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Heart of the Empire

Heart of the Empire

Ojayy Art


"I don't need your money... I never have... And, I never will..." Jenifar stated firmly. Alexander smiled ruefully, his eyes glinting with a mix of amusement and challenge. "What you feel for me is irrelevant... I've never asked for your love. And you always seem to forget that what we have here..." he paused, gesturing his fingers between the two of us. "Is just a business agreement, nothing more, nothing less!! And yes, we will come out of this alive. And when we do, I will find out who betrayed me! And I'll make them wish for death. In the heart of a bustling city, two women, Isabella Beckett and Jennifer Carlson, find their lives intertwined by an enigmatic necklace with ancient, mystical powers. This necklace, a family heirloom passed down through generations, holds the power to bridge souls across realms. Isabella Beckett, the intelligent and determined daughter of Jonathan Beckett, CEO of Beckett Enterprises, discovers the necklace in an old family trunk. Unbeknownst to her, the necklace's twin lies with, Jenifer Carlson a 28 year old married woman, whose life as been nothing but suffering and hardship. Jennifer discovers her necklace while exploring her ancestor's belongings, drawn to its intricate design and mysterious aura. Jenifer was an orphan who grew up poor, all she had was the necklace her mother left her. One day her husband got in trouble with other gangsters and whiles both of them were trying to escape, she was shot down by the other gangsters her husband stole from and dies on the spot. As her eyes closed off, her necklace glowed, she wakes up in a new person's body. Her name was Isabella Beckett. As she tries to unravel how she got into the body of someone else after she died, she soon learns about the new high society she found herself in. The Beckett and Romano families are the two most powerful business empires and conglomerates in New York. To ensure mutual gain and avoid ruthless competition, a strategic alliance was formed years ago between the two families. Which involves Jennifer who was now in Isabella's body, unbeknownst to everyone else, to get married to the heir of the Romano empire, Alexander Romano. Will trust and love blossom between the two families, or will a corporate war break out? Read "Heart Of The Empire", to find out.

Chapter 1 A Difficult Life

Jenifer Carlson stared at her image in the cracked bathroom mirror, reflecting on the person she had become. Looking at her reflection, she noticed a weary 28-year-old woman with under-eye dark circles, a stark contrast to her once energetic and animated demeanor. She splashed cold water on her face, trying to rid herself of the haunting memories of her life.

"Kain," she croaked, her voice rough from sleep deprivation, shouted out, "Are you awake?"

Kain Light grunted from another room, saying, "Yes, I'm awake." "What will we be having for breakfast?"

Jenifer breathed heavily and entered the compact kitchen. The walls had peeling paint, while the linoleum floor showed stains and signs of wear. She searched through the mostly vacant pantry and discovered a can of beans.

"Beans once more?" Kain chuckled as he stumbled into the kitchen, his eyes tired and bloodshot after a night of excessive drinking.

"It's the only thing we got," Jenifer whispered as she opened the can and emptied it into a pot. I can attempt to purchase additional groceries once I finish work.

Kain snorted. "Yeah, with what money? You think that pitiful job of yours is going to cover anything?"

Jenifer bit her lip and turned her back to him, stirring the beans on the stove. She knew better than to argue. Her job as a waitress at the local diner barely paid enough to cover rent, let alone groceries.

"She quietly commented that we could have more money if gambling and drinking were stopped.

"Can you repeat that?" The sound of Kain's voice was abrupt, causing Jenifer to react with a startled movement.

"Absolutely nothing," she quickly replied. "I'll attempt to work an additional shift, just to make ends meet."

Kain seized her arm and twisted her to meet his gaze. How dare you speak disrespectfully to me, Jenifer. "I'm allowing you to stay here out of luck."

Jenifer nodded, her eyes filling with tears. I understand, Kain. I apologize."

He pushed her away, causing her to trip and fall back into the counter. He smirked, saying, "That's an improvement." "Quickly finish cooking those beans now. I need to meet up with the group shortly.

She swiftly cooked the beans, placing a dish in front of Kain and observing as he devoured them eagerly. She kept a small portion for her, feeling both hungry and anxious in her stomach.

"Jenifer," Kain spoke while eating, "I require a favor from you."

"She asked cautiously, "What is that?"

"I require you to conceal this money," he stated as he took out a stack of bills from his pocket. The men must not be aware that I possess it. "They are becoming wary."

Jenifer's heart skipped a beat. "Kain, where did you get that money?"

He glared at her. "Don't ask questions. Just do as I say."

She nodded, taking the money and tucking it into her apron pocket. "Okay. I'll find a place."

Kain finished his meal and stood up, grabbing his jacket. "Good. And remember, if you screw this up, there will be consequences."

