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Beneath the veil of seduction

Beneath the veil of seduction

Anastasia Harts


What would you do if you were accused of a crime you didn't commit? What happens when someone keeps framing you for years? After years of being "the bad twin", Rose was forced to marry a man she despised, someone rumoured to being a sadist, the Billionaire CEO, Ethan Thompson.

Chapter 1 Episode 1

"I need to get laid." A drunk girl in a party mumbled to herself. As if she had announced it for the whole world to hear, a slim muscular guy appeared beside her.

" Why don't we go somewhere private. I have something that you would like." He whispered in her ear, his body behind her.

"You've got to be kidding me." She sighed, tired. Without knowing who it was behind her, she wanted to tell him off. Just because she wanted to have sex didn't mean she would just have it with any drunk loser in the party. Her face morphed into a look of disgust but when she turned to see who it was, it wws quickly replaced with a pleasant smile.

"Hey! Myles! It's you." Excitement filled her voice. Whatever feeling of disgust quickly disappeared. She was shocked that Myles Parker, the school's football captain, most popular rich dude was right in front of her. Not only was he talking to her, he also wanted to sleep with her.

"Yeah, baby. It's Myles Parker in the flesh." Myles said before roughly combing through his hair with his fingers. Instead of getting it messed up, his blonde wavy hair effortlessly made him look hotter. The girl in front of him couldn't stop staring at him, starstruck. When Myles winked at her, it was a done deal. He knew it. He could see it in her eyes. He never really had to put much effort to get laid. Girls literally threw themselves at him. He looked at her with a pleased smile, waiting for her to say yes. He didn't know who she was and he didn't care. He just wanted to sleep with her. "What do you say, baby? Should we go somewhere private?"

The girl could only nod. She was still shocked that Myles had picked her. Out of every girl in the party, he had chosen her. It was like a dream come true her. She knew that it was probably going to be a one night thing and nothing serious but she didn't mind. She was going to have sex with Myles Parker. She couldn't wait to brag about it to her friends in the school's bookclub next week. For the first time, she had attended a house party, a party her soon-to-be wed aunt hosted in her fiance's mansion. She had gone to the party, hoping to get laid and maybe find a date for her aunt's wedding the next day. As crazy as it seemed, it looked like it might work out.

Being an outcaste in school made it really difficult for her to have a boyfriend. In an era where having a boyfriend was so common, she had never been on a date, more or less get laid. Somewhere, she feared she was going to die a virgin, alone and unwanted. Somehow, she felt that if she could just have sex, she would stop being the weird girl in school. She felt that sleeping with Myles would make her socially acceptable.

While she was high on excitement, Myles took her to a dark corner at the back of the mansion. There were a few couples around, kissing and doing a lot of wild stuff. "Let's do it here." Myles murmured but it was loud enough for her to hear.

"Whh...what. Do what here?" She stuttered. They were out in the open. The cold night air blew but that wasn't what made her shiver. It was the thought that she was going to be deflowered out there in the open, with a lot of people present. Though those people were obviously occupied, kissing and doing some other weird stuff; one lady was screaming while a guy pounded into her. Having sex out in the open just didn't seem right to her. Plus, if it was going to be so painful that she would scream, she would rather be by herself. Social acceptance be screwed!

" Have sex, baby. What did you think we were going to do? Play Scrabble?" Myles chuckled. Taking both her hands in his and raising it up, he pinned her to the wall.

"I don't think I want to." She stuttered. All that excitement had disappeared and was now replaced with fear. She thought she was ready but she wasn't. How was she going to escape from almost these? She wondered.

" You fucking tease." The smirk on Myles face slowly morphed into a frown. " You think you can get me all riled up and leave without any consequences?" He said through gritted teeth. She tried wiggling free from his hold but it was futile and he didn't seem like he would let her go any soon. She shuddered at the thought of what could happen if she didn't leave quickly. With her hand trapped in his, he dragged her to a store close by. He planned on having his way with her. Whether she liked it or not, he would get what he wanted. He was in a freaking party for goodness sake. How did the one person he chose to fuck suddenly become a tease?

" Let me go, Myles. Please, let me go." She pleaded. She didn't like the way he was treating her. The people around were too preoccupied with their activities to save her.

"Shut up, bitch!" He yelled at her, hoping that that would silence her as he dragged her to the store but he was mistaken. She screamed louder, louder than the blasting music inside. "I said, shut the fuck up! Stop trying to make me look like the bad person here when you are the fucking tease. You said you wanted it. Now, you are going to get it." He was pissed at her. The look in his eyes made it clear that if she made a sound, she was going to hit her.

Just when he opened the door to the store, he saw something he never thought he would see. Moaning shamelessly in the store was his mother that was supposed to be on a trip with his father. "Mom?" He stood right there in shock. He didn't know when he dropped the girls hands. He didn't care about having sex anymore. He didn't mind that the girl had taken the chance to run away from him. He stared at the horrific sight before him. His best friend, Ryan was fucking his little sister!

Though they had stopped fucking the minute he opened the door, he was still mortified. "Myles. Bro, it's not what it looks like." Ryan quickly said as he took wore his clothes.

" It's not what I think?" Myles grew upset. He could feel a mixture of disappointment and rage bubbling inside him and what Ryan was saying wasn't helping matters. " Do I look blind to you? You're fucking my sister! What else do you call putting a dick in a pussy?" He yelled as he charged at his friend, ready to throw a punch at him.

"No! Myles, stop!" His sister yelled as she got between her brother and his best friend.

Meanwhile, the girl that had escaped earlier ran out of the mansion. She didn't stop for a minute to check if he was behind her. All she wanted was to go home to her cozy bed and finish her homework. She felt stupid for thinking she was ready to do what the cool kids do. Just as she was about to run into her car, she bumped into her twin sister, Eve.

" What are you doing here, Rose? Mom and dad have been looking all over for you." Came Eve's voice.

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