will kate do when she learns that her mother was killed by werewolves?.

Chapter 1 Jason's povs

Jason's pov

Everywhere was in chaos, with signs of fighting all around. Cries and shouts echoed, and the scent of blood filled the air.

Sounds of fighting were coming from a distance. The sounds were indistinct, as if coming from all directions.

Heavy breathing and fighting were coming close to where I was hidden in an enclosed cellar.

The noise resembled two wounded animals fighting tenaciously. "Awol!! Awol!" A voice pierced the night, growing weaker until it stopped completely. One of the combatants had been defeated. "My lord, there is no sign of the boy," a voice growled.

"Nonsense, the general ordered you to take the baby dead or alive," another voice, authoritative, responded.

After some shuffling, "Burn the whole place," it commanded.

"Yes, sir," a raspy voice replied. That was the last thing I heard before blacking out.


Dring! Dring! Dring!!

The sound of the alarm jolted me up from my sleep. Grumpily, I looked blindly for the alarm that was unusually very loud in my ear, like the stupid device was going to wake up the whole neighborhood. After throwing the alarm across the wall, did the noisy disturbance stop?

"Jason boy, get down here in 2 minutes!" A voice shouted.

I felt like going to throw the owner of the disturbance across the wall to meet with his counterparts, but the voice kept on coming louder in my ears, almost causing me to bleed.

I became wide awake, not after my latest nightmare flashing across my mind. They all similar but different nightmares I have been having for a time now, but recently, it's getting scary and out of place like my recent one where I was in the body of a boy.

After dressing and walking downstairs, I was half asleep.

I was jolted up like a wet rat meeting a naked wire when I saw who was seating in my house. Across the stairs, just in our dining room, sat a girl that could be said to be the most beautiful girl I had set my eyes on.

Though I am the star of my school, many pretty girls and cheerleaders have thrown themselves away countless times, but I have just not had the time to look at them twice, not to talk about humoring their advances. Only glares and grunts I use to chase them all away.

So I can be said to be new in how I am feeling because I don't have feelings for a girl, because numerous girls in their hundreds can line up just to watch me play basketball or collect my number, but I haven't given even one of them my number.

Standing there looking at her eating from what looked like a flask, I felt the anxiousness to go and confess my love for this pretty damsel sitting in our dining. A fire that I have never felt before ignited as I stood staring like a creep until a cough broke me out of my trance.

"ahh." I was shocked and turned to see my uncle's stern gaze staring back at me. I wondered how my uncle crept behind me without me knowing. I composed myself as I greeted my uncle while making my way to the kitchen.

I could strangely feel my uncle's stern eyes were still peering at me from the back disapprovingly.

"Kate," my uncle called rather loudly meet jason. Jason meet Kate, and my uncle introduced both of us.

"I'm Kate. Nice to meet you," the girl replied.

Her voice sounded like music to my ears as I was about to get lost again.

"Heya," I replied while trying to sound my bossy way, but my voice, which on normal occasions was bariton and girls adored, came out like a frog croaking.

I was not my normal self. I felt anger building up, which shouldn't be because I am always calm and collected, the perks of being the hottest guy in my school.

Kate smiled while saying shyly, "I heard you go to the same school as me. Thank you for agreeing to show me around."

"What?!" I said loudly, cutting her off. "There's no way it'd happen if I'm not a babysitter for a small child!"

"She is not a child," Uncle Monez replied, frowning.

"That doesn't mean it's my responsibility to be in charge of..." I gestured towards Kate, trying to remember her name. "Her, I have practice today." I retorted back at my uncle.

Kate had shock written on her face as she was still in the middle of completing her words. "I'm sorry for saying too much," she finally said nervously.

"No darling, everything is fine," Uncle Monez gave an apologetic expression to Kate before turning to glare at me, gesturing towards the kitchen. I followed my uncle to the kitchen. But on passing by and seeing the sadness in Kate,

I almost ran to apologize to her, but I held myself, going into the kitchen where my uncle was waiting for me.

"Young man, what was that? The poor girl is going through a lot in her family. Her mother divorced her father, so she is still going through the pain of it. I am disappointed," Uncle Monez berated me.

I was going through a really weird phenomenon in my mind, a battle of keeping my anger in check and trying to block a voice that was constantly nagging at me to show my authority and end this once and for all, but the rational mind was fighting with the irrational voice speaking in my head. I fought to rein in the voice to listen to my uncle.


A painful feeling came from my shoulder where Uncle Monez slapped me. I was able to come back to reality and discovered that as this battle was still going on in my head, Uncle finished talking a long time ago to see that I was not even paying attention.

Uncle Monez said, "You are late for school, and don't make Kate go to school on her first day."

I felt tired and disappointed in the air, but as I tried apologizing, not a word came out. I tried again and again, but all I got was the word stuck in my throat.

I went immediately to pick up the car keys, gesturing to the girl who quickly followed me as we drove to school.


Uncle Monez sighed while looking away from the window. jason's car flashed in the distance, his face was unreadable as he started clearing the plates in the dining hall.

There was an untouched tea, and that was the tea I was supposed to take every morning.

Uncle Monez's face changed. He could feel another headache coming as he wondered why I didn't drink my daily tea as he strictly warned me to. Sharply, he raised his head, his eyes flashed with an orange color, and in a fraction of a second, he was at the kitchen counter where I sat in the kitchen.

His face became uglier as he traced a path through the striking dent that was on the concrete counter, the exact place I placed my hand this morning.

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