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Legacy of the Dark Vale

Legacy of the Dark Vale

Lovie b writes


What happens when you're thrown into a world of magic and danger that you didn't know existed? My name is Ella. Until recently, I was just an orphan with no past. I never knew my parents or if they were alive or dead. After living my whole life in an orphanage, I now find myself at Shadowvale Academy, a hidden school where students have powers, like the ones I've only read about in stories. I never thought I had any powers. I believed I was just a normal girl abandoned by my parents. But now, I've been chosen by the Moon Goddess. I have to figure out why I'm here and what my powers are. On my first day, I tried to escape. I saw students training with their abilities, doing things that scared me. Then I met Liam, the dark and brooding guy who brought me here. He's feared by everyone, and I became his target. Just when I thought I was done for, another guy, Derek, saved me. He caught me right before I fell and broke the spell Liam had cast on me. Derek is kind, caring, and seemingly perfect-everything Liam is not. But something about Derek feels off. Now I'm torn between wanting to escape and needing to stay. Leaving means going back to being an ordinary girl who no one adopted after twenty years in the same orphanage. But staying means uncovering the truth about my powers, my past, and my parents. Can I find the answers I deserve while caught between two enemies? In a world of magic and danger, one girl's legacy will change everything. This is my story of magic, love, mystery, and survival. This is the Legacy of the Dark Vale.

Chapter 1 Ella


Ella woke up to the sound of giggling and whispers. She rubbed her eyes and sat up, seeing the younger kids peeking around the door. As soon as they saw her awake, they burst into the room, shouting, "Happy Birthday, Ella!"

Ella laughed, her heart swelling with love for these kids. "Thanks, guys! You all are the best!"

They gathered around her, singing a slightly off-key but heartfelt birthday song. Ella smiled widely, her eyes sparkling with happiness. These kids were her family, the only family she had known for the last twenty years.

Ella was an orphan since birth. she didn't know who her parents were. If they were alive or dead. She had only grown up at the WHITMORE'S ORPHANAGE. Since birth she had always felt different more like the odd one in the group. It was a custom at the WHITMORE'S ORPHANAGE to give children out for adoption at the beginning of each year. Every year, couples, parents and philanthropist would come and take children but for Ella, it was different. She had watched all her friends been adopted while she was left behind each year. Once when she was eight, a kind lady came over saying she wanted to take a female child for adoption. She had seen Ella and a smile appeared on her face. "I'll take her" The lady said. Ella's joy knew no bounds. She was finally leaving this place she once called home. Well, it's not that bad, at least she will get a new home with a mother and not a caregiver. Little Ella thought but in the blink of an eye, her little dream was shattered. "I change my choice. I want this one instead" the lady said pointing at Ella's bestie. Why?? The question rang in little Ella's mind as she tried to fight back the tears. Ever since she was younger, people kept leaving her. They would pick her but change their mind like as though she was a curse and they wanted to avoid a calamity. Tears threatened to fall but she kept them in just has she had been doing for the past years. She kept the hope that she would be adopted someday. But the older she grew, the slimmer the chance. People preferred younger children and so while others got adopted, Ella would stay and watch them leave. She became the oldest child in the orphanage. When she turned 18, she was supposed to leave the orphanage and start a life of hers but she didn't have anyone to lean on. So she begged to be kept there. Now its her twentieth birthday, she works as a caregiver giver at the orphanage and she lives at the orphanage---the only home she knew.

As the song ended, one of the keepers, Miss Jenny, walked in with a small cake. "Alright, everyone, let's give Ella some space to make a wish."

Ella closed her eyes and took a deep breath, making her wish before blowing out the candles. The kids cheered, and Miss Jenny handed her a knife to cut the cake.

"Thanks, Miss Jenny," Ella said, cutting small pieces for everyone. She handed them out, enjoying the simple celebration.

After everyone had their cake, the kids ran off to play, leaving Ella with Miss Jenny. "So, twenty, huh? How does it feel?" Miss Jenny asked, leaning against the doorframe.

Ella shrugged. "Not much different, really. Just glad I got to spend it with the kids."

Miss Jenny smiled. "They adore you, you know."

Ella nodded, looking fondly at the door where the kids had disappeared. "Yeah, I love them too."

Miss Jenny was a forty-five year old single mother. She might be in her forties but she looked young as though she was twenty-three years old. She was the one who had raised Ella up and was like a mother figure to her.

Mrs. Whitmore, the owner of the orphanage, watched from the doorway. Mrs. Whitmore was a kind woman in her fifties, with gray streaks in her hair and sharp eyes that softened when she looked at the children. She had run the orphanage for over 30 years and had a heart of gold.

Ella noticed Mrs. Whitmore by the door and smiled as her head wandered into memory lane. Mrs. Whitmore was her mother figure. She had seen so many kids come and go. Every year, kids got adopted, but for some reason, Ella never did. Maybe she wasn't cute enough, or maybe it was because she was older. When she turned 18, she was supposed to leave the orphanage, but she had nowhere to go. She begged Mrs. Whitmore to let her stay, and after much pleading, they allowed her to remain.

"Ella!" Sunny called bringing back Ella to reality. She was a six-year-old girl with bright eyes and a smile that could light up a room. Sunny had cute dimples, curly brown hair, and always wore colorful clothes that matched her cheerful personality. She was one of the closest kids to Ella.

"Hey, Sunny," Ella said, squatting down to the girl's level.

Sunny held out a flower crown. "I made this for you," she said, placing it gently on Ella's head. "Happy birthday, Ella."

Ella's heart melted. "Thank you, Sunny. It's beautiful."

Sunny giggled. "You're welcome! Come on, let's go play!" She grabbed Ella's hand and pulled her toward the playground.

Ella glanced back at Mrs. Whitmore and Miss Jenny, who smiled and nodded, letting her have this moment. As she walked hand in hand with Sunny, Ella couldn't help but feel a mix of joy and sadness. Sunny was like a ray of sunshine in her life, her fountain of joy. Ella hoped Sunny would get adopted soon, so she wouldn't end up like her – always waiting, always hoping.

Ella had long, dark hair that she usually kept in a ponytail, and deep blue eyes that sparkled when she smiled. She wore simple clothes, usually jeans and a T-shirt, but she always looked after the younger kids with care and kindness.

The playground was filled with laughter and the sounds of children playing. Ella and Sunny joined in, laughing and running around. For a moment, Ella forgot about her worries and just enjoyed the day. She knew she had to cherish these moments because, deep down, she felt this might be the last time she'd experience them.

"Ella, look at me!" Sunny shouted from the top of the slide.

Ella laughed. "I'm watching, Sunny! Be careful!"

Sunny slid down, her laughter filling the air. She ran back to Ella, grabbing her hand again. "I want to play on the swings now. Will you push me?"

"Of course," Ella said, leading Sunny to the swings.

As she pushed Sunny, she couldn't help but think about the future. What would happen to Sunny? Would she find a family? Ella hoped so. She wanted Sunny to have a better life than she had.

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