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Mujidat Bakare


It all began years ago when Cassandra father, Marco Lopez had sign off a marriage deal with Anthony King. The deal says that Marco daughter, Cassandra will get married to Anthony son, Francis King. Years went by and the kids involve in this marriage deal grew up. Francis King grew up to be a handsome, powerful man. He took over the reign of his father Mafia group and to fulfil his late father wish. Francis seek out Cassandra to marry her just like his father wanted. But Cassandra didn't want the marriage and in order to get out of it, she and her mother lied to Francis. Making him believe that their maid Flora Martin is Cassandra, the bride he intend to get married to. Unknown to poor Flora, Cassandra and her mother ask her to deliver a parcel to someone in Italy. Not being able to refuse and happy about having her first trip out of the country, Flora agreed to go. But what she didn't expect on her arrival is a man waiting for her to arrive so he can marry her. __________ "What did you just say?" Flora ask, starring at the handsome devil in front of her. "I don't repeat myself twice" "Well you will have to repeat it cause there's some mistake somewhere" Flora said, moving past him but he caught her by the waist and drew her to him. A gasp left Flora lips as she stare into his green eyes. "There's no mistake sweetheart, you are getting married to me today and that's the truth" _________ How do you think Flora will get out of this one? Will she be able to prove that she's not Cassandra? How do you think Francis will take it when he finds out that there is a man in Flora's life already?


"How come the pictures they could get are blurry ones?" Francis ask, starring at the pictures put on his desk by Jerome, Francis friend since childhood.

"Do you want me to eliminate the investigators?" Jerome ask, pulling out his knife.

"For what?"

"For doing a bad job" Jerome reply.

"Put that back. There's no need killing him, I should have gone myself to check her out, afterall I'm the one getting married" Francis said, standing up to reveal the dragon tattoo he had drawn on his right arm.

"Do you really have to get married to her? You don't know her, haven't ever seen her, yet you want to marry her? I think you should reconsider" Jerome said, trying to persuade his friend.

"I already told you. It's father's last wish and I intend to fulfil it. How are the new recruit coming along?" Francis ask.

"They are doing fine. Gray and Victor are helping them settle in and there's a guy coming from California today, once he arrive, their training will begin" Jerome inform.

"About this marriage of yours, I still think you don't have to do it" Jerome added quickly.

"My mind has been made and you can't change it. Send a word to the Lopez family that in five days time our marriage will take place and I want Cassandra here" Francis order.

Knowing he won't be able to change Francis mind, Jerome left to do his bidding.

Francis stood alone in his office, looking coldly at the garden when a lady barge in.

"Have you made your decision?" The lady ask and slowly, Francis turn to give her his attention.

"I'm getting married in five days time" he said coldly.

"So you've chosen to discard me, right?"

"You've known all along that our relationship is a temporary one, Sugar" Francis said, his voice hardening.

"Why? Is it because you are the boss and I am just a f**king slave?" Sugar ask, feeling hurt that he choose to marry a stupid girl from California over her.

"Do you want the truth?" Francis ask and when she said nothing, he continued.

"You are no wife material. Yes, you are good in bed and we had wonderful s*x but that's all. You aren't someone who can stay with one man for long, I know that for a fact, Sugar or do you think I'm a fool who doesn't know how you f**k around with my men?" As soon as he said that, Sugar got pale.

"Those men don't mean a thing to me. You are the only one I love" Sugar said quickly.

"Love? I think you should stop kidding yourself by saying you love me. We are two of a kind, Sugar. We take pleasure from each other but never give out our heart, so when you say you love me, I know it's a lie"

"But Francis I...."

"Enough! I'm getting married in five days, you've heard my answer and so, I want you to leave" Francis said with his usual authoritative tone.

Knowing she couldn't disobey him when he is in this strict mode, Sugar left his office.



Twenty two year old Flora Martin could be seen seated beside a guy as tears flow down her cheeks.

"I told you to stop crying, you know it breaks my heart when you do" Christopher Blake said as he crouch in front of Flora to take hold of her hand.

"I want to stop the tears, I really want to but the thought of you going to Italy for a year breaks my heart" Flora said, wiping her tears as more came rushing.

"You do know that I'm leaving to earn money and make a future for the two of us. Once I get to Italy I will make sure I call you all the time and when I do make enough money, I will come take you to Italy to live with me, you do trust me, right?" Chris ask softly.

Flora nodded.

The two give each other a fierce hug, Christopher pulled back, wanting to kiss her when the call for Italy passengers was made.

"This is it" Chris said, standing to his feet with Flora by his side.

" Make sure to stay save and promise me you won't get hurt" Flora said, doing her best to hold back her tears.

"I promise " he said, giving her a hug once more before turning to leave.

Flora stood watching him and suddenly, he stop, running towards her.

"What are you...." Flora words died off when Chris claim her lips.

They kissed passionately and if it wasn't for the announcement which was made again, they wouldn't have let go.

"I will come back for you, I promise" Chris vow, tears glistening his eyes.

Flora knew how painful it is for them to stay apart while he go to his new work place in Italy. If she had her way, she would have made herself rich and have Chris by her side.

But as it is, they are both poor and Chris believes that he has to make money for them if they intend to build a life together.

"I will be waiting for you" Flora mutter, watching Chris walk off till he was out of sight.



"I feel bad, mom" Cassandra Lopez said as she sat on her bed while her mom, Crystal stood by the window, watching her.

"Bad? Do you want to go in her place, then?" Crystal ask.

"You know I don't"

"Then why feel bad? You have no intention of marrying Francis King but we found a solution. A solution which is by sending Flora in your place, so quit feeling guilty and start coming up with a lie for Flora" Crystal said.

"You are right and about the lie, I could ask her to help me deliver a parcel to someone. She will have no idea who she's going to meet until she gets there" Cassandra suggest, already imagining the scene.

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