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Married to his wrath

Married to his wrath

Great Tade Auhtor


Rinalisa's life took a heartbreaking turn when her parents were tragically killed on her birthday, transforming her dreams into a living nightmare. She finds herself bearing the consequences of her twin sister Kiara's actions, suffering at the hands of Scott, whom she perceives as devilish. Despite facing neglect and humiliation, Rinalisa is resolute in uncovering the truth surrounding her parents' death and Scott's real character. Her efforts are derailed when she is kidnapped by Doona, Scott's stepmother. Enduring pain and suffering, Rinalisa grapples with the repercussions of her sister's choices. While navigating her emotions, she feels an unexpected pull towards Scott, who misinterprets her feelings and begins to harbor resentment. At this time, Richard, Scott's stepbrother, enters her life, providing comfort and safety. As the relationship between Rinalisa and Richard strengthens, Scott's jealousy grows, leading him to become more possessive. The situation becomes even more complicated with the reappearance of Scott's ex-girlfriend, Stella, further straining their connection. As hostility escalates, Rinalisa's disdain for Scott deepens as she attempts to distance herself from him but encounters more mistreatment. The story reaches its peak when Rinalisa confronts Scott to seek a divorce, resulting in a dramatic encounter that uncovers his genuine feelings and fears of losing her. Meanwhile, Doona disapproves of Rinalisa's bond with Richard and takes extreme actions to keep them apart. Rinalisa strikes a deal with Doona to vanish completely, leaving Scott heartbroken when he learns someone else was responsible for his parents' murder. As Scott descends into despair, Stella tries to manipulate him while Doona plots to eliminate Rinalisa entirely. A complex web of deception and revenge unfolds as Scott begins to suspect Amelia, leading to tension with his friend Clinton. Amidst the turmoil, Kiara takes on Rinalisa's identity, complicating Scott's emotions and initiating a series of unforeseen events. When Rinalisa returns, driven by a desire for revenge, she encounters Richard, introducing new obstacles to the ongoing strife. Rinalisa watches as Scott falls for the wrong person, resulting in unexpected drama when she becomes pregnant. When Stella encounters Rinalisa and realizes they are twins, she suggests teaming up for revenge, but Rinalisa declines and pursues her own vendetta. Merlin, an old friend of Scott's mother, attempts to rescue Scott from his mistakes, but he is too infatuated to recognize the true intentions. Upon discovering Rinalisa's scheme and mistakenly believing Kiara is involved, Scott seeks retribution against her, but she remains indifferent, perplexing him further. Eventually, as the truth comes to light, Scott begins to see Rinalisa differently. Merlin captures Doona and forces her to confess, which illuminates the situation for Scott. In the conclusion, Scott apologizes to Rinalisa with Richard's assistance, despite still loving her. Kiara suffers a miscarriage and is ultimately exposed for feigning her pregnancy, leading to her imprisonment alongside Doona. Clinton recognizes his errors and seeks forgiveness from Scott, which is granted. In the end, Scott and Rinalisa find happiness together, while Richard discovers his true soulmate.

Chapter 1 Killed

Detective Joe turned to Scott with a serious expression and stated, "Rinalisa William does not have a twin sister, sir."

At thirty years old, Joe was a private investigator who worked for Scott, a billionaire known for his ruthless tactics. Before Joe could elaborate further on his findings, Scott abruptly stood up from his plush office chair. As he laughed coldly, he shot back, "Is she attempting to trick me?" Enraged, Scott stormed out of his lavish office, with Joe hastily trailing behind him.


Rinalisa felt a wave of dread wash over her as she watched Scott burst into the room, his face contorted with rage. "You dare to play tricks on me!" he roared, emphasizing his anger with a brutal slap across her face.

James, Rinalisa's father, who was a forty-year-old driver, defended his daughter passionately. "My daughter did not lie to you; we are being honest!" he insisted vehemently. Scott merely smirked at the defiance, and in response, he retaliated angrily, "You think you can speak back to me, right? You, the father of a murderer!" With a malicious grin, Scott swung his fist and struck James in the face. Grace, Rinalisa's mother, rushed forward to shield her husband from Scott's wrath.

"I swear I will make you feel the same pain I am feeling right now," Scott warned Rinalisa as he crouched down to her level, causing her to instinctively back away in fear.

As if sensing the tension, three intimidating bodyguards barged into the room and forcibly dragged Rinalisa's parents away. "Please, don't hurt them!" Rinalisa cried out desperately, trying to grab onto Scott's legs, but he kicked her away contemptuously.

"Let me make this more entertaining for you to witness," Scott said with a wicked grin as he pulled Rinalisa outside to see her parents being tied up against their will. Her heart raced as petrol was doused over them, her eyes grew wide in horror at his cruel commands.

"Burn them and leave nothing behind," he coldly instructed.

"No, no, please don't do this!" Rinalisa screamed in panic, tears flowing down her cheeks uncontrollably. She wanted to run to them, but the horrifying sound of her parents screaming engulfed her, causing her to freeze in place. Her world spun out of control as she dropped to her knees, helplessly watching her beloved parents consumed by flames.

