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Taming her Wild Mates

Taming her Wild Mates



In a world where humans are prey to werewolves, Meredith Rutherford finds herself ensnared in a brutal tradition-the Annual Purge. Forced to fight for her life, she never expects to be claimed by not one, but three powerful wolves: Damien, the Alpha, and his loyal companions, Beta Xavier and Gamma Magnus. Bound to them by the will of the Moon Goddess, she faces a new reality where her fate is entwined with theirs. "Whether you like it or not, this bond between us... it's real, and it cannot be undone. You're ours now, as we are yours, and we'll do whatever it takes to keep you safe, no matter the cost." Can Meredith tame her wild mates, or will she become the hunted in a battle for survival?

Chapter 1 The Annual Purge

Meredith Rutherford pulled her hood tighter around her face as the wind whispered through the nearby trees. The narrow pathway before her was illuminated only by the pale glow of the moon.

She knew she shouldn't be out tonight, of all nights. The Annual Purge-the werewolves' brutal celebration of their supremacy over humans-was about to begin.

Her heart raced as she recalled her conversation with her neighbor earlier that day.

Her name Lorelei, a kind-hearted woman who had always treated Meredith like a daughter, had pulled her aside.

"You shouldn't be out tonight," the woman had said, her voice low. "It's the Purge. Go home, Meredith. Lock your doors, hide... whatever you have to do. Just stay safe."

Meredith had nodded, appreciating the concern, but deep down, she knew that hiding wouldn't change anything.

She was just a human, little more than prey.

As she walked, memories of past Purges flooded her mind: tales of families torn apart, of innocent lives taken without mercy. The werewolves claimed it was their right, but to Meredith, it was a reminder of how powerless her kind truly was.

She could have stayed home, but something within her refused. Perhaps it was that if the werewolves decided her fate tonight, there was nothing she could do to stop it.

Meredith reached the edge of town, where the pathway ahead led into the darkened forest. She paused, her breath catching in her throat.

The sounds of celebration-growls, laughter, the distant baying of wolves-grew louder.

Still, Meredith felt an unexpected calm. She was here now, and if this was her fate, so be it. Besides, she was already an orphan, alone, and broke. She had nothing else to lose.

The massage parlor was dimly lit, with flickering candles casting shadows that danced on the walls as she moved from one client to the next.

It was the last shift of the week, and Meredith could feel exhaustion creeping into her bones. Hopefully, Carrick, the owner, noticed her weariness and gently suggested she take over as a waitress for the evening, giving her a break from the more physically demanding work.

She took up her new role, balancing trays and serving drinks, her mind drifting as the hours passed.

Meredith's heart pounded in her chest as she served drinks to the men at the far end of the table. Their eyes followed her every move, making her feel like a mouse cornered by a pack of wolves.

One of the men leaned back in his chair, his eyes narrowing as he studied her. "You look tired, girl. Long night?" His voice was rough.

Meredith forced a polite smile, her hands trembling slightly as she set down their drinks. "It's been a busy week," she replied, trying to keep her tone even. "Lots of work, not much rest."

The man's gaze didn't waver. "Not many humans around here would dare to work this late, especially tonight. Do you know what happens during the Purge?"

She hesitated, unsure how to respond. She could sense the other men watching her intently.

"I know enough," she said quietly, meeting his gaze with as much courage as she could muster. "But work doesn't stop just because it's dangerous."

The man chuckled, a low, rumbling sound that sent a shiver down her spine. "Brave words for someone like you. Or foolish. Which is it?"

"Maybe a bit of both," she answered, feeling their eyes boring into her, searching for any sign of weakness.

She knew better than to show it.

Another man, older with graying hair and a scar that ran down the side of his face, leaned forward. "You ever heard of the Moon Goddess?" he asked, his voice softer but no less intimidating.

Meredith nodded, her throat dry. "Everyone here knows of the Moon Goddess. She's..."