Jenifer observed his departure, hearing the door slam closed as he left. She released an unsteady exhale and retrieved the money from her pocket, gazing at it. It was the largest amount of money she had ever seen in one location, and she couldn't help but question how Kain obtained it.

Jenifer spent the day working her shift at the diner, which seemed to last forever. The clients were impolite, the gratuities were limited, and she felt pain in her feet from standing. Despite having no other option, she continued to wear a smile on her face.

"Hey, Jen," Lisa, one of her colleagues, said during a short pause. "Are you alright? You appear even more spaced out than you typically do.

Jenifer managed to smile. "I'm doing well, just feeling weary."

"I'm here if you need someone to talk to," Lisa said, offering a sympathetic expression.

"Well, if you need to talk, I'm here," Lisa said, giving her a sympathetic look.

"Thanks, Lisa. I appreciate it," Jenifer replied, though she knew she couldn't share the truth about her life. It was too dangerous.

After her shift, Jenifer walked home, clutching the money in her apron pocket. The streets were dark and empty, and she hurried, feeling the weight of the cash like a leaden burden.

Upon arrival at the apartment, she promptly stashed the money in a loose floorboard beneath the bed, praying Kain wouldn't discover it and squander it.

While lying in bed that night, thoughts of her mother consumed her mind. The only valuable possession she owned was the necklace left to her by her mother. She extended her hand to grab it, sensing the sleek, chilly metal touching her skin.

"Mother," she murmured, tears flowing down her cheeks, "I desire your presence." "I am unsure how much more I can continue with this."

The following day, Kain's shouting abruptly woke Jenifer up. Hey Jenifer!

"Jenifer! Get out here, now!" Kain's voice roared through the thin walls of their apartment.

Jenifer stumbled out of bed, her heart racing. She rushed into the living room, where Kain stood, his face twisted with anger. "What is it, Kain? What's wrong?"

"What's wrong?" he spat, grabbing her wrist painfully. "What's wrong is that I can't find the money I told you to hide!"

"I hid it, just like you asked," Jenifer said, wincing as his grip tightened. "It's safe, I promise."

"Safe? Where?" Kain demanded, shaking her. "Tell me now!"

"It's under the floorboard, beneath the bed," Jenifer replied quickly, hoping to calm him down. "I thought it would be the safest place."

Kain released her with a shove and stormed into the bedroom. Jenifer followed, her heart pounding. She watched as he tore up the floorboard and grabbed the money, counting it rapidly.

"You're lucky it's all here," he muttered, stuffing the cash back into his pocket. "If any of it had been missing..."

"It wasn't," Jenifer said softly, trying to keep her voice steady. "I did exactly what you told me."

Kain glared at her. "Just stay out of my way today. I have important business to take care of."

Jenifer nodded, feeling a mix of relief and dread. "Okay, Kain. I'll stay out of your way."

He took his jacket and went towards the door. "And do not consider exiting this flat. I don't want you messing anything up.

After he departed, Jenifer collapsed to the ground, tears cascading down her cheeks. She found herself stuck, without any escape route. However, she refused to quit. She needed to figure out a way to stay alive.

Jenifer's fingers shook as they grasped the fragile pendant hanging on her neck. The necklace's cool metal gave off an unfamiliar warmth, making her feel a sensation she had never experienced. Suddenly, the necklace illuminated as brilliantly as the sun, a first occurrence.

At the other side of the city another necklace, similar the hers glowed and a young lady looked out the window as she touched her necklace. She muttered one word "Jennifer."

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My Evil Mafia Billionaire Husband



"I don't love you... I never have... And, I never will..." I stated firmly. Vicenzo smiled ruefully, licked his lips, and stared straight into my eyes. Then he uttered the coldest words I've ever heard: "What you feel for me is irrelevant... I've never asked for your love. And you always seem to forget that what we have here..." he paused, gesturing his fingers between the two of us. "Is just a peace treaty, nothing more, nothing less!! And yes, we will come out of this alive. And when we do, I will find out who betrayed me! And I'll make them wish for death." ******************************************************************* The Clayton and Griffo families are the two top crime organizations in Philadelphia. In order to coexist peacefully, a peace treaty was signed years ago between the two organizations. But everything goes to shambles when Tomas Griffo, head of the Griffo family was assassinated. Tension rose sporadically, and Harold Clayton, the boss of the rivals, became the primary suspect. To prove his innocence in the matter and to ensure peace, Harold offered a daughter of his, Anastasia to Vicenzo, the new head of the Griffo clan, as a wife in an arranged marriage scheme. However, things take a strange turn when Harold himself is killed. What happens when Harold's sons decide to change the terms of the arranged marriage without Vicenzo's knowledge? Will peace and love reign among the organizations, or will an all-out war break out? Read on to find out.

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