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Revenge: Submitting To The Mafia King

Revenge: Submitting To The Mafia King



Growing up with a drunk and gambler father, Cara has had to work different jobs all her life just to survive. Just when she thought she could finally be free and live the life she wanted, her father gets mixed up with the wrong crowd. Between paying her bills and the debts her father incurred, she certainly does not have time for boys, especially boys who think they run the world. Except Adonis is not a boy. He's a man, and he might not run the world, but he runs half of it. He's rich, uptight, hard, brooding, unforgiving, and sexy, and it's his turn to lead the family. It's all he has ever known and has been trained for. What happens when the requirement is a family of his own? "To lead the family nipote, you need to show them you can manage one of your own." His grandfather said It was supposed to be a one-night stand... She wanted relief. He wanted a wife. Nobody expected a child to get in between... but who knows? The child might be just what they needed...

Chapter 1 Kiss Me Back Please

"Your drinks."

Cara mumbled, dropping the tray filled with drinks on the table before walking away. Anyone could tell she was extra grumpy and moody tonight.

Who wouldn't be?

Struggling to make ends meet with a drunk and gambler for a father hasn't always been easy for her, but he was her only family. She'd pick doing this every day over losing him.

Moreover, she wouldn't have been so grumpy if she avoided that call two hours ago.

"I have a meeting with a client; I think we'll have to reschedule baby."

Was all her boyfriend said in a rush before hanging up on her? It was her birthday, and she had the entire day planned out. Working at her third part-time job for the day, she could definitely use a break, and he was supposed to be the break.

Did he have to go to the meeting? On her birthday at that?

She wondered after he ended the call but would never voice it out. It has always been like that. For the three years they've dated, she never questioned him and never voiced out her wants. He was hers, and that was all she needed.

"Hey Cara, this is for booth 14." The bartender called out, and she picked up the tray once again, resigning to her faith for the night as she walked up the stairs.

Usually she only walked on the ground floor, but the club was at its peak tonight, so all hands were to be on deck.

At least she wasn't told to work on the second floor, which is known to contain the richest of their clients. Cara happily sighed. She didn't think she had the patience to suck up to anyone tonight.

Arriving at booth 14, she plastered a forced smile on her face as she walked in.

"Hello! Your-

"Timothy!" She gasped in horror, the tray crashing to the floor as it fell from her hands.

Hearing the sudden crash, everyone in the booth looked up at her, but her eyes were stuck on just one person. He hadn't seemed to realise she was the one yet, as he was so occupied with the bimbo sitting on his lap, he couldn't spare her more than a glance.

Cara watched in shock as her boyfriend of three years, who was supposedly in a meeting with a client, whispered into the ears of the lady that was sitting on his legs and watched as she giggled unnecessarily in reply.

Her eyes welled up with tears. Looking around once more, she saw another familiar face, and she choked out a sob.

Did everyone know about this?

Sitting in the room with Timothy were his friends and their girlfriends-the people she thought were her friends too, but she was wrong.

"Cara?" One of his friends loudly called out, and Timothy snapped his head up in surprise.

"Cara? Where's she?"

Looking away from his friend, he looked her way, and Cara could only stare at him in disgust as she willed herself not to let the tears fall.

Never again. She promised herself that she'd never again cry over him, and she wasn't going to break that promise today.

"Cara baby. What are you doing here? I thought you worked on the ground floor only."

With a scoff, Cara rolled her eyes. She caught him cheating again, and all he could be worried about was the fact that she wasn't supposed to work up here.

Feeling spent and angry, with a firm resolve, she glared at him.

"We're over, Timothy. I'm done with you." And then she walked away.

"Cara wait. You don't mean that. I'm sorry." He called after her, but she didn't spare him a glance.

Walking faster, she pulled off her apron, heading towards the staff room.

She was done being a foot mat for everyone. She was tired of working and working without anything to show for it. She was done taking trash from her sorry excuse of a boyfriend. For Christ sake, it was her birthday, and here she was working hard to pay off her father's debts instead of living her life.

"Don't walk out on me while I'm talking to you!"

She felt someone pull her back by her hand, and let out a shriek, stumbling on her feet.

"Timothy! How dare you?"

"How dare me? How dare you walk out on me? In front of my friends?"

"Is that all you care about? I just caught you cheating again, Tim. This isn't even the third time." Cara cried out.

"I wasn't cheating. We were just hanging out." He defended.

"Hanging out? On my birthday? You told me you had a meeting. You know what? I don't care anymore; we're over." She declared, trying to free her arm of his tight grip.

"You can't break up with me!" Timothy sneered

Pulling all her weight, Cara pushed him back and ran for the staff room door.

If she could just get in, she'd be safe on the other side, she thought.

As she made a move to open the door, it was thrown open, almost slamming into her face. In a fit of shock, she lost her footing, her eyes closing automatically as she anticipated the fall, only to be stopped by a firm arm around her waist.

The first thing she felt was how strong the arm was as it held unto her waist tightly, and then she smelt him. His cologne was enough to have any woman sway on their feet. She felt as though she could get intoxicated on the scent alone.

"Are you alright?"

She heard his deep, husky voice ask and felt shivers run through her spine. She had never heard anything that could make her feel so pleased and fearful at the same time.

Opening her eyes, she was met with his deep grey ones instead, staring down at her as though he was trying to see through her soul. Cara glanced over his facial features and wondered how a man could look this beautiful even with a stoic expression on his face. His muscles were straining against the fabric of his shirt, and the turtleneck couldn't conceal the tatto on his neck as it peaked out.

"Cara! What are you doing?" Timothy bellowed, reminding her of his presence behind them.

She thought hard, there was no way she was going to escape leaving with Timothy tonight. Even if she did, he'll be back at the house when she goes to pick up her stuffs. It had always been like that. The same vicious circle-whenever she caught him cheating and threatened to leave, he'd stop her... and his ways are never healthy.

Looking up at the man in front of her, an idea struck her mind, and she slid her arms around his neck, holding unto him tightly, a big smile adorning her face.

"Babe! You're here."

And then she kissed him.

Pulling back a little to search his face for any sign of reluctance, she saw a flicker of shock pass through his face instead, and then he went back to his usual stoic expression. Bringing her lips back to his, she whispered

"Kiss me back, please."

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Revenge: Submitting To The Mafia King

Chapter 1 Kiss Me Back Please