The man smirked. "She's everything. And tonight, we honor her with the hunt. You should be careful, girl. The hunt doesn't end just because the night does."

She swallowed hard, her hands clutching the tray for support. "I appreciate the warning," she said, backing away slightly. "But I should get back to work."

As she turned to leave, the first man called out to her. "What's your name, girl?"

She paused, glancing over her shoulder. "Meredith."

"Meredith," he repeated, as if tasting the name. "We'll be seeing you again, Meredith. Don't wander too far."

She didn't respond, hurrying away as quickly as she could without drawing more attention.

The hours dragged on, and by the time Carrick announced the end of the shift, she was fully exhausted.

As the others left, Carrick approached her, concern etched on his face. "You should go home now, Meredith. Lock the doors and stay hidden. Tonight isn't safe."

Meredith shook her head, forcing a tired smile. "I'll be fine, Carrick. Just need to finish up here."

Carrick sighed, placing a hand on her shoulder. "You're strong, Meredith. But strength doesn't always keep you safe. Remember that."

"I will," she promised, watching him leave before turning back to clean.

When she finally stepped outside, the moonlight was casting long shadows across the empty streets.

She pulled her hood up, ready to make her way home. But before she could take a step, a rough hand grabbed her shoulder.

"Leaving so soon?" a familiar voice rasped.

When she turned around, she saw the men she had spoken to earlier.

Meredith's feet pounded against the cobblestone streets as she ran aimlessly, the cold air burning her lungs. She ducked into every alley she could find, hoping to lose them.

She tried to think of a way out, but there was nowhere to hide.

"You can't run forever! Come quietly, and we might make it quick."

She ignored him, forcing her legs to move faster. She stumbled into a narrow alleyway, hoping it might lead to safety, but found herself trapped.

The walls loomed high on either side, and as she reached the end, her heart sank as she heard the footsteps behind her slow, then stop.

"End of the line, girl," the lead hunter said, his silhouette blocking the only exit. The others emerged behind him, their eyes glowing in the dim light.

"Please," Meredith begged, backing up until she was pressed against the cold brick wall. "I don't want any trouble. Just let me go."

The hunter shook his head, his smile darkening. "It's not about what you don't want..."

Before she could react, two of the men lunged forward, grabbing her arms and pinning her against the wall. Meredith screamed, struggling against them with all her might, but they were too strong.

Her breath came in ragged gasps.

"Shh," the lead hunter whispered, stepping closer until his face was inches from hers. "There's no point in fighting. It'll only make it worse."

Tears welled in Meredith's eyes. "Why me?" she whispered, her voice trembling. "What did I do?"

The hunter's expression softened slightly, though his eyes remained cold. "I assure you, it's nothing personal, Meredith..."

With a swift motion, he pulled a cloth from his pocket and pressed it over her mouth and nose.

Meredith struggled, but the sharp, pungent scent of chemicals overwhelmed her senses. Her vision blurred, the alleyway spinning around her.

"Sleep now, Meredith," the hunter murmured as her body began to go limp. "You're coming with us."

The last thing she felt was the rough hands lifting her off the ground, carrying her away from the only life she had ever known.

And then, there was nothing but darkness.


Meredith awoke, greeted by darkness. Blinking against the shadows, she struggled to make sense of her surroundings. Slowly, the fog in her mind began to clear. She was still alive.

Her heart pounded as she remembered what tonight meant: the Annual Purge-the time when werewolves hunted human females. She was one of them now, a prey in this deadly game.

The memory of her older sister flashed through her mind. She had been taken in a similar way, and Meredith had never seen her again.

She looked around and realized she was trapped inside a wooden box. The rough wood scraped against her skin as she shifted. It wasn't just her-countless other women surrounded her, packed tightly in the same box, most of them still asleep.

"Please... someone help us," one woman sobbed. "I don't want to die..."

