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Billionaire's Accidental Bride

Billionaire's Accidental Bride

Moon Shines


They were heartbroken, they were drunk, and they spent the night together. And something out of control happens. *** But the young billionaire wasn't a bastard who shirked responsibility for the baby she was carrying. "I will marry you, and fulfill all my duties as this baby's biological father." "But, don't ever force me or expect more....because I can never love you."

Chapter 1 1

"I'm Dante, who booked the president's suite earlier."

"Here's the key, sir. Our concierge will take you to your room."

"Thank you," Dante panted from the exhaustion of carrying the girl lying limp on his chest.

"This girl is so heavy, like a hippo," Dante complained.

"Do you need any help, sir?" the concierge volunteered.

"No, thank you," Dante said hoarsely as his throat felt like it was on fire from too much liquor.

A few seconds later, the elevator stopped at the top floor of the five-star hotel building.

"Please," the concierge said and helped Dante open the door to his room.

"Do you need any other assistance?"

"I don't think so, thank you," Dante, with difficulty, closed the door to the president's room. With unsteady, staggering steps, he went to the bedroom, laying her down on the soft, white-sheeted bed.

"What a hassle!" Dante complained again as he was about to leave after successfully landing that girl's body on the bed smoothly.

However, suddenly, she pulled him.

"Jerry, don't go!" Dante turned his head.

Jerry??? Who is Jerry??

"I'm not Jerry!" Dante retorted and tried to break her tight grip on his arm.

"Jerry, don't leave me!" that girl pleaded like crazy to Dante, who also felt a heavy dizziness in his head.

"I-" she stood up and got off the bed, but one hand held Dante's arm tightly.

"I'll give my body to you, Jerry, just like you asked," she said as she pressed against Dante's.

With both hands grasping her shoulders tightly, he pushed her away.

"You've gone crazy, Miss. Let go of me; I need to check on someone," he began.

"Please don't do anything rash or... or..." he struggled to remember.

"Or I-"

But that girl landed a kiss on Dante's lips without permission, without Dante being able to avoid it. When she pulled back a minute later, her eyes seemed to glow even more brightly, and her skin also looked slightly paler.

"Kiss me..." she pleaded.

"Please let go of me, Miss," Dante whispered shakily. The light within her eyes intensified until it looked like she was burning alive.

"Please fuck me, Jerry," she pleaded.

"You can fuck me as long as you did not marry that whore! Don't leave me, Jerry!"

"I am not Jerry!" Dante said sternly.

"I love you so much, Jerry!"

She screamed as if in rage, and Dante could feel the deep disappointment when he heard the wounded cry that escaped her lips.

"I'm not Jerry, and I'm not going to fuck you..."

"Do you hear me?!" Dante screamed.

"You have to do it now, Jerry; I'm leaving this to you," she slipped off her blouse and pulled Dante gently into her arms.

He fell onto the bed, lay down, and she began kissing him feverishly. She wrapped her arms around him tightly. The kisses got so hot that Dante could hardly breathe.

Dante, who is also very drunk, finds it hard to contain the adrenaline and the desire that wells up inside him to do what he shouldn't be doing.

He welcomes her and responds like a man aroused by her kisses and moans.

He starts to kiss that girl wildly while she bites his bottom lip roughly. She is intoxicated. Dante's breathing becomes heavier.

Suddenly, she breaks the kiss, and she smiles evilly as she looks down at Dante.

"We're not done yet, are we, Jerry~" she purred softly and ran her hand through his hair.

She kissed him again. This time, Dante didn't pull himself out of it as if a magnetic force compelled him to return to her sweet mouth. She tasted like strawberry ice cream mixed with alcohol.

He couldn't believe how intoxicating it was, as if someone had injected opium into his bloodstream. It was all-consuming and addicting.


The sun shone through the slits in the open curtains. Dante, with a heavy head, a queasy stomach, and an exhausted body, tried to open his eyes. His vision was blurred. He couldn't see clearly.

"Was it a dream? No, it had happened!" He remembered her.

He remembered the feeling of passion, of complete satisfaction.

He recalled that girl's warm body lying under him, how good everything smelled... And then... Oh yes, he recalled.

The girl had given herself to him willingly.

"B-but where is the girl now? Did she disappear?"

"What if...?"

He sat up in bed, groggily rubbing his eyes. Looking around the room, it was empty. It was morning already. Dante exited the bed and walked slowly to the bathroom to check if she was there, but no one was there.

He returned to the room and accidentally looked at the white sheets covering the hotel bed. There were visible bloodstains on them, contrasting with the color of the sheets.



"Is she still a virgin?"

"Oh God, what have I done?!"

At that moment, at that very second, Dante conceded that he was now in big trouble.

"Oh, shit!" he yelled, frustrated.

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