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Ringing The World


"Your purpose Chamuel is to protect Gemma with your life. The day she dies, you perish." Satan declares happily. Chamuel, a powerful supernatural being, was banished from heaven and stripped of his powers. Satan cruelly declared that Chamuel must protect Gemma with his life, or he would perish and forever remain useless. Gemma holds the key to Chamuel's supernatural abilities, but the more he accesses her, the more gigantic confrontation with death she gets until she eventually dies. Read on to find out!


"You are at this moment banished from heaven, never to return and stripped of your supernatural powers. You shall become a normal human and experience pain. You shall hunger for food, thirst for water, search for love, and not find it. You shall be heartbroken and lonely. Only when you discover the feeling of love will your destiny be twisted. This is the punishment I have launched on you and so it shall be. Now, evacuate this place," God said.

These were the last words I heard before I found myself being dragged by a strong current of control and command, pushing me backward until I fell off.

A huge gust of air gathered in the heavens, fueled by the unbearable weight of deportation and pain. "I didn't do it, Lord. I am being framed; I promise. I don't want to go down there. I beg you," I cried out, but my plea for forgiveness was ignored.

I found myself hurtling towards Earth at an alarming speed, awakening my sense of fear and consciousness of the tragic and painful crash that awaited me. I kept yelling uncontrollably,

"Please...I don't want to go down there. I'm innocent of these accusations. Help me, somebody, anybody," desperate for pity and assistance. But there was no one there to listen.

Faced with fear, I bounced harshly on the concrete floor, screaming out loud in agony.

It was a day to remember when I was cast out of heaven. watching as the beautiful place of color, filled with happiness, peace, fun, and praise dematerialized from my vision.

The next thing I saw were houses, lights and people. I could hear noises and music, a different kind of music from the one I knew of. Sounds new to my ears echoed from every angle around me as I stood there trying to come up with an idea to survive in this latest mystery world.

I had been standing there for hours, watching and looking around, but no one cared, looked at me, smiled at me, or attempted to talk to me. Making me feel invisible, I felt less alive.

"Am I still a spirit that humans can't, see?" I thought to myself. No one spared me any attention, or so I thought; trying to figure out if I was still in spirit or now in flesh, I slapped myself. "OUCH!" I yelled, I felt it hard like I had just activated my sense of feeling.

I stood in the middle of nowhere, lost.

I felt a ravenous feeling, not sure about what it was, I felt hollow inside, gripping my abdomen in unbearable pain "What is happening to me?" I screamed out in pain.

My esophagus began feeling so tight, choking and gasping for breath, trying to stumble on a reason for the unfortunate excessive pain.

I ran towards a man pleading for help, "I don't know what is wrong with me, my abdomen and esophagus hurts so bad, I thought maybe you have an idea since you have been human all your life," I inquired, but he walked past me.

Ignoring the disappointment I felt, I walked towards another woman. "I feel a lot of pain right now, I really need your help," I yelled out in expectation, jumping right in front of the unknown woman, but got the same response, she walked past me without any attention, "Just great, humans can't see me," I said to myself in unexplainable pain.

After many failed attempts and refusal to come to terms with my terrible situation, I looked towards heaven, screaming in anger.

"don't you think this punishment is too harsh? I was deported to a place I know nothing about and you still won't let people help me, could you kindly explain to me why humans can't see me when I was turned into a human by you?".

Everywhere became quiet except for me weeping uncontrollably like a disappointed child, while I was in heaven, I never thought a day like this would come when I would weep so shamelessly.

The silence was killing me, I felt disowned by God and ignored by humans.

The pain in my abdomen and the tightness in my esophagus were still there, griping me hard like an octopus stuck to my skin, refusing to leave.

Knowing I had to keep moving, the color was changing and everywhere was getting dim and quiet.

Groaning in pain, I launched my feet forward, taking a step at a time without a proper direction, I just continued moving forward.

After countless steps, I felt a twinge sensation on my feet, looking down, I saw red substances flowing down, rough with particles and sharp objects piercing through.

Feeling something was off, I looked at a stranger standing across the street and then back to myself, and I was immediately slapped with consciousness.

"I am naked!" I screamed out, embarrassed.

Confused about why I was suddenly feeling shy about being naked, "It's part of the punishment," I said to myself, smiling sadly.

Searching for a place to conceal myself, a weird building got my attention and I quickly began limping towards it with my injured feet, ravenous feeling, and tight esophagus, thankful that I couldn't be seen by humans, "so this is how my private features would have been exposed to unserious humans," I said to myself biting my lower lips.

Getting to the building, it looked abandoned.

Advancing deeper into the building, a sudden sense of smell hit my nostrils.

"I smell blood," I whispered to myself, frightened.

I looked at myself, the strong smell of blood wasn't close to how my blood smelled, so I knew it wasn't mine.

I started launching my feet forward tracing the smell of blood.

The deeper I get the more intense and harsher the smell gets. Getting to the entrance to a room, I froze in my spot, the stink of liquor and smoke from cigarettes filled my nostrils.

"I smell fresh blood, someone else is here, but who?"

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