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Save Me Moon Goddess

Save Me Moon Goddess

A. Phoenix


CW+TW A young she-wolf is unique & powerful, as is her little brother. Their rare bloodline was derived from their mother, but she was unaware of it. They are not your average werewolves. Idalia was only a couple of years old when their mother, Samantha, left her & her baby brother, Aaron. Their father, Damien, is a Pack warrior who became a single father overnight. Samantha found her mate & didn't look back when leaving her pups behind. As Idalia grows older, she cries to the Moon Goddess for answers on why their mother would abandon them. But she stays strong for her brother & father. As they progress, their "special abilities" begin to show. They feel like freaks & they want it to stop. There is a way, but it may jeopardize their wolves' emerging. Damien finds his mate, Bela, who has a child of her own, but something's off with Bela & her wolf. Bela smites him, but her true colors will show. After learning who his kids' mother is, Bela mistreats Idalia regularly. She endures so much that she cannot take it anymore. Idalia is so broken, lost, & alone that her dark path leads her to reckless choices to distract her from the abuse. She cries to the Moon Goddess constantly. Their mother is Luna of her new pack & has a new life. But her new pack will cross paths with her old one & not for pleasantries. Little do they all know that dangerous & power-hungry creatures lurk in the shadows. Can the Moon Goddess save them all?

Chapter 1 Prologue

Damien Hunt is the second-in-command pack warrior of the Blood River Pack in Washington. He's 6'2 and has solid muscle, which most of the pack are from training daily. His light ash-brown hair pops his piercing cobalt blue eyes that are hypnotic to the ladies. He's a very protective and passionate wolf.

Samantha Taylor was his childhood sweetheart, but they are not mates. Samantha's fair skin and baby blue eyes swoon him every time. She was breathtaking and fierce.

When reaching the age that you would find your fated mate and not having found either of theirs, it didn't seem to bother Damien. He was in love with Samantha, but Samantha held onto hope for her mate. She did love Damien, but her desire to have a werewolf's mate is natural. Damien gave up on finding his fated mate to be with Samantha.

In wolf and human form, they would adventure to all the boundaries of their land without a care in the world. He was extremely dominant with her, and she loved it. They took their playtime seriously.

After a long day, they clean up from an intense sex escapade of bondage and rough sex to relax for the night. Entangled in each other while watching a movie, Damien says, "I want to plan our future."

Catching Samantha off guard, she sits up and looks at him quizzically. "Our future? What do you mean exactly?"

"I love you, and I want to make it official. How do you feel about that?" his eyes fixed on hers.

"I'm not sure. I love you too, but I like things the way they are." She states bluntly.

Damien's face is confused for a moment. "Do you want a future with me?"

Samantha is silent for a moment. "Yes, " she whispers, suppressing her guilt for lying. She doesn't want to hurt him but isn't ready to plan a future.

He pulls her close and smiles. "Good."

The next day, Damien doesn't waste any time and goes to Alpha Asher, "Alpha, what is the process for a chosen mate?"

Alpha Asher curiously asks, "Not waiting for your fated mate?"

Damien smiles and respectfully replies, "Samantha and I have been together for a long time. I think it's time we start our future."

Alpha Asher raises his brow. "I respect your decision. It's not tradition, of course, but I am not the Moon Goddess." He grins. "You will mark each other just like fated mates would; however, since you are not fated, there will need to be a chosen mate ceremony. It's similar to inducting new wolves into the pack."

Damien's eyes light up. "Great! I can't wait to tell Samantha!" His excitement is clear.

"Does she know you're inquiring about this?" Alpha Asher urges concern.

"We talked a little about our future. I'm going to talk to her after training." Damien explains.

Alpha Asher leans back in his chair. "I just want to make sure you know what you're doing, Damien. I've watched you grow into a great warrior. I want you to be sure. It's nothing against Samantha, either. She's an amazing huntress and wolf. It's my job to look after my pack, but I also care about their happiness."

"I understand, Alpha. I do appreciate that. This is what we want." Damien smiles.

Alpha Asher nods. "Ok then. Back to work." He chuckles.

Damien waves as he leaves the Alpha's office. Elated by the information about making Samantha his chosen mate, he can't wait to tell her. Later that afternoon, he told her everything when they met after training.

