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Christy Smith


In a realm where the Lycan kingdom and The Nightfall Pack are mortal enemies and a threat looms over the land, a prophecy for tells the union of them all by a powerful silver wolf- an omega named Anaiah. Anaiah faces humiliation from her pack over the accusation of murdering the supposed Luna of her pack, her beloved sister. She's rejected by the alpha who was meant to be her mate and ends up suffering abuse at his hands but fate has other plans for her. When a rival alpha claims her as his own, Anaiah is caught in between the storm. As the storm brews, A shocking truth is revealed- Anaiah's sister still lives but as the shadow of a greater enemy. Tension arises and loyalties are tested. Anaiah must maneuver through the dangerous domain of forbidden love and ancient prophecies. Can she unite both packs and emerge victorious or will the forces of Betrayal and hatred tear everything apart?

Chapter 1 THE PACK

"I am the alpha of this pack, who cares to challenge me, who dares to refuse me?"Amos screamed as he started morphing into his wolf form, the biggest and strongest wolf, the alpha of the pack.

The rest of the council made up of two Beta wolves and one Anaiah wolf didn't dare look at his wolf form, even when he was in his human form he was vicious and very scary.

He was in such a bad mood because the Alpha of one of the minority packs had refused to allow him to marry his only daughter. In all honesty, Cindy was a beautiful wolf, her snow-white fur was the envy of the entire province. She seemed to emit a glow so powerful she was as beautiful as the moon itself. As a human, she had clear skin, big beautiful eyes, and long curly hair. Her ever-pouting lips gave the look of a cute puppy and her beauty was unmatched within her pack and beyond.

"The mating ceremony is at the next full moon, Your Majesty, I think you should just marry one of the girls from our pack, I have two daughters and it will be an honor to offer them to the alpha....." The elderly beta wolf, Kain, suggested.

"No, I'm not going to settle for some low breed like female beta wolves, mother" Amos addressed the Anaiah wolf, "I want to wage war against their pack, I want their heads to roll, so I can claim Cindy for myself"

"But son, you can't just..." She was interrupted."Anaiah wolf Cleopatra, you can't tell me what and what not to do, I want that wolf, and I want her now!"

"Yes your majesty, it'll be done, we'll attack the Su pack first thing by moonrise"

The wolves of the Su pack went out late that night to hunt small night animals like hares, owls, snakes, and the like for the next day's meal, little did they know the fate that was going to befall them, Alas it was a bloodbath, and many innocent wolves lost their lives.

"Where is your alpha?"Amos roared, "Speak or I waste more blood"

"I'm here, Amos, what do you want from us? We may be a smaller pack but you have no right to attack us like this, no right...!" Alpha Chen roared back, as he emerged seemingly camouflaged by the dark silhouette of the bushes.

"It doesn't sound like you want to surrender.., you're not ready to surrender are you?, I'll make you pay for your embarrassment of me and my council."He roared and charged with his entire pack, there were lots of fatalities.

A howl sounded from far off, Cindy, the reason for the war had been killed in battle, she was disguised as a male wolf, fighting and fending off the beasts that invaded her pack's territory.

Amos howled at the half-moon in despair, he had killed so many, and yet failed to win the love of the one she-wolf he wanted. She instead chose to fight to her death rather than be with him.

It was devastating, he and his pack retreated to their territory, licking their wounds, with some secretly muttering about the pointlessness of the war.

Limping back home with minor bruises and cuts, the alpha was frustrated, it was only a couple of days ago that his mother had warned that if he didn't succeed in marking a she-wolf before the next full moon, he would be killed and his envious cousin, Rogue King would become alpha in his place.

Where was he supposed to find a wolf that he would love enough to be his mate, his Anaiah?

If he didn't love her enough to mark her, then she couldn't be his mate. Remembering the one time he saw Cindy, he howled again in sorrow, she was so beautiful, and brave. The rest of her pack cowered at the sight of him but she was brave enough to look him in the face, she wasn't scared of him at all.

At first, he was infuriated by her nerves, but as he listened to her threaten him, the alpha of the biggest pack in the province, he found her funny, cute even.

He was so immersed in his pain that he didn't notice that the entire pack was staring at him, it was already almost the first streaks of dawn, and they were already at their palace.

The other wolves had never seen the alpha look this sober before and it was unnerving. When he realized himself, he roared and scared the other wolves away, His trusted guard and right-hand wolf were the only ones left behind.

"Find me a she-wolf from each of the wolf families, I want to pick my mate", he ordered.

The guard growled, bowed low, and pranced off to carry out Amos's orders. It was time to stop moping and start acting like the alpha that he was. His mother, the Anaiah wolf nodded approvingly at him, he was beginning to act like the son of his father, Navilin, the greatest Alpha that had ruled over the Ruj Pack.

Amos was frustrated, so far all the she-wolves that had been presented before him were nothing up to his standards. His chief's daughters were too coquettish, they were both too annoying and disgusting to him with the way they carried themselves above everyone else. Sure, they were pretty and curvy in the right places, they were useful in satisfying his physical needs. The previous night had been wild, even for him.

They could be his mistresses but nothing more, as his inner wolf didn't like either of them.

The night before, he had sex with the elder daughter and he climaxed five times, a record even for him. She had come before him that night begging for his touch, and he needed the companionship to take his mind off the death of Cindy.

She waited on the bed in her human form obediently, and he felt himself getting aroused, against the wishes of his inner wolf. She held his member and stroked it affectionately making him growl several times in pleasure. She sucked on him, and he choked her forcing his phallus deep in her throat and making her gag. He lifted her and threw her on the bed, making her gasp in surprise.

He used his fingers to please her, rubbing against her pussy, making it drip in pleasure for him. She was moaning loudly in ecstasy at this point and it was turning him on beyond everything he knew. When he finally slid his large meat inside, de her pussy, she gasped and held her breath, but he didn't care.

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