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Underworld lust

Underworld lust



The seductive Stasia uncover's lust for the wrong man. Treading on hot water to hide it from her mafia boss husband.

Chapter 1 Mob wife

"Stasia" turned around upon hearing her name bellow amongst the walls of her home!

As she turned around nervously, there standing behind her was her husband Frank. He was a very handsome man, extremely tall, tanned olive skin, full head of dark hair and piercing brown eyes, tattoos on his big arms and gold jewellery wrapped around his neck, wrist and fingers.

Once Stasia turned around she was too afraid to speak, Frank had guest which meant she had to be scarce unless serving them food and drinks.

"Woman get us whiskey on the rocks and make it quick" shouted Frank. Standing with him were 4 of his "friends" and another man she had never seen before. She found this man extremely attractive but wouldn't dare to make eye contact with him. The men went to sit in the poker room and once Stasia fetched them their drinks she entered the room to serve them.

"Hurry up, my cigar won't light its self" Frank yelled abruptly! Stasia was petrified of Frank so she did as he asked and as she left the room. Once back in the kitchen she couldn't stop thinking of the new and very sexy man she had just seen. She didn't even know his name but he was on her mind.

Once the men left Frank came into the kitchen and told his wife that he was needing to go away for a few days with his business partners and would be gone first thing tomorrow. This was a slight relief for Stasia and Frank was always controlling her and she was like a slave to him.

They had been married for 13 years, the man she fell in love with was very different to the man she is stuck with now. Frank used to own company in construction but he slowly met some shady people and ended up in the Mafia in a town on the outskirts of Chilvanoa. Before this ordeal he was the sweetest man and always so nurturing towards his wife. He doted over her every second of every day but once his career changed he turned jealous and aggressive.

By the time Stasia was ready to leave Frank she was in to deep and knew that he would kill her. Stasia longed to be a mother but Frank refused to have children and heading towards 40 she felt her time was ticking. Many years ago he wanted children but said he wished to wait until they were "comfortable" enough to not work and spend time with their child.

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