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A Love So Twisted

A Love So Twisted

Ashlee Lee


A simple encounter with an arrogant man in her father's restaurant was all it took to start a game. A heated game of dominance where no one was ready to back down. A game where both players so themselves as pawns. Neither thought they would get so addicted, addicted to the heat of the game they were playing. Unfortunately, neither realised until they got consumed by the fire that caused the heat. Join Chiara and Dante in their dangerous game of dominance in this thrilling dark romance.

Chapter 1 Dangerous, Maybe Alluring

Chiara tapped her foot repeatedly on the ground, her eyes watching the man as he scanned through the menu, rhythmically clicking his tongue as he did. She had been standing there for a while, waiting for him to make his order. How long would she have to stand there, pretending to care about what he would eat? In a way, she did care - he was the only person left to serve before she could end her shift at her father's restaurant.

As she waited, her eyes darted to the piano tucked away in the corner, its beauty radiating through the restaurant's dull lighting. Her face twitched, now tired of keeping a forced smile. She was ready to glare and scold the man when he finally spoke.

"Um..."He started, clicking his tongue in the same obnoxious manner that Chiara had found annoying.

She took out her notepad and pen, flipping to an empty page. "You were saying?" She asked in a bored manner, like standing there wasn't making her feet sore.

"How old are you?" The man asked and Chiara flashed him an amused glance.

"How does that concern your meal sir?" She asked, her eyes still focused on the notepad like she didn't feel like punching the man who looked slightly older than her father.

"C'mon just answer my question." He pressed on, running a hand through his greying hair while Chiara scoffed.

"I'm twenty-three, what's it to you?" She asked with a frown and he grinned, clicking his tongue once again.

"Wasn't so hard was it?" He chuckled and Chiara scoffed already scrapping the idea of trying to maintain a forced smile.

"You were about to order?" She asked dully and the man rolled his eyes.

"Care for a drink with me? You have a... really pretty face." The man winked and Chiara waved her hand flippantly.

"I still have work." She mumbled like she wasn't waiting for him to order so she could finally slack off behind her piano.

"What a shame," The man mumbled, his eyes roaming Chiara's face and body in her uniform, "a taco salad, and maybe a bit of your attention."

He winked before he opened his wallet and brought a hundred dollar bill, sliding it towards Chiara almost suggestively. "You can keep the change." He said in a hushed tone and Chiara forced a smile, pocketing the money.

"Thank you." She mumbled and made her way to the kitchen.

She opened the door slightly, the smell of grease and fried fish filling her nostrils causing her to gag. "Table five ordered a taco salad!" She yelled and quickly closed the door before she would throw up.

Her eyes darted to Matteo, the cashier and she took a deep breath. She made her way to him and pulled out the hundred dollar bill causing him to raise a brow at her.

"I'm guessing another admirer." Matteo muttered with a playful wink and she rolled her eyes good-naturedly.

"I'm getting sick of it honestly, I didn't get an undergraduate degree in journalism for a life of waiting tables and tending bars at my dad's restaurant." She mumbled, staring outside dreamily.

"Not to mention all the flirting." Matteo mumbled causing Chiara to groan.

"Don't remind me." She muttered, exhaustion heavily laced in her voice.

Matteo seemed to find her tired expression amusing. He looked between her and the money in his hand before speaking;

"So about the money-"

"The change's ninety dollars." She said dismissively and Matteo chuckled.

"Judging from that answer... I'm guessing you're planning on returning the money." Matteo said, almost questioning and Chiara shrugged dismissively.

"I don't want it, I'll just be encouraging their flirting by doing so."

He put the bill in the cash register and gave her the change. She collected it and counted it thoroughly before flashing him a sweet smile.

"It wouldn't hurt to keep the money, aren't you saving up for a new smart phone?" Matteo said, wiggling his eyebrows and that was enough to convince Chiara.

"I just hope the man won't be persistent–"

"I'll be taking that!" Her sister, Aria, intervened, grabbing the money and hungrily counting it before putting it in her pocket. "You're doing great my wonderful twin sister." She mumbled and Chiara glared at her.

Aria was Chiara's younger twin sister. They both shared the same dark blue eyes and shiny black hair although Aria had dyed the tips blue, and the same pale skin and cherry red lips. Although they looked very alike, they couldn't be any more different. While Aria was an outgoing party girl, who craved attention and money, Chiara was more quiet and reserved, loathing the attention she got from her looks.

"Are you going somewhere?" Chiara asked, eyeing the short black glittery dress that hugged Aria's slender body.

"A date." She replied arrogantly flipping her hair while Matteo laughed.

"Isn't this like... your third date this week?" He asked and Aria shot him a glare before pulling on the hem of her dress.

