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The Runaway Mafia Bride: Hidden in Shadows

The Runaway Mafia Bride: Hidden in Shadows



On the day of her arranged marriage to one of the most dangerous mafia heirs, she flees, leaving her family and future behind. Taking on a new identity, she tries to build a new life, but the mafia never forgets. He's determined to find her, and when he does, revenge is the last thing on his mind. But in a world of power, betrayal, and deadly secrets, can she keep her heart-and her identity-safe?

Chapter 1 The Arrival

The sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows over the opulent estate of the Ferrari family. The mansion, an imposing structure of marble and iron, stood as a symbol of power and wealth in the heart of the city. It was here that Isabella Harper's world was about to irrevocably change.

Isabella sat in the back of the sleek black car, her gaze fixed on the mansion's towering gates. The luxurious interior of the vehicle felt like a cage, each plush seat and polished surface a reminder of her impending fate. Her mother, Margaret, sat beside her, her face a mask of forced cheerfulness. Margaret's attempts to engage Isabella in conversation fell on deaf ears; Isabella's thoughts were miles away.

The reason for this evening's visit was an arranged marriage, a tradition deeply rooted in her family's values and one that Isabella had fought against tooth and nail. Her father, Richard Harper, had made the decision for her, convinced it was a strategic move to strengthen family alliances. The Ferrari family's name held immense power, and a marriage to their only heir was considered a tremendous honor.

Isabella glanced at her reflection in the window, barely recognizing the woman staring back at her. Her dress, a delicate shade of sapphire blue, contrasted sharply with her somber mood. The intricate beadwork that adorned the gown seemed like a cruel joke, mocking her sense of entrapment.

The car pulled to a stop at the mansion's entrance. Margaret's forced smile widened, and she reached over to smooth Isabella's dress. "Remember, darling, this is a significant occasion. You must make a good impression," she said, her voice lacking its usual warmth.

Isabella nodded absently, her mind racing. She had imagined many scenarios for her future-none of them involved this gilded cage of a marriage. Her father's voice echoed in her memory, stern and unyielding, explaining the importance of this alliance. To him, it was about power and influence. To her, it was about losing her freedom.

As they walked up the marble steps, Isabella tried to steady her breathing. The grandeur of the Ferrari estate was overwhelming. Lavish decorations adorned the foyer, and the air was filled with the soft strains of classical music. The scene was one of opulence, but Isabella felt like an outsider, a pawn in a game she had no desire to play.

In the grand hall, the Ferrari family awaited. Vincenzo Ferrari, the head of the family, stood at the center, his presence commanding respect. His eyes, sharp and assessing, scrutinized Isabella as she was introduced. Beside him stood his son, Marco, the groom-to-be, a handsome man with an air of cold detachment.

Isabella's gaze met Marco's briefly. His expression was unreadable, but she could sense the weight of expectation in his eyes. He was a stranger to her, and the thought of spending her life with him felt surreal. The arranged nature of the marriage did little to alleviate her apprehension.

The evening progressed with formalities and small talk. Isabella's heart pounded with each exchange, her internal conflict growing stronger. She managed to maintain a facade of politeness, but inside, she was a storm of emotions-fear, anger, and a deep sense of betrayal.

Margaret, oblivious to her daughter's turmoil, engaged in animated conversation with Vincenzo and his wife, Elena. Their laughter and approval only served to heighten Isabella's sense of isolation. She glanced around the room, searching for a way out of this oppressive environment.

As the night wore on, Isabella found herself increasingly disillusioned. The glamour of the Ferrari estate did nothing to mask the reality of her situation. She was expected to accept this marriage without question, to become a part of a family whose values and ambitions were foreign to her.

When the evening finally came to an end, Isabella retreated to her car, feeling as though a weight had been lifted from her shoulders. Yet, as the vehicle drove away from the Ferrari estate, the gravity of her predicament settled back in. She was trapped in a future she had not chosen, and the road ahead seemed both daunting and inescapable.

In the quiet of the car, Isabella made a silent vow to herself. She would find a way to escape this arranged marriage. Her future was not something she was willing to surrender without a fight.

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