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The Lycan Lunas

The Lycan Lunas



"Will you three stop fighting?. Orion please get them off each other" Alpha Phoenix said with a huff. Alpha Orion nodded. He descended down the stairs to where Sydel, Serenity and Scarlett hurdled on each other screaming and pulling each other's hair and clothes. Alpha Orion grabbed serenity with the blonde hair first, he dropped her on his shoulder as she still struggled to fight. He grabbed Sydel with the jet black hair off Scarlett. Scarlett stood up crying and arranging her red hair, she was emotional and cried easily. The three girls now had tiny finger marks on their faces and were frowning with anger. "Will you three get along?. You're sisters for goodness sake" Alpha Phoenix dropped the bomb from up the stairs where he stood. Sydel and Scarlett gasped while Serenity just smirked. Serenity already knew because the witch that almost killed her told her already. How did the triplets get separated at birth?. Why did they reunite at Alpha Phoenix's pack to be trained as warriors?. What will they do when their enemies come searching for them to kill them?. What will they do when Alpha Phoenix's pack is in danger?. In the midst of the havoc will they accept their mates, Savion, Stetson and Syaire?

Chapter 1 1: Sydel


"Sydel! Run!" my father managed to shout with blood spurting out of his mouth in an alarming quantity. My eyes were almost popping out of their socket as I stared in sheer horror.

"Dad!" I gasped, hot tears escaping my green eyes. My father, king Adrian had changed back to him human form, grey fur disappearing from his body at the transformation and his skin turning brown. There was only one explanation for that-he's dying.

In the pack dinning room lay unmoving human bodies, naked and with their heads chopped off, all of the bodies were brown. They had ripped off their cloths while changing to their wolves but after they died, they turned back to their human self. I watched everything in horror unable to save them.

The happy faces that I walked in on some minutes ago now blank and brown.

My step mother's jet black hair cascaded down her back as she bravely and swiftly maneuvered the sword in her arm to stab the horrific animal that chopped off my dad's head.

But she didn't notice another one sneaking up on her, in her flash, the blue horrific monster jumped on her and sunk his fangs into her neck.

"Step mother!" I whispered in anguish as her loud ear splitting screams met my ear.

I watched in horror as he ripped her head off her body, and began to suck on her blood. She turned brown too..

Unable to comprehend how the peaceful and quiet dinner had become like this, I turned on my head and ran as two horrific monsters came after me.

I ran with my body shaking with tears out of the dinning room amidst howling as the blue colored monsters came after me. Grateful to be in pants and oversized t shirt, not the regular princess dress I was forced to dress in.

"Sean!" he was the first one I saw as I rounded the corner, he was naked and wounded. I cast my gaze up and down his body, my heart clenched at the amount of blood coming out from his body.

"Sean, they killed them!" I cried, "Dad, step mom and Asher and all pack members" I fell on my knee in front of him, glad to see him alive.

"Sydel, you have to get to safety!" Sean, the pack's gamma nudged me behind him just as we heard the howls of the horrific monsters that were attacking the pack house nearing.

Bones snapped and twisted as sean transformed into his grey wolf.

He was brutally wounded, his left hind leg was completely covered in blood and his hip was open and bleeding.

Gigantic slashes and cut ran over his wolf's back, oh no!.

"Sean! Sean!" I cried harder, hot tears escaping my green eyes and sliding down my face, "What are those things?" My knees gave out and I fell on my butt like a piece of nothing.

"Ghouls!" He said taking a fighting stance, "Princess Sydel!. I command you to run and get yourself to safety" he shouted.

The horrific pale blue monster that smelled of rotting flesh and blood and so called Ghouls were nearing us now, the sound of their howls were disturbing and frightening..

"They are very strong now, they've drank a lot of wolf blood and I'm afraid I might stand no chance against them. But I'll hold them back as long as I can. Run through the forest and jump inside a river, the water will wash away your smell. Only come out when they're gone and you're safe. Now, Sydel run!."

Sydel run!. Sydel run!. Everyone has been saying that to me but..

"Sean. No!. I cannot leave you!. Please no!" My body was shaking almost into convulsion, from tears and fear.

"I have no idea how they found our pack in the first place!."

I started to stutter, "I just changed back and came out to have dinner, I was going towards Dad's table with my food when they attacked."

Sean's brown eyes suddenly flashed at me so quickly, the anger burning in it made me gasp, "You changed.... Into your wolf?. Kind Adrian commanded you to never do that!. Of could that's why they found us."

What?. I was utterly speechless and overwhelmed. They found us because I changed?. How is that connecting?. I don't understand!. I just couldn't control myself when my wolf fought to come out. Everyone else in the pack transformed whenever and I'm the only one left out.

"Sydel run!. Now" with that he jumped his into the air and attacked the two coming Ghouls, momentarily slashing his paws on both of their neck. Of course they didn't bleed, their smell of rotting flesh and blood and pale blue color was a hint that they weren't ordinary creatures.

"Sydel run!. Get to safety!."

I can't!. I can't!. I dragged myself on my butt backwards as one of the ghouls almost grabbed me but Sean bite into it arm.

I turned back and ran. The pack's dinning room was thankfully downstairs so it was easy to get out of the pack house.

I'm running through the forest and my feet are cold, I can barely feel them in my trainers as I ran. My knee suddenly twisted over a tree root and I fell on my face, my nose breaking as it hit the hard forest floor making me cry out in pain.

Gasping and out of breath I twirled around, my eyes widening in shock as the smell of flesh and blood clouded my sense of smell and sent me to a dizzy trance.

In the blink of an eye and a flash of pale blue, I felt myself being lifted off my feet and my body slamming into a tree bark, the pale blue hand of the Ghoul holding my neck against the tree.

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