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The Last Omega

The Last Omega

Karl Mario


Hazel managed to get away from the Red Moon pack. She had reached her breaking point when her soulmate-the soon-to-be Alpha and the son of her foster father-rejected her. During her flight from the Red Moon pack, she went rogue and ended up on the doorstep of Alexander Garcia, the most formidable Alpha in the werewolf world. For some reason, he felt drawn to her. *** Drake is a twenty nine years old hybrid Alpha king. He is well-known over the werewolf world for his ruthlessness in dealing with his enemies. He is a shadowy character with a lot of skeletons in his closet. It surprised him that he felt drawn to Hazel because he had lost his partner in a rogue attack, leaving him broken for a while before becoming even more callous. *** On Hazel's eighteen years old birthday at Drake's pack secrets were unravelled and mysteries were uncovered Will they be able to overcome the obstacles and strengthen their bonds? Let's find out in this thrilling story.

Chapter 1 Hatred

" Explain to me, Angela, I don't understand what is going on," Hazel said, turning to Angela pacing up and down, one of her fingers in her mouth.

" The moon goddess decided to play good with you and gave you a second chance mate," Angela said nonchalantly. She was seated on the queen size bed that was in the room offered to them.

" It is a win- win for us, you get a mate and we are saved from being killed," Angela said.

" But the king does not look anything like he wants a mate," Hazel said, her brow furrowed in a tight frown as she remembered the man who ran away after declaring her as his.

" And that is not your business to think about," Angela said and laid on the bed.

" The bed is soft," Angela murmured.

" Angel, how can you always keep your composure, yesterday we were almost dead and you did not even shed a tear," Hazel asked Angela, staring at her like a weirdo.

" When you have been through some ups and downs, nothing freaks you again, not even death can shake you," Angela said closing her eyes.

" But we have been together, and I have not seen you going through any ups and downs except for that hellish pack," Hazel mused.

" You know nothing about me, Hazel," Angela said coldly, her eyes so detached and cold.

" Angel-" Hazel started.

" You should sleep too, your walking around is making me feel dizzy and you will need your strength for tomorrow," Angela said.

" You never told me anything about you," Hazel whispered grudgingly, she laid beside Angela and covered herself with the duvet.

" All things will be revealed to you when it is time, but right now is to prepare your mind and body for your eighteen years birthday," Angela said indifferently.

" What do you mean?" Hazel asked, resting her head on her elbow and stared at Angela.

She received no answer in return either because she is asleep or she decided not to answer her.


" I have invited the great witch, your majesty," Alexander reported to Drake who was sitting on his throne lost deep in thoughts.

" Lucas was really out of control yesterday, it took me three runs around the whole dark forest before he calmed down," Drake mused.

" He was not even this agitated when we met Elsa, who is that woman," Drake mused.

" The great witch will give us answers to all," Alexander said to Drake who was lost in thought.

" Hm," Drake hummed his mind obviously elsewhere.

Even though he was lost in thoughts, his aura as a great ruler did not diminish a bit, he looked so dignified and unreachable.

" Your majesty, the great witch Alicia is here," a guard announced.

" Let her in," he said in a very deep voice, he sat straight on his throne, his expression like a disobedient child that is about to be scolded by his mother.

His reaction is not uncalled for, after the death of his mother which was immediately after she gave birth to him, he was handed over to the witch, who raised him till he was of age.

" Your majesty," Alicia greeted the king after entering, she bowed slightly to him.

" Alicia, good morning," Drake greeted lightly.

" Good morning your majesty," Alicia greeted back, she was dressed in a flowy white gown, her silver hair was twisted in a simple updo on her head.

She does not look old at all, with her very attractive face, she will pass for Drake's elder sister rather than his guardian.

Only people who know about her being a witch know she is very old.

Despite her innocent look and fairy-like appearance, she held powers that could destroy a whole Kingdom.

" Hope the great witch isn't angry that I brought her to the palace when it is not even dawn yet?" Drake asked and stood up from his throne and made his way to where Alicia stood.

" Of course not, I am a subject to his royal majesty," Alicia said, her expression stern.

" Good to see you, Alicia," Drake said, pulling her into a hug.

