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The billionaire's ex-wife revenge

The billionaire's ex-wife revenge



Emily had planned her life to follow in the footsteps of her father and become a well known renowned journalist. She was on the verge of completing her journalism course when her father had to marry her off in an arranged marriage to the son of a powerful mayor, Andrew. A closed door agreement to save his company. Andrew's Father agreed to help Mr. Simon save his company but that wasn't the only motive behind accepting the marriage, there was far more dangerous motive. Emily is left with the choice of either running away to complete her journalism course despite her father's company being at risk of bankruptcy or sacrifice her dreams and marry Andrew, and become a full time housewife which means she will never become a journalist again

Chapter 1 Disappointed

"No..no..no dad, what did you just say!" Emily expressed her bitterness with a disappointed face, massaging her forehead as she stood in front of her dad who was seated in the cushion. "I am doing this for you, for us dear." Mr Simon spoke with a calm voice, his tone far from telling the truth.

"I can't believe you are doing this to me dad," Emily said, trying to sit on a sofa adjacent to him. "How could you make such big decisions without involving me." She added, staring at her dad with pitiful eyes.

"Listen Emily, I have to save the comp..."

"..I have my life to live also, dad!" Emily quickly cut in, her voice sharp and resentful. "I won't agree to this marriage." She added, squeezing her temple and folding her arms to her chest while looking away.

"Young woman!" Mr Simon spoke, his voice already sounding angered. "You will agree to this marriage whether you like it or not." He added stamping his feet to the floor. "So get ready because you are getting married today." He added.

"What!" Emily exclaimed with a high tone. She stood up from her seat. "Unbelievable, I..I thought you care about me, my life and..and my career of becoming a journalist like you, dad." Mr Simon sighed before answering, "Yes, I..I do dear but this a one time opportunity to save the company."

Emily shook her head in disbelief, "And that means sacrificing the dreams of your daughter!?" She asked with curiosity. Mr Simon looked away without uttering a word. "I knew it." Said Emily storming out of the house with anger. Mr Simon stood and followed her, trying to stop her. "Where are you going Emily?" He asked but she didn't pay attention to him.

Emily drove in her father's car out of the compound almost hitting the gateman as she drove recklessly into the highway. She drove almost 3 kilometres away from home in order to cool off somewhere. The traffic lights were red, signalling for the cars coming from lane to stop but Emily didn't stop. A truck was already 5 metres away from the traffic and Emily was about to move past it when suddenly there was a loud collision.

The truck hit Emily's car, it summersaults thrice before hitting the wall of a coffee shop. Emily was badly injured, almost breaking her neck. An ambulance arrived and took her to the hospital.


Andrew was busy getting dressed and preparing for the wedding. He doesn't look entertained about it but at least that will save him lots of troubles and questioning his morality.

"Ahn, You look great, Son." Mr Philips the mayor spoke, walking into the room and complimenting his son.

"Thank you Dad." Andrew appreciated while looking at his reflection in the mirror to check out how fitted the white suit is on him. "Remember, this is an opportunity for us to tighten our grip on power and wealth," said the Mayor, standing in front of his son and laying his right hand on Andrew's left shoulder

"I know Dad." Andrew replied, smiling at his dad. "And I will make you pr.." Mr. Philips phone rang, interrupting Andrew's statement.

"Oh, it's the bride's father calling." Said Mr. Philips, smiling and showing Andrew the screen before picking it.

"Hello, Mr. Mayor," Mr Simon said with a trembling voice. "There is a problem."

Mr Philips quickly removed his eyeglasses, arching his brow in confusion. "And what exactly is the problem, Mr. Simon?" He asked with a bold and serious tone. "Emily is hospitalised, she had an accident." Mr. Simon answered, his voice cracking and his tone filled with tension.

"What!" The Mayor exclaimed, squeezing his face in frustration. " Listen, Mr. Simon, the marriage must hold. I have invited all the highly respected people in the country and I can't afford you and your daughter to pour this embarrassment on my face." He said angrily, his voice very loud.

"But.. but Mr Mayor, she is unconscious. What do you want me to do?" Mr Simon asked with a bit of frustration in his tone. "Deal with it. You have an hour to get her ready even if it means coming down to the hospital to get her wedded." The mayor instructed, hanging the phone.


Emily woke up to the sound footsteps of the busy nurses walking around and attending to patients. She slowly opened her eyes which were still blurry and gradually, it became clear. She stares at the ceiling before trying to figure out where she is.

"Ouch," Emily groaned, trying to reach her neck with her right arm but it was wrapped heavily with bandages. "Where am I?" She mumbled, her voice barely audible. Emily couldn't turn her head properly because of the head support around her neck.

Suddenly she remembered what happened a few hours ago before she found herself in the hospital. Amidst her thoughts,the door opened wide and her father came in.

"Emily!" He called and rushed to her side. "Thank Goodness you are alive." He managed to hug her slightly. "Ugh! It hurts dad." Emily groaned in pain.

"Sorry dear," he pulled away. "I am so sorry. I shouldn't have yelled at you." Mr. Simon tried to apologise to his daughter, wiping away his tears.

"It's okay dad." Said Emily, smiling faintly but it didn't reach her face. Mr Simon turned away, looking sad. "What's wrong dad?" She asked, looking at her dad curiously.

"The wedding must go on." Said Mr Simon, turning around hastily. "I tried making them understand, but the mayor won't listen and he ins..."

Emily cut in, "Go away." She spoke gently and turned her face away from her dad. "I am sorry, Sar..."

"I said go away!" Emily yelled at her father. She began to cry uncontrollably.

A loud noise was heard outside, sirens wailing. Mr Simon turned and looked at his daughter, "They are here already, Emily."

Emily immediately sat up with speed without realising the sharp pain that stroke her back. "What! No..no, I didn't sign up for this. This isn't how I planned my life." She spoke angrily before feeling the sharp pain on her neck. "Ouch."

Andrew and his father were already in the hospital premises, along with the guest and the priest heading towards the ward where Emily was admitted.

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