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Bound By A Beating Heart

Bound By A Beating Heart

Chrissy writes


On that cold rainy night, Emma heard the most heart breaking words from her lover's mouth. Emma, let's divorce... Her heart sank and she looked at her husband in shock. Jack stood by the window, his hands tucked in his pocket, giving off a defiant look but she could see the emotions he was batting with in his eyes. Couldn't he give her another chance? We've been trying for years and I need to keep up my family's legacy. I married you as a virgin yet you can't give me a child. How ridiculous... Jack, I've been trying... Emma's voice broke and she inched closer to him trying to plead with him. However, he avoids contact with her and walks to the door. We'll live separate lives from now on. I'll have my PA send you the divorce files tomorrow. After Jack left, Emma's wobbly legs finally gave way and she collapsed on the floor sobbing. However, something mysterious was still unfolding. Their separation from each other actually got them closer to each other. Distance they say makes the heart grow fonder.

Chapter 1 Anxious

Chapter 1

Emma Wrights walked out of the hospital letting off a deep sigh. She had been in and out of the hospital for almost four years yet there wasn't any positive news. She looked at her husband, Jake as he walked over to their Mercedes coupe in big strides. She didn't bother to catch up with him. Obviously he wasn't happy about their condition. They had been searching for a child for nearly four years and it is really hot on his side because he was the only child in his family and they needed him to have a child and continue the family legacy. These days, he was very unhappy with her. Emma recalled how she trembled over the phone that morning when she informed him about their meeting with the female gynaecologist. Jake was a very busy man. The owner of CJ enterprises and a big boutique store. She didn't want to disturb him due to the nature of his job but she had to...

Their hopes were dashed when the doctor informed Emma that she wasn't pregnant yet. They needed to go through an IVF and if this one failed, it was going to be the 8th failed IVF. GOD!, Why am i so unlucky, Emma wondered.

After Jake got into the car, she was about to follow suit but he stopped her right on her tracks.

I'm going back to the office for a meeting. Find your way back home.

After he said this, the car sped off and Emma stood there stunned and transfixed. If things went on like this, she won't be able to save her marriage with Jake.

Emma, a voice brought her to reality and she saw her friend, Gionee, getting out of a blue Audi and running towards her.

Em, Gionee called softly.

G, Emma replied with a deep sigh.

They had been childhood friends and they gave each other a nickname due to their smooth relationship.

What did the doctor say, Gionee asked with a concerned look on her face, fully aware of her friend's condition.

For the past two months, I've been feeling weird in my body. Sometimes, I feel like throwing up. Other times, I slept and ate a lot. I thought i was pregnant. I was full of hope. However, I went to the doctor today and she said she found nothing. Perhaps those symptoms were just slight fever.

Fever? Gionee sighed.

Did your husband come with you?


Emma saw Gionee look around in confusion and she quickly added.

But he left few minutes ago because he had an important meeting.

I know he has been patient but he couldn't have left you under this freaking hot sun.

Let me take you home first.

Thanks. But I would stop by at the supermarket. The fridge needs to be restocked.

Alright then , jump in...

It was night already. Jake was always back before 9pm so she ensured his food was ready. Today, she made his favourite food. Spaghetti and green salad.

As Emma expected, Jake came back home by 8:50pm. She opened the door and softly greeted him but he only nodded and left for their room on the first floor.

However, after some minutes, he came down and walked to the dining table where she was.

Emma turned, suddenly recognizing his presence when she inhaled his fresh sandalwood scent at once. His hair was still damp after he had his shower. He noticed her checking him out but he ignored her and pulled out a chair to eat.

After Emma poured out orange juice in his glass, she went back to the kitchen to wash the used dishes.

It was not up to five minutes when his deep voice reverberated round the room, demanding for her presence. Emma's heart skipped and she wondered if she did something wrong. Like a scared obedient cat, she hurried back to the dining room and stood in front of him.

Have you eaten?

Uh- Y-yes, I have, Emma clutched her apron tightly, obviously guilty for lying.

Come and eat with me.

Emma couldn't bear the silence that would normally follow suit whenever they eat together at the dining room. This was never how they were but things just changed after their failed efforts to bear children.

I'm already full Jake. I ate minutes ago, Emma had to lie again.

Jake nodded and stood up.

Come upstairs after you are done. Don't sleep in the guest room again. I'm not chasing you from our matrimonial bed.

Emma watched as he walked back upstairs. That means, he still loves and craves her presence though he hides it by being cold and domineering.

Like Jake instructed, when Emma was done in the kitchen, she went to their room. Jake was still awake, pressing his mobile. Emma quietly went to the bathroom and took her bath. Emma was never a quiet person. Infact, her sanguine nature was what attracted Jake to her back then in the college. They were in love with each other so much that they won lots of awards during prom parties. Everybody thought they were a perfect match including Gionee. So it wasn't shocking news when they got married. However, after a year, things began to change. Jake's family were on his neck, asking him to give them a child to continue the family name and he should remarry if Emma was a barren woman. It hurt Emma a lot when they said lots of rude things about her. It affected her emotionally so much that she became so shy, quiet and reserved...

Emma got out of the bathroom cladded in a lemon green night gown. After applying body cream and waiting for it to dry on her beautiful white skin, she went to the other side of the bed and pulled off the bedsheets to sleep, staying as far as possible just the way Jake wanted it. By this time, Jake put aside his phone and pretended to be asleep but he was actually awake inhaling his sweet wife's vanilla scent.

For a long time, they both couldn't sleep and Emma had been tossing around the bed. She needed to tell him something but she didn't know how to. However, Jake got the hint and commanded her to speak.

Jake, I ask that you be patient with me. Please, I'm trying my best.

Patience? Jake scoffed. You know, I'm not a patient man .

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