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In Love With The Mafia Lord

In Love With The Mafia Lord

Sustie Writes


"Aliya..." Jordan growled, his deep, masculine voice sending shivers down my spine. My heart skipped a beat as his words wrapped around me like a cold, unforgiving vice. My legs trembled beneath me, the pain from yesterday's injuries forgotten in the face of fear. Adrenaline coursed through my veins, urging me to flee. With a Herculean effort, I stumbled out of the room, my broken legs protesting every step. 'F**k off,' I cursed, defying the one person I knew I shouldn't - Jordan Black. He's a monster. He's not someone I should have met in the first place. "Come back here, Aliya," he growled, his voice dripping with malice. I gritted my teeth, determined to escape. "Take one more step, and you're dead tonight," he snarled, his threat sending shivers down my spine. Despite his ominous warning, I pushed forward, gripping the wall for support. My heart raced as I feared he'd soon catch up. "I'd provoked the monster himself, and now I'd face the consequences." But I had to try; I had to break free from his suffocating grasp. "I'll make sure you regret your existence, Aliya," Jordan bellowed, his footsteps closing in. "Jordan, don't come any closer! Leave me the f**k alone!" I screamed, but my weak limbs betrayed me, and I crashed to the floor. With every last ounce of strength, I crawled into my room and grasped the door knob, ready to slam it shut in his face. But Jordan was relentless, kicking the door with such force that the wood splintered into pieces. I screamed in shock, and before I knew it, I was thrown onto the bed. Breathing heavily, I turned to face the wicked man standing over me, his eyes blazing with fury. "By nightfall Liya, you'll wish you never crossed me."

Chapter 1 Aliya Walter

Aliya Walter

What are you doing, Aliya? You still have one more table to serve, Manager Jake yelled at her.

Manager, my working hours are over. More over, there is an emergency at home I need to attend to. I'm sorry, manager. I rushed out of the cafe after pleading with my boss. Finally, he was coming back after six whole years. Xander, my boyfriend. After we lost contact on the 3rd years of his travel, life had been very difficult, lonely and I spent almost every night nostalgic and scared. Nostalgic, because he suddenly stopped picking my calls. I'm also very scared, because ever since he left, I've been feeling a strange presence around me like someone's watching me yet when I look around, I find nothing suspicious.

On getting home, I found my roommate, Hailey in the kitchen, grabbing a leftover egg sauce in the fridge.

Hailey, I'm super excited. Xander is coming back next week.

Really? Hailey Parks exclaimed as she also poured herself a glass of orange juice.

Well, yeah! And what's that indifferent look on your face, I frowned seeing Hailey was nowhere excited as I was.

Six long years, Aliya? Do you honestly believe a charming and wealthy man like Xander would remain celibate for you all that time, just as you've reserved yourself for him? Snap out of it, Aliya. Don't be shocked if he returns with a stunning woman by his side."

Hailey, are you really my friend?

I meant no harm," Hailey said, strolling behind me as I walked to my room.

"I'm just saying what I feel," she continued. "You're wasting your youth on this man. You've given a quarter of your life to him, and yet he takes you for granted. Think about it - you've been trying to reach him for three years, and he can't even bother to answer your calls. How busy can one person be?"

"I know you mean well, thanks for your concern but it's my life. You will never understand why I cling so much to him.

After I said this, I closed the door and slumped into my bed. Taking a deep breath, I recalled how he saved me years ago from some hoodlums. It was in the night. I ran away from home after my aunt beat me so much. Those men found me wandering all alone and they began to molest me. I screamed for help but it was already dead into the night. However, I noticed a car passed two times. I'm sure the driver heard my stifled cries as those men covered me with a mouth fold. And he saved me. It wasn't just any driver. It was Xander, the second son of the Carmon family. Not only do I have a boyfriend from a noble home but a loving and caring man. A life saver. What else could I ever wish for? When he stopped picking my calls, I tried to assure myself that he was a busy man but deep down I felt so depressed. And now, he finally called to inform me of his coming back home. Fate has decided to smile on me again.

Rather than thinking of the past, I pondered on what to give him as a gift. Luckily, I have some female friends who can give me such advice so I quickly called them.


Anonymous Figure

A car packed by the road side, a pair of eyes watching keenly as Aliya Walter locked her gate and gave the keys to her neighbor before going out for work. There was a dangerous glint in his eyes, one that betrayed jealousy and possessiveness. Anyone who saw it couldn't help but shiver at the unsettling sight.

Boss, you've been secretly guarding her for 18 years, while awaiting the perfect moment to serve your own vendetta. Isn't it time to reclaim your investment and unleash your revenge on her father, your arch-nemesis?"

The man looked at his confidant and returned his gaze back to Aliya.

"I've given her the freedom to live her life for so long. Now is the time to reclaim my property "

Yes boss, Raphael the confidant concurred.

"Boss are you going to skip your hobby today again?"

Yes. Only follow her at a distance.

The man's response was laced with an unnerving intensity, his gaze lingering on Aliya with an unblinking, predatory stare, exuding a sense of menace that made it seem like he might pounce at her any moment.

Aliya Walter

As I headed to the dressing room to change out of my work clothes, my mind shifted to my next stop: the technician's shop, where I would collect my laptop. I was eager to update my novel as soon as possible, having already missed two days of writing.

Writing fiction was my secondary source of income, but lately, my current novel wasn't gaining the traction I'd hoped for. The lack of likes and comments was disheartening. Perhaps it was time to revamp my approach or craft a more captivating story.

I waved goodbye to Shelley and stepped out of the cafe, lost in thought. What would my next book be about? Something that would genuinely capture readers' attention. Maybe a tale of forced love or an arranged marriage, with a male lead whose possessiveness knew no bounds.

After getting my laptop from the technician, I walked down to my house. Luckily, the distance between my house and workplace wasn't far but but the solitude is suffocating. The route takes me through a quiet neighborhood street, lined with tall trees and deserted houses. The silence is deafening, and I often find myself quickening my pace to escape the eerie feeling.

But it's not just the loneliness that unsettles me. It's the memories that linger in every step. You see, this is the same path I took three years ago, when I was attacked by a stranger. It was a evening, just like any other, and I was lost in thought, oblivious to my surroundings. Suddenly, four shadows crawled up behind me and grabbed my shoulder, and I was dragged into the bush.

My mind still recalls the sound of rustling leaves, the smell of damp earth, and the feeling of helplessness. I don't know how it happened but I knew someone came to my rescue and I managed to escape, but the trauma lingered.

Aside this experience, my past was something I don't want to think about it. The very reason why I have to go to the hospital every three days for medical checkup...

I increased my pace as I walked back home. However, a strong feeling of being watched came on me like before and I try to ignore it. Usually, this feeling comes whenever I walk through this road but I can't help it because it is the only path to my workplace and I need to work and earn money. My heart raced, and my senses went on high alert. I glanced over my shoulder, half-expecting to see a figure lurking in the shadows. The trees seemed to loom over me, casting long, ominous silhouettes.

Fear gripped me and I broke into a run. Though it was still 1pm in the afternoon, the road was so lonely that anything could happen and no one would realize. Suddenly, I heard footsteps behind me and I shrieked in fear and fell on the ground freezing out and getting completely numb.

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