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Married to a possessive mobster

Married to a possessive mobster



Raisa, a young woman of twenty-four years old, stood in front of a large mirror in the dressing room. Her elegant long white dress flowed perfectly on her body, but her heart could not hide the anxiety that struck her. She stared at her reflection with eyes filled with anxiety.

Chapter 1 Raisa greeted softly

Amidst the luxury and silence of the night, a grand wedding party took place in a luxurious building in the city center. Glamorous guests, in their best dresses and suits, arrived one by one. Crystal chandeliers hung from the ceiling, giving an elegant and slightly eerie atmosphere to the night.

Raisa, a young woman of twenty-four years old, stood in front of a large mirror in the dressing room. Her elegant long white dress flowed perfectly on her body, but her heart could not hide the anxiety that struck her. She stared at her reflection with eyes filled with anxiety.

"Are you ready, Miss Raisa?" the voice of a middle-aged maid interrupted her reverie.

Raisa turned her head slowly and nodded slowly, although doubt was clearly visible in her eyes. "I have no other choice, do I?"

The maid smiled softly but said nothing. Raisa knew that there was nothing she could do but go through with all this. This marriage was not what her heart wanted. This was an arranged marriage-a coercion from her family who were under the pressure of a very powerful man.


Raisa's steps felt heavy as she walked down the aisle towards the altar. There, stood a tall man with a cold, intimidating gaze-Adrian Santoso. At only thirty-five years old, Adrian had become one of the most respected and feared mafia in the city. He was known as a merciless and possessive man, especially towards what he considered his.

Adrian watched Raisa's every step with a sharp gaze. His lips outlined a thin smile that was not at all reassuring. When Raisa reached the altar, he took Raisa's hand firmly, making Raisa feel like there was no way out of this situation.

"From now on, you are mine, Raisa," Adrian whispered in Raisa's ear as the priest began to read the holy verses.

Raisa bit her lip, holding back the tears that were about to spill. There was no love here, only fear and surrender. However, she knew that rejecting this man was the same as signing a death warrant.

After the wedding vows were over, Adrian pulled Raisa closer, whispering something in a sharp yet almost affectionate tone, "Don't ever try to fight back, or I'll make your life hell, Raisa."

Raisa could only nod weakly, realizing that from that moment on, her life was under this man's control.


That night, in the luxurious bridal chamber, Raisa sat on the edge of the bed with trembling hands. Adrian entered the room, untying his tie casually but his eyes continued to watch Raisa like an eagle watching its prey. There was something in the way he looked at Raisa that made the air in the room feel suffocating.

"Are you afraid of me, Raisa?" Adrian asked, even though he knew the answer.

Raisa swallowed, trying to stay calm. "I... I'm just not used to it."

Adrian laughed softly, his laughter sounding sarcastic. "You'll get used to it, trust me. I will never hurt you, as long as you obey."

Raisa nodded, even though her heart was screaming to run. She didn't know how to face a man as powerful and controlling as Adrian.

Adrian approached, sat beside Raisa and lifted her chin with his finger. "Look at me, Raisa."

With a heavy heart, Raisa looked into those black eyes filled with determination. There was something haunting behind that gaze, something that made Raisa feel as if she was a doll to be manipulated according to this man's wishes.

"You are my wife now, and that means you are completely mine. You will follow everything I say, no matter what it is," Adrian said in a low, frightening voice.

Raisa felt her heart beating fast. She didn't know how she was going to live a life like this, but she had no other choice.

"I... I understand," Raisa finally answered.

Adrian smiled in satisfaction, then leaned down and kissed Raisa's lips forcefully. The kiss was not a kiss full of affection, but a clear sign of ownership. Raisa closed her eyes, accepting her fate, even though in her heart there was a fear that she could not get rid of.


Day by day passed, and Raisa began to realize how possessive Adrian was. She was not allowed to leave the house without an escort, her phone was always monitored, and her every move was always under the watch of Adrian or his men. Adrian always wanted to know what Raisa was doing at all times, even the smallest things.

"Raisa, where are you going?" Adrian asked one morning when he saw Raisa getting ready to leave the house.

"I... I want to go to the salon for a while," Raisa answered carefully.

Adrian frowned, as if not happy with the idea. "Why didn't you tell me first?"

Raisa felt her heart sink. In a knew, anything he said could be a problem. "Sorry, I thought this was no big deal."

Adrian approached, staring at Raisa with a sharp gaze. "Everything about you is a big deal to me, Raisa. You can't do anything without telling me. Understand?"

Raisa nodded quickly, afraid to object. "Yes, I understand."

Adrian looked at her for a moment before finally nodding slowly. "Okay, I'll let you go, but on the condition that you bring two bodyguards with you."

Raisa had no choice but to agree. "Okay, I'll bring them."

Adrian smiled faintly, then bent down to kiss Raisa's forehead. "Good. Remember, Raisa, I'm doing all this because I care about you. Don't ever forget that."

Raisa could only nod again, realizing that her freedom had truly been taken away.


That night, Raisa sat alone on the balcony of their room, looking at the dark night sky. She felt like a bird in a golden cage-caged in luxury but without freedom. There was nothing she could do but accept this reality.

When Adrian joined her, Raisa knew that quiet moments like this often ended in a suffocating silence. Adrian stared at her for a moment before finally speaking, "What are you thinking about, Raisa?"

Raisa paused for a moment, thinking hard before answering. "I was just... thinking about how my life has changed so quickly."

Adrian nodded slowly, as if he understood, but Raisa knew that he didn't really care about her feelings. For Adrian, this marriage was about control and power, not love.

"You have to get used to this. I've given you everything you want, and in return, I only ask for your loyalty," Adrian said coldly.

Raisa swallowed, feeling even more trapped. "I'll try, Adrian."

Adrian moved closer and stroked Raisa's hair gently, a gesture that contrasted with his harsh nature. "Good. Because I will never let you go, Raisa. You are mine, and I will make sure no one dares to touch you."

Raisa closed her eyes, holding back the tears that threatened to fall. Behind the calm exterior she displayed, her heart was screaming, hoping for a way out of this stressful life. However, she knew that running away from a man like Adrian Santoso was not an option. This was a war she had to face alone, at a very high price.


A week later, Raisa began to get used to her new routine-waking up early, spending time in the luxurious house, and only going out under strict supervision. Adrian, although possessive, always gave Raisa what she needed materially, but that could not replace the freedom she had lost.

One morning, when Raisa was sitting in the living room, a young woman with an elegant appearance came to see Raisa. The woman introduced herself as Lara, Adrian's old friend. Raisa's eyes widened when she saw Lara who was so beautiful and confident, something she herself felt was missing since marrying Adrian.

"Lara," Raisa greeted softly, trying to be friendly even though there was a slight feeling of discomfort in her heart.

Lara smiled sweetly, but there was something

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