"The perfect romance takes time, I don't expect someone like you to understand!" She yelled and Chiara rolled her eyes at her overly dramatic twin.

"Okay Shakespeare, I suppose you've told dad about your outing because I'm not filling in for you this time." Chiara said firmly and Aria gasped.

"How can you even say that?! And after everything I've done for you, c'mon... please, you're free the rest of the night. If you don't, I'll stop doing all those nice things for you." Aria pleaded, desperation heavy in her tone.

"I can live without you taking the money those old perverts give me." Chiara retorted and Aria groaned.

"You were just going to return it, please... fill in and I-I'll bring you chocolates please." Aria begged, her knees almost on the floor and Chiara rolled her eyes.

"Fine whatever, I'll fill in for you but don't make this a regular thing."

The words were like magic to Aria who stood up and straightened her dress like their interaction had never happened. She hugged Chiara who only groaned and tried to push her away.

"You're a lifesaver! Best sister I could ask for... kisses!"

With that, Aria pulled away and turned on her heels while Matteo watched her retreating figure with amusement and something else... longing, maybe.

"Well... I have a shift to prepare for so I'll play the piano while I still have the time." Chiara stated tiredly and left Matteo alone.

Chiara took a deep breath, the steps towards her piano slow and heavy. Her hands were trembling and she felt like releasing the tears she had tried so hard to hide. It was the day her mother passed away and everyone still seemed so happy, including Aria. It had been ten years already but Chiara was still so hung up on her mother's gentle smile and sweet voice.

Her emotions felt lighter the moment she sat on her stool, facing her piano. This was where she belonged, behind her piano where her problems couldn't reach her. Her piano could never hurt her and it would never leave her like her mother did. Her fingers brushed the keys and she pressed one, listening to the tune it made.

Her mother came to mind again, this time happy memories of her mother sitting in front of the same piano and playing her problems away. Back then, she would cry no matter how happy the tune was and would always tell her she was only appreciating the deep meaning behind the song.

"I thought we were friends... yet you lied to me so much." She mumbled, her mother coming to mind once again.

She took a deep breath to calm her nerves before letting her fingers take her away. Her fingers danced over the keys skilfully and she hummed the tune as she played. Tears slowly left her eyes but she continued to play with accuracy. When she finished, there were a few quiet applause and Chiara remained silent, her eyes fixed on the piano keys.

She wasn't too emotional to stand up; no, crying while playing the piano was a natural occurrence since her mother's passing. Someone was watching her and he had been watching her since she walked up to the piano. It wasn't the usual perverted stares she had become accustomed to, she felt as though she was in danger.

The watch on her hand beeped, signalling midnight and she stared at the small screen, a solemn look on her face before slowly getting up. She made her way to the bar and took her place – or rather Aria's place behind the counter. It was usually by this time that grown men would stumble in to drink away their problems at a cheap price.

Chiara's first customer however strode towards her with an elegance that could not be mastered, but the kind that a person was born with. He took a seat on a stool with such elegance and Chiara found such a simple action attractive and sexy. She took a deep breath to calm her nerves and his cologne went straight to her nose. He smelled rich.

"Um... W-what can I get you?" She stuttered, her eyes darting to his face.

He had hazel brown hair, dark green eyes that seemed to stare into her soul, a perfect straight nose and chiselled face. His fair olive skin looked so rich and smooth and Chiara yearned to touch it. What was wrong with her?

"Did you hear what I said?" Chiara was brought back to reality by his annoyed tone and she looked at him with flushed cheeks.

"I'm sorry b-but could you repeat your order?"

The man groaned at Chiara's response, looking impatiently at his watch. "If you would focus more on your work, perhaps you would have a real job... I want a bottle of rose wine, do you know what that is?!"

Chiara clenched her hands into fists at his obnoxious remark. She quickly unclenched it before reaching for one of the shelves. She carried a bottle of his wine and a wine glass before skilfully pouring the wine in the cup. She could feel his gaze on her and it was exactly the same as the gaze she had felt earlier. She decided to ignore the uneasy feeling creeping up her spine so she wouldn't get insulted again.

"Here." She muttered flatly, sliding the cup towards him with practiced precision.

He gulped down the contents of the cup and planted the cup on the counter before standing up with a scowl. Chiara stared at him curiously and he groaned causing her to flinch.

"I've tasted better." He stated, imitating Chiara's flat tone before walking off to her father's office without paying.

Chiara's jaw dropped and she watched his retreating figure with anger. Who did that man think he was to insult her and walk off without paying?! And why was he acting like he owned the place?! After some moments of deep contemplation, Chiara left the bar and followed the man into her father's office. If only she knew what was to come.

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