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Night Night vampire

Night Night vampire



"Claudia! Claudia come back here!". Her mother shouted rising from her log, she stamped her foot in anger as she always did whenever she was furious. "I'll be back". Claudia shouted back. "I just want to be alone right now. Is that too much to ask?". She added silently. Her mother gave up yelling and buried her face in her palm in frustration. Elena was stressed out with Claudia's moodiness and constant tantrums. A simple mother and daughter camp out gone wrong. Claudia wondered deeper into the forest not turning around or leaving marks. "Just tell me who my father is! Just let me know who I am!", Claudia muttered to herself. She walked deeper and deeper breathing heavily but her anger and stubbornness won't let her return to her camp site. The forest became darker and steeper and it was becoming impossible to go any further. A sharp twig sticking out of a tree branch stabbed Claudia as she struggled to get past it. "Arghh", Claudia growled and gritted her teeth trying to muffle her screams. Her right shin was bleeding and badly torn. "Curse you stupid tree!!". "That's a sacred tree!", a deep voice startled Claudia. "Who's there!", she yelled looking around in fright. "Who said that!". "A vampire"....

Chapter 1 ~1~

"Relax, just relax"

Alaric, Lilith, Otis, Spike, and Cassius, stood arm to arm each making futile attempt to smoothen down their already perfect wolf skin cloaks. Each of their cloaks were made from male alpha wolf skin, Grand accomplishments of their father, Silas Guire Grando. An honor it was for the sons to put it on for it had been saved specially for this special occasion. Each of the sons had been given a special cloak that suits them.

Alaric Guire Grando, the first son of Silas Guire Grando was clad in a Grey cloak.

A sacrifice had to be made before each child was born and the sacrifice will determine the strength, color and powers of the child. A grey Alpha wolf was used as a sacrifice before Alaric's birth. Alaric was then born later with Thick grey hair that grew longer with his age.

Alaric's coat made a smooth blend with his snow pale skin, he eyes were the same shade of grey as the cloak. Standing at eight foot Alaric was the third cutest vampire of the brothers, he was the tallest and swiftest vampire, he could suck an inferior's blood faster than an eye blink. He had the powers to take control over minds and bodies, one hard look from Alaric and he could take control over the hosts mind, controlling and commanding for as long as he pleases.

He was born on Sept_ember, the seventh moon, after the blood sacrifice of a male Alpha killed his father. Alaric's weakness lies in his nose, he had a too broad pointed nose, if ever his nose was cut off he would die but if not he would keep on living till eternity. Alaric had the far sighting of vampires and sharp earing, he could see and ear for 70 miles away. He had a cat pet he named Eric. Alaric was the kindest of the Grando brothers and he had the responsibility of protecting them which he did.

Alaric tried to hide his nervousness, he brushed his lean fingers through his grey hair That had been styled above his ears in a gravity defined way as beads of sweat appeared on his forehead.

"Of couse you'll get chosen Alaric". He assured himself while stealing glances at his brothers.


Lilith Guire Grando, the second son of Silas Guire Grando was clad in a brown wolf skin cloak. Lilith's special color was brown, he had a light brown log colored hair stopping on his mid back, they went down in thick healthy curls almost sparkled. He had chestnut brown eyes and long eyelashes, his tongue was also brown.

Standing at six foot tall Lilith had the most charming figures, he made hearts fluster with just an eye blink. He had such sunken innocence in his appearance that he would never be accused of a wrong doing and he used it well enough except to his brother who knew his every trick. He looked pure. He was the forth cutest of the brothers. He nervously pulled his brown curls.

Lilith was born on Oct_ober.

Today Lilith the charmer was also nervous, this day would decide his future.

Otis Guire Grando, the third son of Silas Guire Grando had on a tan coat [yellowish brown]. He had a tan colored hair that was always on low cut almost balding. Tan colored eyes and tongue were his outstanding figures not minding his anger. The flaming vampire as he earned the name due to his hot and destructive temper, he could burn down an entire city when he was angry. He was always referred to as ugly by his brothers. He was born on Nov_ember.

But today, Otis was wearing a smile, what would make fire not burn paper. Otis nervously licked his fangs, he was afraid they had blood on them.

Spike Guire Grando, the forth son of Silas Guire Grando was clad in a white cloak, as white as snow, as white as his skin, as white as his eyes as white as his tongue. Spike's color was white. His eyes were shades of white, the white of blindness but he was beyond blind, he could see father than anything of his brothers. He was the hottest vampire, he had an arrogance that would destroy a man....vampire.

Today was no different but he too had a slight nervousness in his mind.

Cassius Guire Grando, the fifth and last son of Silas Guire Grando was clad in a black cloak. His cloak was as black as the night, even blacker. His color was black although he had a pale skin, he had long black hair with two strands of white that he let fall over his eyes while the rest was kept in a pony tail.

Spike suddenly turned to his brothers

"I don't want any of you to be sad if you don't get chosen, I don't know which one you it's going to be but I know I'm definitely getting a bride", spike said wetting his lips with his white tongue.

"I'm sure it's going to be Otis anyway" Spike continued. He drawed a fist at Cassius and he bumbed it. Spike and Cassius had a closer bond to one another than to the rest, they were the youngest and hottest.

"When will they get here!". Otis asked impatiently.

"Soon my brother. Soon" Alaric comforted.




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