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The Mafia Princess: His ex/Wife/His Nemesis

The Mafia Princess: His ex/Wife/His Nemesis



Camila laughed at Marco's horrified expression and said, "You think that's all? I'll share some more. I was married to Antonio, the Moretti mafia prince, for thirteen months but he never touched me more than was necessary. Somehow he found out I was good with business dealings and made me work on his business empire while he went to parties, showing no gratitude when he got a deal but would seduce me and tell me that if I wanted him to f*ck me then I had to work harder and bring bigger deals. I complain I get a black eye or broken bone. I finally got the deal that placed him in the top four spots. What did he do? He f*cked me as thank you, then put a gun to my head, forcing me to sign divorce papers because I was no longer useful to him. I signed them and later overheard plans to kill my family. Tell me! Tell me why I shouldn't dedicate my life to this vendetta? Tell me!"

Chapter 1 I didn't know I married the devil

Camila Moretti excitedly inserted her room's keycard and hurriedly entered the sitting area in the luxury bedroom she supposedly shared with her husband.

The weight of her briefcase pulled her right hand downward and almost slowed her footsteps, but she didn't mind; instead, she pulled it close to her bosom because the weight reminded her of the good news.

She was slightly out of breath but not from exhaustion-more from excitement because of the news she was about to share with her husband.

She kept moving towards the sleeping area with a slight spring in her steps but stopped when she heard the sound.

Camila took a deep breath and moved forward quietly, but the pleasured moans from the woman and man in the sleeping area, demarcated only by thin curtains, already confirmed what she suspected-her husband had brought yet another woman to their matrimonial bed.

It was the third woman that week and it wasn't even Thursday yet.

Camila's smile faltered a bit and her shoulders curled into an obvious droop but she felt the weight of her briefcase and straightened her shoulders, then smiled brightly again.

"I know the news will make him happy and this time he will be so pleased with me that he won't have eyes for any other woman. He wanted this for a very long time," she whispered to herself and quietly went to sit on the couch, waiting for her husband to finish his sexual rendezvous.

Camila gave a small laugh and quietly talked to herself again. She started the behavior a few weeks after becoming Mrs. Moretti, wife of Antonio Moretti, the heir of the Moretti Mafia empire. "My husband is a few feet away from me, having sex with another stranger. Something he has denied me since he got married to me thirteen months ago. If some women catch their husbands cheating on them, all hell will break loose or they'll leave him, but sitting right here, I only feel envy for the woman moaning with pleasure on our matrimonial bed. She gets to experience what I have never experienced and she lured my husband into our room. He only comes here when he wants to cheat on me."

She sighed, stood up and slowly walked to the floor-to-ceiling window in the room. She stared out into the city and continued talking to herself, " Some people will tag me a fool for still being here enduring this marriage, but three things make me do it. One, he will beat me up mercilessly if I so much as confront him. Two, if my father and brothers find out how badly Antonio has been treating me since we got married, a full mafia gang war will break out. Three, this die-hard lover girl still believes that the man I fell in love with will change for the better."

"Mmmm, talking to yourself again, I see!" Camila's husband, Antonio, said as he strolled lazily into the room's sitting area with bewilderment and irritation smeared all over his face. "Why exactly do you keep doing that? It's creepy, you know."

Camila turned and smiled, then pressed her tongue against the roof of her mouth to refrain from telling him that she talked to herself to keep the loneliness or insanity at bay.

"My love," she said, and she saw him visibly wince when called the endearing name but ignored his expression. "I have great news," she rushed to open her briefcase.

Camila brought out the files containing the approved contract and excitedly handed them to him.

While he read through the files, she glanced at the room's sleeping area and realized it was empty.

The unknown woman must have left through the secret passageway.

She pushed her gaze towards him when she heard him shout, "Oh my God! Camila! You did it! You f*cking did it! Do you know what this means?"

Antonio carried her and spun her around till she was dizzy with happiness.

He had never touched her more than necessary, not to mention spinning her around for minutes.

After a while, he gently dropped her down on the loveseat.

Camila delightedly watched him pick up the files and kiss them repeatedly. "Do you know what you've done by bagging this contract, Camila? You've made me one of the most powerful men alive. Not just me; you've just made my mafia family- I mean, ours, the Moretti mafia family-one of the four most powerful families in America."

Camila could only smile while watching his excited display.

This definitely made up for all the time he made her work on his business proposals and corporate paperwork while he went off to parties, then would come back and take all the credit for her hard work.

She knew he would still take credit for this because she worked on the proposal in his name; she was after all his housewife and he, 'the corporate genius', but this time, she was glad that he showed some form of gratitude even though he didn't say thank you, as usual.

Her father, Mateo De Luca, the don of the De' Luca mafia family, had trained her and her two brothers to be one of the best in the art of business.

Antonio somehow found out about this and used her to climb the corporate ladder without so much as giving her accolades or even saying thank you.

The farthest he would go after she bagged a deal would be to lead her on sexually, with heavy petting or foreplay and when she was madly turned on, he would stand up and tell her, "If you want us to go farther than this, if you want me to f*ck you, then win a bigger deal for me." and the sex starved woman that she was would do exactly as he commanded.

Camila gasped softly as Antonio stopped his excited display and slowly walked towards her while speaking in a low seductive tone.

"Camila, you sweet thing, I always believed in you. I knew you would be useful in my power quest, and you didn't disappoint me. For this you have done, get ready to scream the roof down in pleasure because I will make you do so."

Antonio ripped her shirt down the middle and laughed at her surprised gasp, then kissed her hard as he worked her clothes from her body and led her to the same bed he just had sex with a stranger in.

A little while later, Camila sighed contentedly and tried not to move too much because she felt sore.

She had just given her virginity to Antonio and she loved every minute of it, even though it came with its discomforts.

He kept to his promise and made her scream with ecstasy.

Now she knew why the women couldn't get enough of her husband, including her best friend, Maria.

Camila was thinking about Maria when she heard the metallic echo of a cocked gun behind her.

She quickly turned to her side to see Antonio standing naked at the edge of the bed puffing his Montecristo Cuban cigar with a Mauser M03 rifle in one hand and a large envelope in the other.

He tossed the envelope toward her and said, "We finally f*cked. Hooray! Consider that as payment for the deal you just bagged me. Now, sign those damn papers, pack your shit, and get out of my estate. Your work in my life is done."

Camila could not believe what she was seeing or hearing.

She opened the envelope, just to be sure this was not some prank, but to her utmost surprise, it was indeed divorce papers that he had already signed. "Wha..what..I don't understand. What is the meaning of this, Antonio?"

In response, he raised the rifle and pointed it at her and laughed menacingly when he saw how shaky she was with fear. "What? You ought to know your days as Mrs. Moretti are numbered. I told you during our wedding reception, when you caught me pants down with your best friend, Maria, that I never wanted to marry you. My father made me do it after he arranged our marriage with your father. Now! I have enough power to walk away from this with no consequences at all. Look at you and look at me! Do you think a guy like me will be interested in a girl like you? You're plain, chubby, and wear the most boring clothes I have ever seen, even for a girl whose daddy is loaded with a lot of money."

Camila pressed her lips in a thin line and blinked several times to prevent tears from rushing down her face, but her traitorous tears spilled fast into the sheet she covered herself with. "Antonio, please, please don't do this to me."

He moved closer to her and pressed the tip of the rifle on the side of her head; the pressure of the rifle pushed her head to the side. "Sign. the. damn. papers."

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