Another voice murmured, "We're all going to die here, aren't we?"

Meredith's hands shook as she tried to find an opening. But the walls seemed to close in on her, making it hard to breathe.

She couldn't stay here. She had to get out.

Suddenly, there was a rustling noise outside the box, and the women fell silent. The sound grew louder, closer, until finally, a figure appeared at the edge of the box.

It was a boy, no older than sixteen, his face partially obscured by the hood of his cloak. He carried a small lantern. He looked like a guard, but there was something different about him.

Meredith's eyes met his, and in a desperate whisper, she pleaded, "Please, help us. Let us go."

The boy's eyes softened, but he shook his head. "I can't," he whispered back. "No one can interfere with fate. It's the Moon Goddess' will. You were chosen for a reason."

Meredith's heart sank. "There must be a way," she insisted. "Please... I don't want to die here."

The boy hesitated, glancing around as if checking for any unseen observers. Then, he leaned closer to her.

"There is one way," he whispered urgently. "If you reach the Musk River, you'll be free. But you have to be quick. They'll be hunting soon."

Meredith cleared her throat. "The river... How do I get there?" she asked.

The boy pointed through a small gap in the box, where a single star shone brightly in the night sky. "Head in that direction," he said. "It's your only chance."

Before Meredith could say another word, the boy slipped back into the shadows. Around her, the other women began to stir, some waking, others crying out for help. The forest outside was still.

Alone, Meredith sobbed quietly. She sobbed for the lost moments of her life, the dreams that might never come true. She sobbed for the life she once knew, and the future that was slowly slipping away.

The young boy soon returned. He sighed before looking up at the sky where smoke curled into the night air.

The ceremony had begun, and the hunt was only moments away. The boy's eyes flickered as he noticed other boys approaching the other wooden boxes.

He leaned in one last time. "I wish you well..."

With that, he stepped back, and the sound of locks being unlatched filled the silence.

Suddenly, the box burst open. Women scrambled out, their screams piercing the night as they fled into the forest.

Meredith's heart raced as she bolted from the box. The sound of growls echoed through the trees.

She ran for her life, her gaze fixed on the small star that guided her through the darkness. The branches scratched at her skin as she pushed herself harder. But then, her foot caught on a protruding root, and she stumbled, crashing to the ground.

Pain shot through her ankle, and for a moment, she lay there breathless.

"No, no, no," she muttered, forcing herself to her feet. She limped forward, the sound of water growing louder.

She was so close. Just a little further, and she would reach the river.

But before she could take another step, something slammed into her back. The impact knocked the breath from her lungs, and she was thrown to the ground.

She felt a presence looming over her, the hot breath of a predator brushing against her neck. She had come so close, only to be dragged back into the nightmare.

Meredith squeezed her eyes shut, tears streaming down her face as she braced herself for what was to come.

"Please," she whispered into the darkness. "Please... don't kill me..."

Meredith expected to feel the sharp bite of fangs and the tearing of claws. But instead, there was a low growl that echoed around her.

The weight pressing down on her back grew heavier, pinning her to the ground, but the expected pain never came.

She barely had time to process what was happening before she felt warm fingers gently cup her chin. Her breath caught in her throat as her face was tilted upward, forcing her to meet the gaze of the man crouching over her.

He was breathtakingly handsome, with steely eyes that seemed to pierce right through her.

He leaned in close, his breath warm against her cheeks as he whispered a single word. "Mine."

Two more massive beasts emerged from the shadows behind him, their forms shifting until they stood as naked men, their muscles rippling under the moonlight.

Their eyes burned with the same intensity as the first man's. Slowly, they closed in around her.

Meredith's lips parted as they all stared down at her, their gazes filled with hunger.

And then, as if on cue, they spoke in unison. "Mine."

It was no longer just a word, but a vow. She was surrounded, claimed by these powerful beings.

Meredith knew at that very moment, she was no longer alone. She was theirs.

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