"YOU DID WHAT?!" Samantha tenses, stopping their walk. "Why would you do that? I told you I like things the way they are! Why didn't you talk to me first, Damien?!" she shouts.

Her reaction took Damien aback. "I thought you would be happy. You said you want a future with me, right?"

She puts her hand on her forehead and sighs heavily. "Of course I do, Damien, but that's a big step, and we should have discussed it first." She exhales. "I need to run off some steam. Alone. I'll see you at home." Before he can respond, she lets Siren take over and disappears into the forest.

Damien waits restlessly for her to come home. When she bursts through the door, he jumps up. "I'm so sorry, Samantha. I didn't think before I acted. I was just so eager and excited." He runs his hand through his hair. He pulls her in his embrace, and she reluctantly allows him to. His nose brushes hers, and she giggles.

"You always know how to melt all the tension away." Samantha kisses his lips softly. "I want to keep things the way they are, baby. Ok?"

He bites her lip and smiles. "We will take all the time you want." Damien attacks her lips and grips her ass, lifting her in his arms.


West Coast Pack in California, 400 miles south of Blood River Pack, Alpha Johnny Buse is still waiting to find his fated mate. He's a powerful Alpha with a loyal pack, but there is always a bad apple somewhere.

Bela Read had no particular job or rank and had a massive crush on Alpha Johnny, but he showed her no attention. Feeling neglected and unwanted, she strayed from the pack. She met Emmett, a rogue, although he did not smell like one. Bela and Emmett spent much time together under Alpha Johnny's nose. Not within the pack borders, but associating with a rogue was inexcusable.

Bela didn't want to leave Emmett. "Can't I just stay with you?" she pouted.

Emmett kissed the corner of her mouth. "He will suspect if you don't return."

"He doesn't even know I exist. None of the pack even cares about me." She mutters. Considering what she said but knowing how she felt, she knew she had to go back. Her obsession with Alpha Johnny wouldn't let her leave.

"I'm not going anywhere, Bela." He holds her tight and rubs her flat belly. "Especially now that you'll have my pup." He grins. "But I'm going to fuck you hard, Bela. Before you leave, I'm going to take you." Kissing her lips, he slides his tongue into her mouth, taking control. They passionately make out until they are breathless.

"Yeeess" she whimpers dripping with lust. They fuck for hours until she can barely walk.

He helps clean her up and kisses her deeply. "I'm going to go so you don't smell like me, okay?"

She nods in understanding. She heads back to her pack after showering and dressing in clean clothes.

Bela was approaching when she saw Alpha Johnny, his Beta, and a few warriors as if they were waiting for her. "Alpha." She nodded as she tried to walk past.

Alpha Johnny grabbed her arm. "Why are you sneaking out of the pack?" he growled.

"Why do you care?!" Bela screeched at him, pulling her arm back.

"I am the Alpha, Bela! I have a right to know for the safety of my people. You may hate me, but you are still a part of this pack." His Alpha aura rolled off him.

"I was just..." she was trying to think of something quickly. "I wanted a change of scenery. Ok?!" she gritted.

"You're lying, Bela." He towers over her, his eyes glowing green and boring into her. "The scent of rogues lingers around your home." His chest rumbles, causing her to jump. Those with him bare their necks.

She swallows hard but stays silent with her head down.

"And now I can smell them on you." Growling as he grabs her arm once more. "Either you explain, or I throw you in the dungeons."

Her eyes went wide and welled with tears. "Please don't do that, Alpha. Please! I am pregnant." Stuttering as she tries to find the words. "I met him outside the pack. He's not dangerous, I swear."

Alpha Johnny let out a horrific growl, dropping all to their knees. "You are pregnant with a rogue's pup?! Do you know how much jeopardy you have put this pack in?!" he shouts.

"I'm sorry. I was lonely, and he loves me." She cries, "He has never shown interest in our pack."

Alpha Johnny is heaving. "MY PACK!" he roars. "Rogues are always interested in packs. Our resources, financial gain, or just to kill." Dragging her to the packhouse, she's interrogated in the office. "I want to know who and where. NOW!"

Bela didn't want to tell him about Emmett, but she couldn't resist an Alpha's order. Alpha Johnny tracked Emmett down and murdered him in cold blood. When he told Bela, she broke down. He warned her to abide by pack laws, or she would be banished, pregnant or not.

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Save Me Moon Goddess

Chapter 1 Prologue
