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Aryan The Hunter

Aryan The Hunter



The story revolves around a young boy, Aryan, who lives a simple life in a small town. He suddenly comes to know about a world that he could never imagine existed-a world where there is a blood-sucking race called vampires. Vampires are extremely powerful and fast and their lifespan is many times more than that of normal humans, and how will Aryan, an ordinary boy, face these vampires? Keep listening to this story to know.

Chapter 1 Strange Sounds

Alex was living a normal and peaceful life in his small village. Every morning he would wake up with the first rays of the sun and work in the fields and in the evening he would have fun with his friends. The people of the village were completely engrossed in their peaceful life. They would often spend time laughing and playing with each other without worrying about the crops.

However, for the last few days Alex felt that something strange was happening around the village. Often cold winds would start blowing in the dark of the night and strange sounds would also be heard. These sounds were so strange that Aryan's sleep was also being disturbed. Sometimes at night such sounds were heard as if someone was laughing, which started disturbing him a lot.

One night, when the moon was in the sky with all its brightness, Alex woke up from sleep, tossing and turning. He saw that there was a strange movement outside his window. He started looking out of the window and suddenly he saw that there was a mysterious movement among the trees. The movement was so strange and dangerous that Alex couldn't understand what it could be.

Alex thought it might just be his imagination, but he still peeked his head out. Suddenly, he saw some strange glow and an unknown object. The shadow quickly disappeared, but it made Alex very worried.

The next morning, Alex told his friends Peter and Rocky about the incident. Peter and Rocky had also heard strange noises at night, but they thought it was just a part of old stories of the village.

"Did you also hear something strange at night?" Aryan asked.

"Yes," Peter replied, "but we thought it was normal. Such things happen often in the village."

"I think we should not take it lightly," Rocky said seriously. "It could be something else."

Alex justified his friends' concern and made a plan. He thought he would have to find out for himself what the strange noises and movements at night could be related to. He took Peter and Rocky along and decided to spend a night in the forest.

He did not know that this decision was going to change the direction of his life completely.

The full brightness of the moon was spread across the sky, and the darkness of the night was deepening around the forest. Alex was sleeping inside the tent, but he was unable to sleep, he was turning on the bed and waking up again and again. He was hearing a strange and terrifying sound coming from inside the forest. This sound did not seem to be of any animal, but it was a mysterious and strange sound, which was making him feel scared.

Alex slowly got up from his bed and moved towards the window in the tent. Looking out of the window, he saw that blurred shadows were visible from the forest and there was some movement too. His heart started to beat faster. He knew that this sound was not normal.

Alex quickly woke up his friends, Peter and Rocky. "I think something is wrong. Let's go and check it out in the forest," he said, his voice clearly showing distress.

Peter and Rocky, who had already heard about the strange sounds, immediately got ready. The three packed the essentials in their bags and quietly headed out. The silence of the night and the cold wind on their bodies made them feel quite cold, but their attention was completely focused on the forest.

As soon as they entered the place inside the forest where the sound was coming from, they started following the direction of the strange sound. The sound was getting clearer, but it was still a mystery to them. They were walking slowly in the dim light, passing through the trees.

As they entered the depths of the forest, they reached an open place, where some vague things were visible in the moonlight. Suddenly, the shadow of a strange thing was seen in that place. Its body was long and thin, and its eyes glowed red. It had strange markings on its skin, which made it even scarier.

Alex and his friends were terrified, but Alex mustered up the courage and said, "We have to face this thing. Let's move slowly and see what it is."

They moved a little closer, and as they got closer, it suddenly changed its direction and disappeared into the deeper parts of the forest. Alex, Peter, and Rocky followed its direction, but the creature was too fast and got out of their grasp.

Their search in the forest yielded no results. After the unknown object disappeared, the three of them started to return to their village, but a strange uneasiness had arisen in their minds. Alex was thinking about the glowing red eye in the darkness, and the image of the mysterious object kept emerging in his mind.

"We have to be more careful," Alex said. "This could be just the beginning. We have to find out what that thing is. And why it is causing a stir inside our village."

After that night, Alex and his friends decided to get to the bottom of this mysterious object and the strange events, they did not know the truth about whether the unknown object was an animal or something else, so no matter how dangerous it was, they knew that there was something big and dangerous hidden behind this mysterious darkness, and they were fully prepared to face it. But there was fear too.

Alex, Peter and Rocky headed towards the forest, and as they moved towards the deeper parts, the silence of the forest was being broken by strange sounds. Amidst the light of the moon, everything looked even more scary in the dark. The rustling sound coming from the trees and the cold night breeze made the forest even more mysterious due to the atmosphere.

As soon as they reached the depths of the forest, the three of them felt that the strange sounds had become even louder. As soon as the three of them went a little further, the sounds became even more strange and terrifying, the sound which earlier seemed like just an echo, now started sounding as if someone was screaming in pain. Alex's heart beat faster, but he did not give up. Peter and Rocky were also with him, who were trying their best to hide their fear.

Suddenly, they reached a dark place where a strange shadow was standing under a huge and dense tree. The shape of the shadow was unusual and there was a feeling of fear in its presence. The shadow slowly started taking shape, and now it looked like a huge creature. Its eyes were shining, and its movements showed that it was not an ordinary creature.

Alex and his friends slowly moved towards that creature, all three were trembling with fear, yet the curiosity to find out about that thing gave them the courage to move forward, but suddenly the shadow started moving towards them rapidly. Its speed was so fast that they could not understand what was happening. In a moment that shadow came near them, which scared them even more, fearing death, they were now thinking of running back, but everything happened so quickly that no one understood anything.

Alex"We must retreat!" Peter screamed, fear was clearly visible in his voice.

"We can't run away!" Alex replied showing courage. "We have to find out what it is.

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