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My turn to chase you.

My turn to chase you.



Ryuchen want his wife to experience the sadness and loneliness that he felt when she left him when they're young, and he succeeded in what he wanted to do. Because Chloe's life became miserable and feel the sadness and loneliness that he felt back then. Until he found out the truth and realizes that everything in his life is a big lie. That he believed in the wrong person and ruined his wife's life, and it was too late for him to make things right. Because his wife had been dead. After he discovered the truth, an accident occurred causing him to lose his life. But for some inexplicable reason, he was returned to the past and was grateful that he had given a chance to make things right to his wife. But things become different from the past, because his wife suddenly wanted to get a divorce.

Chapter 1 PROLOGUE:

Ryuchen Ajero was standing in front of his wife's grave. It's been a month since she died and it was her birthday so he decided to visit her grave.

"What are you doing here?" he heard someone said behind him.

He turns his head and his face immediately darkened when he saw his childhood friend Jason standing behind him holding a bouquet of tulips.

According to Lyka, Jason was his wife's lover when she was still alive. She saw them hugging and kissing each other before the car accident occurred a month ago.

"I didn't know you could still face Chloe's grave, Mr. Ajero." he said then put the bouquet of tulips on his wife's grave.

He's not calling him by his name since Chloe died, as if they were no longer friends anymore.

"Are you happy now that your wife is dead?"

"My wife?"

He face him and smirked as he remembered the scandals and humiliations he had experienced back then because of his so called wife.

"She doesn't even deserve to be my wife."

"Oh really?" he was surprise when Jason suddenly punched him causing his mouth to bleed. "She doesn't deserve to be your wife because you don't deserve her, asshole!"

Ryuchen wiped the corner of his mouth.

"What is wrong with you?!"

"Throughout her life, she did nothing but love you. But what did you do for her, ha? Why do you have to make Chloe's life miserable?!"

He didn't know how to response, he was just looking at Jason who was furious.

"Chloe almost died when she was twelve years old just to save your life, you punk!"

Ryuchen felt cold and shivers rushed throughout his body as if cold water has been poured on him on winter night when he heard what he said.

"She even received a lot of insult and humiliated by your employees, she was tortured and almost got raped when she was kidnapped by your so-called girlfriend, and you know what is the worst thing you have done to her..."

He was confused as he listened to what his friend was saying.

"...She didn't even get a chance to see or hold her child and you even had a nerve to accused us that we're lovers?!"

Ryuchen froze, he doesn't understand what Jason was talking about but he got a strange feeling in his heart that he couldn't explain. He feels like there is something wrong, or something was missing like he lost half of his life all of a sudden after he heard what Jason said.

"You said Chloe saved my life? Lyka said she saved my life when I got kidnapped and she almost got raped in front of me because of Chloe! Now, you're saying that Chloe almost got raped... and she... we have a child?"

Ryuchen suddenly remembered the day he was drugged.

When he woke up after the night of his grandmother's party, he saw Chloe lying naked beside him. He got mad at her and accused her that she was the one who drugged him, he even insulted her back then and called her desperate.

"Yours and her child, I took Chloe to the hospital because she felt something was wrong with her, we found out that she was seven weeks pregnant. She was so happy that time, but she was scared either. She doesn't know what to do with the child because she knows that you will get mad and will not accept if you find out about her pregnancy. She decided to just abort the baby while she was crying, but I told her that it is better to keep the baby because the child is innocent. She's pregnant before she died, you probably don't know that because you didn't went to the morgue to take her and not even bother to shows your fucking face in their funeral!"


No one said anything to him, not even his father's lover Liza who attended her funeral.

Ryuchen's father was on a business trip and his grandparents are traveling around the world that time so they told him to attend her funeral on behalf of them, but of course he didn't go because he was busy attending events for Lyka's movie premier.

And his grandmother was in rage when she found out that he didn't attended her funeral, and kicked him out.

Did his grandmother knows about his wife was pregnancy? Is he was the only person who doesn't know that he was supposed to have a child if the car accident did not happen?

"...and until now, you still believed that Lyka saved your life?" he smirked. "I'm really done with your stupidity, Mr. Ajero. You still believe to someone who's good at scheming until now?"

"What the fuck are you talking about?!" Ryuchen shouted furiously. "Explain everything to me Jason!"

Ryuchen was dumbfounded after Jason told him everything before he left Chloe's grave.

Chloe saved his life from the kidnappers and almost died at a young age and the reason why they left the country back then was for Chloe to get a better medical treatment, and what about the child?

'Chloe was pregnant... to my child? My own flesh and blood.'

His heart suddenly filled with guilt and sadness that he couldn't understand, there was a part of him that doesn't want to believe what Jason said, but he has no reason to lie to him now that Chloe was dead. He just have to tell the truth so that he will suffer and regret what he did for the rest of his life.

The image of his wife smiling at him every morning in the kitchen got inside his head. Even though he always ignores her, the smile never faded on her beautiful face every time she sees him. Her smile shows how much she loves him and every time he gets home, he always sees her on the sofa, sleeping, she probably waiting for him to come home but all he did was to go straight to his room and ignored her.

They had been married for more than two years but he never heard her complained, not even once.

'Bastard! If Jason's telling the truth... fuck! I shouldn't have done that to her.'

The rain began to pour as he looked at his wife grave. The raindrops hit his body as if someone was hitting him softly, as if Chloe wanted to convey what she feels to him at that moment from heaven.

'I'm sorry, Chloe.'

Tears start to fall down on his cheeks along with the raindrops, realizing all the mistakes he had done to Chloe.

Ryuchen did not know what happened after he left the cemetery.

The next thing he knows is that he's inside his car, his head hurts badly while bleeding. He can't move his body and can't open his eyes properly either.

Yeah, he had an accident. He got hit by a truck while driving home.

Maybe that is his punishment for all the things that he has done to his wife. He's not a good husband nor a good father, now that he knows the truth, how can he bring his wife back to life?

If God will give him a chance, he will makes everything right.

He wants to treat her better...

He wants to make her laugh just like when they were kids...

He wants to try her dishes...

He wants to experience her love and reciprocate her feelings...

He suddenly felt his eyelids getting heavier, he was also out of breath. At that moment, he knows that he was about to die.

'I can apologize to her now... and see her smile again.'

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