"Happy birthday, Rina!" Gloria, Rinalisa's mother, cried out amidst the chaos of the fire, pushing Rinalisa over the edge as she fainted from the unbearable tragedy.


In another part of town, at the busy CEI REPORTING STATION, an affluent middle-aged woman named Doona Levi entered with an air of confidence. When the employees noticed her, they immediately stopped what they were doing and bowed respectfully.

Taking a seat, she crossed her legs elegantly and removed her sunglasses. "Where is Mole?" she asked, a note of urgency in her voice. A man hurried over upon hearing her call.

"I want this published; I want everyone to be talking about it," she commanded, handing him a file with authority.

With a bright smile, she announced, "I have someone new to introduce to all of you." A young lady then stepped in, leaving everyone in shock.

"Stella Rowels," they whispered to one another as Mole approached Doona cautiously.

"Ma'am, she's Scott's ex. Why is she here?" he questioned, but a stern glance from Doona made him retreat.

"I know this is surprising, but I'm here to help," Stella said reassuringly as Doona stepped away to take a phone call.

As she glanced at the incoming call, she hesitated, initially ignoring it until her annoyance got the better of her. "Who is this?" she barked, her voice laced with irritation.

"Don't raise your voice at me, you deceitful woman," the caller shot back, prompting Doona to study her phone before continuing to listen intently.

"I have a gift for you," the mysterious voice said, nearly hanging up before a video popped up on her screen, taking her by surprise. "Who are you?" she asked, attempting to maintain her composure.

Meanwhile, at a lively club, Mike Levi, a twenty-two-year-old who was known for charming women, made quite the grand entrance, creating a stir among the female patrons. He made his way to the VIP lounge, settling into a corner seat, ordering drinks from a waitress. Right before she left, he playfully smacked her, causing her to tense up in annoyance before walking away.

A striking woman in a daring outfit caught the eyes of many men. Mike slid next to her, his charming grin in full swing as he attempted to flirt. "Why is such a beautiful lady like you sitting here all alone?" he said, licking his lips in a cocky manner, but she merely rejected him coldly. When she noticed another man watching her, she quickly put on a smile, pretending to be interested.

"You make me feel so tense right now," he whispered into her ear, leaning in to kiss her neck. But she stopped him, saying, "Let's take this somewhere private," while winking playfully.

Standing up, they both headed toward a secluded area. However, once they arrived, Mike was startled to hear her urgent plea for help.

"Please, Mister, help me! My mom is threatening to kill me if I don't have sex with a rich guy to make her a lot of money," she cried, tears rolling down her cheeks. Mike scoffed at her, irritated.

"Does this look like a charity place to you?" he snapped back angrily as tears continued to stream down her face.

"I'm only a teenager, please!" she begged, but Mike looked at her with nothing but lustful eyes. "Do I look like I care about your problems?" he responded harshly, roughly pushing her onto the bed as she sobbed louder, "I hate garbage like you," he muttered before pulling out a syringe and injecting it into her.


Later on that night, Doona addressed Kiara firmly. Kiara, who was Rinalisa's twin sister, stood attentively in front of her as she spoke.

"I have a job for you tonight," Doona said. "You need to end someone's life again. Does he think he can blackmail me so easily? He doesn't seem tough at all," she smirked as they walked into a different room.

"Find him!" Doona ordered someone who was seated at a computer. Just as she anticipated, a call came in the moment her command was given. "Do you think I'm a joke, Doona?" a voice yelled from the other end, prompting her to stifle a laugh.

"Please give me some time to get the money together," she feigned a frightened tone, but the caller merely laughed sarcastically.

"You go out and buy a big glass of wine, and you can't manage to get me four million dollars in seven hours? What a pity," he mocked her.

"Don't push me, woman! I want my money in the next few minutes, or the video goes live," he stated before abruptly ending the call.

"Did you catch the address?" Doona asked eagerly.

"Apartment 104 on Crispdal Street," he replied, which prompted a sly smile to spread across Doona's face as she looked at Kiara. "It's time for you to show your skills," she encouraged her with a gentle pat on the shoulder.

With newfound confidence, Kiara made her way into the building and stepped into the elevator that would take her to the specified apartment.

After what felt like an eternity, the door creaked open, and the sounds of moans filled her ears. She peered into a small yet fancy room, her menacing grin growing wider as she entered the living room and sat on the couch.

Grabbing a nearby flower vase, she maliciously smashed it against the floor. The loud sound caused Felix to jerk awake from the bed, rushing into the living room while struggling to put on his clothes.

"Who's there?" he called out repeatedly but received no answer. "Who's that?" he demanded again, flicking the lights on to reveal a shadowed figure seated on his couch.

Feeling startled, he questioned the identity of the intruder, only to find himself face-to-face with Kiara.

"Don't you dare raise your voice at me, you deceitful man! Do you remember who said that to you?" she taunted, prompting Felix to attempt to escape only to be shot in the legs by Kiara, leaving him in excruciating pain.

Just then, a terrified woman burst into the room. With wide, frightened eyes, she gazed upon the person holding the gun.

"Kiara," Michelle's quivering voice came out, making Kiara freeze upon recognizing her.

"Michelle," Kiara replied, her voice laced with fear.

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