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If not for the unfortunate death of my beloved parents, I won't have known what the hell lower people go through in the hands of higher grade humans in the society. Having someone you can talk to after all these is an added advantage.But to an orphan?. That might be described as hell on earth. I just have to lay miserably on this large big bed hoping for another nightmare in Broad day light. Lucian was a man of integrity and a man who created happiness in public, Less I forget he also created fear in the hearts of many But I just got to know about cruelty. I just have to lay low to his instructions, maybe pending when i might finally get my freedom. ML.: Lucian FL.: Carissa

Chapter 1 Her history

Emma is tied to s chair, blindfolded and gagged. she is scared out of her mind.

"How did I end up here,? All I remember is going out of the house to escape from the wandering hands and the eyes of Amber's friends. She is throwing a party tonight again, And all Emma wanted was to stay away from being raped by one of her male friends. so she usually sneaks away until the party is over.

He room is in the basement, which is not a very safe place to sleep in when there is no lock in the door to hide inside.

" Did she wake up? " a gruff voice asked, making her jump into fright.

Everyone around laughed at her." She is scared easily. Are you sure she is the Castillo's daughter? "One of them asked.

" Yes",the other one said confidently.

Then suddenly, the black cover that was thrown over her head was removed.

Emma blinked a couple of times to adjust to the harsh lighting over her head. she looked around a little and confirmed she is in a warehouse somewhere.

"Disgusting" one of the guys shuddered looking at her face.

She felt a little relieved that her face was repulsive to these guys. Emma looked at the man who just commented.

he's a madman and she never saw him in their Villa before. sushi understood some other outfit planned to kidnap Amber but instead kidnapped her.

"who are you?" the guy who removed the cover away from her head asked. he jumped away from her with discussed.

"I am Emma, I am a maid in the castillo Villa" she whispered with fear in her face and voice

the guy who removed the head cover glared at the one who is standing away from the group of midman surrounding her. he is standing alone and alert.

"is she the daughter of castillo?" he asked the lone man with confusion.

" she is" Marco replied.

"but she's claiming herself as a maid" steve said with confusion.

" wait for the boss. he wanted me to kidnap this girl"Marcus said with a blank face playing with the small pocket knife he usually carries with him.

Marcus knows many things these guys don't. he's boss luca vitiello is searching for the sister of his best friend Gio Deluca. the girl who is sitting on the chair, tied and helpless is the bastard daughter of Frank Costello. he has another daughter Amber.

Amber is 2 years older than Emma and is very beautiful. she is tall, lean,and is called the most beautiful girl in the family.

Marcos looked away from the ugly girl he kidnapped with disinterest. He knows Gio and even saw his mother. both of them affair and can be considered good-looking. but this girl is ugly and can also be called a freak.

Emma looked around her with fear. yes, her step sister Amber is a beauty. but no one knows the original Emma.

Emma is small with her 5 ft height, and also slim. Emma has her mother's features. her eyes her husband not colored on her hair reddish brown.

Her face can be considered beautiful, with fair spotless skin and good features. Emma has a good figure. but she is scared to get notice in the family.

As a maid, if one of them made men reaper no one will protect her. so she wears huge black rimmed glasses, even though she doesn't need them. she uses braces even though her teeth are straight and perfect.

she wears a dark colored foundation on her expose skin. to look darker than her usual first skin tone. her clothes are lose an ill fitting not at all suitable for her frame.

but living between the mid men is like living in the middle of the beasts. you should always be on Guard. so she disguised herself as a freak. that worked and no one usually looks at her a second time. she usually blends in well with her surroundings never gathering attention for herself.

LUCA Vitiello is the boss of the New York outfit. since the time he became the boss, he started to take over almost half the other outfits under his control. now, more than half of the US underworld is controlled by him.

Even the costillo family is scared of him. Frank lost all his fortune when the Russians attacked his outfit. he run like a coward and is currently living in New York with his permission.

Luca was busy in search of Emma for the last one and a half years. his best friend and his trusted confidence and he's under boss, Gio. he took the bullet intended for him and died. the bullet pierced Gio's heart and all he said in his last moment was for him to find and protect Emma, his step sister.

Finally, after searching every outfits out there, his stumbled upon a small piece of information, which one of the close relative of Frank costillo revealed in his drunken stupor.

Frank has an other daughter, who looks ugly as a crow and works as a maid in his house. That's when Luca found out about Emma.

the same girl, he ordered to be kidnapped by Marco.

Luca walked inside the warehouse, where the girl is held. All the guys who present there instantly stop talking.

everyone is scared of Luca. he is a devil in disguise. he is ruthless and could kill countless people if he needs to without even blinking his eyes.

Emma notice the sudden silence around her. her heart pounded with more fear. she felt her heart might give out if it started to beat at this pace. the silence felt like the storm before they calm.

she heard the approaching footsteps of someone. she raised her head and looked at a man older than her in a black suit and a cold calculating Gray eyes.

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