" You brat, so if a problem did not arose you won't bother to come and see this old woman," Alicia said, her face stern but her eyes were full of smile.

" Of course not Alicia," Drake said, releasing her and held her calluses filled hands.

" You are an eyesore," Alicia said to him.

" I know," Drake said and led her to the place where a table and chairs were arranged.

" Alexander had told me about what happened," Alicia said

" I have never seen Lucas this restless, it really surprised me," Drake said, resting his head on his head on his elbow, looking casual and laid back not like the high and mighty king Drake.

" Drake," Alicia started again, her expression grave serious.

" I had a vision last night," she started. Gone was the playful expression.

Drake sat up straight, his expression mirroring Alicia's own.

Alicia's vision has always been ninety nine percent accurate and throne percent is for nature.

" The werewolf world will be thrown into chaos, there will be lot of spilt blood, and the werewolf world will be thrown into chaos," Alicia said, she paused and looked straight into Drake eyes.

" She is your fated one Drake, she is your second chance at love, the moon goddess decided to play good on you," Alicia said lightly, a hint of happiness can be seen on her face.

" Together with her, you will conquer the werewolf world and bring it to victory," Alicia said firmly.

" I already have a hunch, but the girl I saw yesterday does not look like someone that can save herself not to talk of someone that will save the world," Drake said, His expression confused.

" Every secret will be revealed," Alicia said and stood up.

Drake stood up along with her and escorted her to the door, when they reached the door, Alicia paused and turned to Drake.

" Drake trouble is coming, learn to love her and give her a chance, she is broken," Alicia said, her expression light.

" Hmm, I will," Drake also replied lightly.

Alicia pulled the door open and walked out.

" Come and see me, okay?" Alicia said, waving at Drake.

" I will," Drake said, smiling lightly.


Knock, knock, knock.

Angela woke up with a start when she heard the consecutive knocking on the door.

Her eyes were blanked as she scanned the interior of the room they were in, her eyes locked unto Hazel who was sprawled on the bed.

" Who is there?" Angela asked, and groggily rubbed her eyes, she stood up from the bed and made her way to the door,she opened it lightly and peeked out.

" Good morning miss," A girl dressed in a maid uniform greeted respectfully.

" Good morning," Angela replied coldly.

" I am Chloe," the girl took the initiative to introduce herself.

" Betta Alexander asked me to hand these clothes over to you and the other miss, He said you should freshen up and I should bring you downstairs for breakfast," the girl said and passed a disposable plastic bag to Angela.

" Thank you," Angela said, her face expressionless as she collected the bag from her.

" I will be waiting outside, miss, you can call me if you need anything," the girl said when Angela was about to close the door.

" Okay," Angela said and lightly closed the door.

" Haze, Haze," Angela called as she shook Hazel, trying to get her to wake up.

Hazel was sleeping so soundly, it has been a long time since she was allowed the luxury of a soft bed.

In the Red moon pack she escaped from, she was only given a worn out bed to sleep on which was practically the same as sleeping on the floor.

Their one month of escaping has also been rocky, they slept on the floor, on the trees, or sleeping on a makeshift bed which was made of rocks.

" Hazel you have got to wake up,'' Angela said, tapping her cheek lightly.

" UNH," Hazel groaned as she woke up in a daze.

" Angel," she called in a daze, her eyes locked on Angela's enlarged face in front of her.

" En?" Angela replied looking at her amusingly, she looked so comical with her bed nest hair, dazed look and her slightly puckered lips, she looked so adorable.

" Where are we?" She asked, looking around in confusion.

" Wake up!" Angela said and tapped on her forehead twice, snapping her out of her daze.

" Have you remembered now?" Angela teased her when she saw her eyes widened.

" Yesterday was not a dream?" She asked with excitement in her eyes.

" Yea," Angela replied.

" We really don't have to die," Hazel asked again.

" Yes," Angela replied.

" Real, real," Hazel said, her eyes shone with excitement like a child that has been offered candy.

Angela shook her head at her childlike expression and smiled lightly.

" Hazel," Angela called her turning serious.

" Yes," Hazel replied with a big smile still on her face.

" Promise me that you will always remain this happy," Angela said frankly.

" Alright I promise," Hazel said giggling.

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